Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "saveimage".
2004 Dec 03
Package dev: Depends, require, SaveImage best practices?
...the current package, both when library is called and when saving an
image or preparing for lazy-loading.
I conclude that I need not require() a package that I've listed in
Depends. However, this isn't always working for me. I have a package
that has Ruuid in Depends. If I also have SaveImage: Yes, then R CMD
check completes without error. However, if I omit SaveImage, then I get
$ R CMD check graph
WARNING: ignoring environment value of R_HOME
* checking for working latex ... OK
* using log directory
* '/home/sfalcon/proj-svn-unix/graph-proj/graph.Rcheck...
2006 Jul 18
send a list from R to C
...le") ) to C. I have no problems, if I don't use character and I have
also no problems to give a character vector form R to C. But, if I combine
real and strings in a list then I don't know the correct syntax.
I try it with following (an example):
SEXP writeFile(SEXP headerR){
Image *SaveImage;
PROTECT(headerR = AS_VECTOR(headerR));
SaveImage->Xmin = (float) REAL(VECTOR_ELT(headerR, 0))[0];
SaveImage->Ymin = (float) REAL(VECTOR_ELT(headerR, 0))[1];
strcpy(SaveImage->Description, CHAR(STRING_ELT(headerR, 1)));
typedef struct {
float Xmin;
float Ymin;
char Descrip...
2006 Feb 01
The install.R and R_PROFILE.R files
...ental; the
mechanism to execute code before attaching or installing the package may
change in the near future. With the other facilities available as from R
2.0.0 they should be removed if possible.
Every usage of these on CRAN is unnecessary. If you want to save the
image, say so in the SaveImage field in DESCRIPTION (but why not LazyLoad
instead?). If you require methods, say so in Depends in DESCRIPTION.
I propose that we deprecate/remove this mechanism (as it makes
installation a lot convoluted than it needs to be). Does any one know of
(a) A usage that requires one of these files...
2006 Mar 21
build R on windows
...on the save image step.
Here is the snapshot of the build process,
--- Making package nws ----
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
installing R files
save images
The build process never returns unless I Ctrl-C out of it.
I also tried with removing SaveImage option from the DESCRIPTION file.
This time, the build process got stucked at lazy loading step.
I then set LazyLoad option to no in the DESCRIPTION file, this allows
the build process to generate a zip file. However, when I load the
library in R command console
by typing "library(nws)"...
2005 Nov 17
Building S4-classes, documents
I have some troubles when building S4-class packages.
All my (S4-)code works well (without building a package).
When building a package, in the R prompt after
checking S3 generic/method consistency
Following error occurs:
Fehler: Kann R Kode in Packet 'AddNoise' nicht laden (~Error: Can not
load R code from package 'AddNoise')
(and there are some warnings after the
2004 Aug 08
Use of R_PROFILE.R / install.R
...package has no way to prevent a saved image being
forced with INSTALL --save.
Since this mechanism is a maintenance nightmare (especially with
lazy-loading +/- saving images) I propose we drop it for 2.0.0. Instead,
just as for lazy-loading, we should have a field in the DESCRIPTION file,
SaveImage: yes
forcing saving the image, and any other value forcing not saving it.
Note that most packages which currently save an image probably want to
use lazy-loading instead and so should have LazyLoad: yes in their
The proposed change is not backwards compatible but affects very...
2008 Apr 23
ROracle error at step 1
...s.com> Jake Luciani
<jakeluciani at yahoo.com>
Maintainer: David A. James <dj at bell-labs.com>
Description: Oracle database interface (DBI) driver for R. This is a
DBI-compliant Oracle driver based on the ProC/C++ embedded SQL. It
implements the DBI version 0.1-8 plus one extension.
SaveImage: yes
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods, DBI (>= 0.1-8)
License: LGPL version 2 or newer
URL: http://stat.bell-labs.com/RS-DBI http://www.omegahat.org
Packaged: Mon Feb 13 18:05:55 2006; dj
Built: R 2.2.1; i386-pc-mingw32; 2006-02-13 18:05:59; windows
-- File: C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-26~1.0/library/ROra...
2005 Jun 03
New CRAN package `coin'
...n Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn at R-project.org>
Description: Conditional inference procedures for the general independence
problem including two-sample, K-sample, correlation, censored, ordered
and multivariate problems.
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods, survival, mvtnorm
Suggests: multcomp
SaveImage: yes
LazyData: yes
License: GPL
R-packages mailing list
R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch
2005 Jun 28
New package `party': A Laboratory for Recursive Part(y)itioning
...Version: 0.2-2
Author: Torsten Hothorn, Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn at R-project.org>
Description: Unbiased recursive partitioning in a conditional
inference framework.
