search for: save_comment

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "save_comment".

2007 Sep 23
Code reviews: my dumb use of acts_as_commentable (newbie)
.... But now, Joe wants to comment on my review. Here''s what I have done so far: (part of the rhtml of the view, displayed on "show_review" action) ... other stuff on my review, then the comment fields ... <fieldset> <% form_for :review, :url=> { :action => "save_comment" } do |f| %> <legend>Add Your Own Comment</legend> <%= f.hidden_field :review_id %> <p> <label for="title">Title</label> <%= f.text_field :new_comment_title, :size => 40 %> </p> <p&gt...
2005 Mar 30
Production Log Analyzer 1.1.0
...llation instructions and details. Sample Output: Average Request Time: 0.279874593327209 Request Time Std Dev: 0.351590385021209 Slowest Request Times: ZeitgeistController#goals took 30.889858s ZeitgeistController#goals took 29.657513s EntriesController#save_comment took 20.499292s AccountController#create took 19.539545s EntriesController#save_comment took 15.46844s ZeitgeistController#goals took 14.814086s ZeitgeistController#goals took 13.943129s ZeitgeistController#goals took 13.113908s Zeit...
2007 Sep 22
Rails newbie: passing a value to hidden form field, then getting it
...h I have when I show the page originally (but which is gone when the user hits the submit button to save their comment. So I am just trying to save the survey id in a hidden field associated with the form. In the show.rhtml, I have: <% form_for :comment, @survey, :url => { :action => :save_comment } do |form| %> <%= form.hidden_field "survey", "#{}" %> ... <% end %> Which results in "ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `merge'' for "1":String)". 1 is the id of the survey, so I am close. I tried num...
2008 Apr 14
Problems with nil object
...SC") @comments = Comment.find(:all, :conditions => [''post_id= ?'', params[:id] ]) @com = => params[:post_id]) if flash[:comment] @comment = flash[:comment] else @comment = end end def save_comment if @comment =[:comment]) if flash[:notice] = "Commento inserito con successo" redirect_to("/home/show_comment/" + params[:comment][:post_id]) else flash[:comment] = @commen...
2006 Jan 04
help with link_to_if, I can''t make it work...
For the life of me I can''t get it to work. Here is an example of my syntax. I''m trying to make a link to comment.web_site only if there is a comment.web_site. Can someone please help? <%= link_to_if(comment.web_site.length > 0,, comment.web_site {"class" => "comment_by"}) %> -- Posted via