search for: saurait

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "saurait".

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2008 Jan 15
4TB and "150 000 000" files out of memory error
Hi all, Thank you for your very useful product but I have a memory problem. I want use you product to migrate 4TB of data (in 150?millions files) When rsync make the list of files it full my RAM and after my SWAP and my server crash. I have 4GB of RAM and 4GB of SWAP Do you know what can I do?? Can I have an option to use an index on disk or something like this?? Thanks in advance
2006 Feb 01
package introductions
...Recipients are advised to apply their own virus checks to this message upon receipt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L'information communiqu?e dans les courriels en provenance de la Banque du Canada est soumise de bonne foi, mais elle ne saurait lier la Banque et ne doit aucunement ?tre interpr?t?e comme constituant une obligation de sa part. Le pr?sent courriel peut contenir de l'information privil?gi?e ou confidentielle. La Banque du Canada ne renonce pas aux droits qui s'y rapportent. Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce...
2013 Oct 01
sshd accepted fingerprint logging
Currently, LogLevel must be set to VERBOSE to see the fingerprint of an accepted key, and the default LogLevel is INFO. Since this is useful security information, I would like to propose that the 'Accepted publickey' message be modified to include the fingerprint of the accepted key. Is this a reasonable solution? Here is an example log snippet with LogLevel VERBOSE: Oct 1 15:23:24