Depends: R (>= 2.0.1), survival, grid, modeltools, coin
Suggests: ipred
SaveImage: yes
License: GPL
Packaged: Sun Jun 12 10:38:21 2005; hothorn
R-packages mailing list
R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch
2005 Jun 03
New CRAN package `coin'
...n Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn at R-project.org>
Description: Conditional inference procedures for the general independence
problem including two-sample, K-sample, correlation, censored, ordered
and multivariate problems.
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods, survival, mvtnorm
Suggests: multcomp
SaveImage: yes
LazyData: yes
License: GPL
R-packages mailing list
R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch
2006 Aug 09
CRAN package: update of 'vars' submitted
Information on package 'vars':
Title: VAR Modelling
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2006-07-27
Author: Bernhard Pfaff
Maintainer: Bernhard Pfaff <bernhard at pfaffikus.de>
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), MASS, strucchange
Saveimage: yes
Description: Estimation, lag selection, diagnsotic testing,
forecasting, causality analysis, forecast error variance
decomposition and impulse response functions of VAR
models and estimation of SVAR models (A-model, B-model,
2005 Jun 28
New package `party': A Laboratory for Recursive Part(y)itioning
...Version: 0.2-2
Author: Torsten Hothorn, Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn at R-project.org>
Description: Unbiased recursive partitioning in a conditional
inference framework.
Depends: R (>= 2.0.1), survival, grid, modeltools, coin
Suggests: ipred
SaveImage: yes
License: GPL
Packaged: Sun Jun 12 10:38:21 2005; hothorn
R-packages mailing list
R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch
2006 Jun 07
Wishlist: Writing R Extensions suggestions RE: [R] vague errors on R CMD check for very minimal S4-style package (PR#8944)
...package has to load under minimal conditions,
>> library(foo)
>should work. 'methods' is quite expensive to load, and so is only used
>checking if explicitly requested.
>> Try adding LazyLoad: yes to DESCRIPTION (or SaveImage: yes).
>Depends: methods
>Package stats4 is provided in part as an example of a small S4-using
>package for people to copy.
Steve Roels, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist I
2006 Jun 06
vague errors on R CMD check for very minimal S4-style package
I have a very minimal package "simplepkg" (DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, and
R) with S4 classes/methods (defines a class "foo" and a show method for
that class" - both the class and show method are exported). I can
seemingly install the package, then load and use it:
> sessionInfo()
Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
attached base packages:
2006 Mar 05
Where to declare S4 classes?
Dear listers,
I am making a trial to move from S3 to S4... I have created some classes
of interest and they work acceptably well for the purpose. I am now
wondering how to make them operate in a package. In clear when a package
is loaded (eg library(mypackage)) where should I put the class descriptions:
2002 Jun 03
build fails dumping R code in 'methods' on i686-pc-linux-gnu (PR#1630)
.../install/R-1.5.0/bin/R.bin --vanilla --slave'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Cannot access memory at address 0x40015238
#0 0x403cb10d in ?? ()Cannot access memory at address 0x40015238
> ### The following code is only executed when dumping
> assign(".saveImage", FALSE, .GlobalEnv)
> .First.lib("methods", "methods", .GlobalEnv)
$ ../../../bin/R --debugger=gdb
(gdb) run --vanilla < all.R
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403cb10d in Rf_install () from /mnt/Data/src/install/R-1.5.0/bin/libR.so
2010 Aug 04
error with ReadAffy()
Hi!I'm doing a little data importing from .cel files,
> setwd("/home/mandova/celfiles")
> mydata<-ReadAffy()
Error in sub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", filenames, extended = TRUE) :
unused argument(s) (extended = TRUE)
Then I tried
> filenames<-paste("GSM",c(seq(138597,138617,1)),".cel",sep="")
2007 Oct 09
Package compile under Windows on 2.6.0
Dear all,
We are experiencing some trouble when compiling R packages using R
2.6.0 and the new Rtools installer under Windows XP.
(1) First, compiling any package using the new setup stops with an
errorrelated to some "/" issue on the inst folder. This folder only
contains a CITATION file
---------- Making package FLCore ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
2004 Oct 04
R 2.0.0 is released
o The DESCRIPTION file of packages may contain a 'Imports:'
field for packages whose namespaces are used but do not need
to be attached. Such packages should no longer be listed in
o There are new optional fields 'SaveImage', 'LazyLoad' and
'LazyData' in the DESCRIPTION file. Using 'SaveImage' is
preferred to using an empty file 'install.R'.
o A package can contain a file 'R/sysdata.rda' to contain
system datasets to be lazy-loaded into the namespace/package
2004 Oct 04
R 2.0.0 is released
o The DESCRIPTION file of packages may contain a 'Imports:'
field for packages whose namespaces are used but do not need
to be attached. Such packages should no longer be listed in
o There are new optional fields 'SaveImage', 'LazyLoad' and
'LazyData' in the DESCRIPTION file. Using 'SaveImage' is
preferred to using an empty file 'install.R'.
o A package can contain a file 'R/sysdata.rda' to contain
system datasets to be lazy-loaded into the namespace/package