Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "samplenames".
2011 Mar 31
Assign Names of columns in data.frame dinamically
Hello List.
I have many files of ECG, each one with 7 column and I need only the
second column and the name of each ECG. I am doing this but althought
I have various days trying this i haven't gotten, so I ask help with
this, if somebody cans help me I'll be so thankfully.
2005 May 29
"text"-function: adding text in an x,y-plot
Hello R-friends,
i have a question to the "text"-function.
a little test-dataset for better understanding:
-the dataset was imported with read.table(....,header=TRUE)
s1-s10 are the samplenames
var1 var2 var3
s1 1 1 2
s2 2 3 1
s3 2 2 3
s4 5 4 3
s5 4 2 3
s6 6 3 2
s7 8 5 4
s8 7 2 1
s9 9 3 2
s10 8 6 4
-then i??ve performed a pincipal component analysis with prcomp
-for displaying the re...
2010 Oct 05
Plotting x-axis labels perpendicular to the axis
The following command: axis(1, at= 1:50, labels= sampleNames(data)) produces
an X-axis with 50 ticks and labels drawn from the sampleNames namespace.
Problem is the labels at each tick are printed parallel to the x-axis and
thus run into each other. How do I specify for the labels to be printed
perpendicular to the x-axis?
Thanks in advance.
2007 Jun 20
shoudl I use apply, sapply, etc instead of a "for loop"?
...e.001', 'income.002')
sapply(filenames,function(x) { save( list=x , file = paste(x ,'.r', sep ='') ) })
ls() #
#my for loop
divide = function(x,y) {x/y}
#creates a custom function
#inputs to my loop:
for (i in 1:length(samplenames) ) {
x.name.suf = paste(x.name,samplenames[i],sep='.')
#name of x file on hrd drive
y.name.suf = paste(y.name,samplenames[i],sep='.')
#name of y file...
2010 May 27
Methods to explore R data structures
...ss() to see what the object is. str() /
attributes() to probe inside the object, and something@something$something
to walk it and explore. Is there any other way? Also, without reading
documentations, is there a way to know what functions are available to
extract data from it? For example, there is sampleNames() which works on
ExpressionSet and AnnotatedDataFrame (which is a part of ExpressionSet). How
do I know they are available (as sometimes I can't recall where I've seen
them and I forgot the function names). And what are R functions? Are those
two separate functions or polymorphic functions?...
2011 Oct 07
Creating One Single Object with Phenotype and Expression Data
affyobj <- try(ReadAffy(filenames=read.table(sampleFile,as.is
sampleNames(affyobj) <- sub("\\..*","",sampleNames(affyobj)) #get rid
of .CEL etc extension, just keep GSM
mdExprs <- as.matrix(read.csv(defaultExprs,row.names=1))
if( min( mdExprs, na.rm = TRUE ) >= 0 & max( mdExprs, na.rm = TRUE )...
2010 Mar 04
Hi all ,
I have one query.
i have list of some .cel files. in my program i have to mention the path of
these .cel files
part of my program is,
rna.data<-exprs(justRMA(filenames=file.names, celfile.path=*datadir*,
sampleNames=sample.names, phenoData=pheno.data,
cdfname=cleancdfname(hg18_Affymetrix U133A)))
in the place of "datadir" i have to mention the character string of the
directory of these .cel files. I don't know how to give the path for all
these files.
i set the path as given below,
> rna....
2005 Nov 16
X11 error in png
...png(paste(savepath,"a_rnaplot.png",sep = ""),width = fwidth, height = fheight,pointsize = fpointsize);
data_deg <- AffyRNAdeg(data_cel)
plotAffyRNAdeg(data_deg,col=cols,lty=1,lwd = "2")
#a <- par("fin")
RNAdegSlope = cbind("Sample Names" = data_deg$sample.names, "RNA Deg Slope" = data_deg$slope)
write.csv(RNAdegSlope, file = paste(savepath,"RNAdegSlope.csv",sep = ""))
I got this error message:
Error in X11...
2012 Nov 26
A problem subsetting a data frame
..... .. .. ..$ f.u : chr [1:128] "BMT / DEATH IN CR" "REL" "REL" "REL" ...
> .. .. .. ..$ date last seen: chr [1:128] NA "8/28/2000" "10/15/1999" "1/23/1998" ...
> .. .. ..@ dimLabels : chr [1:2] "sampleNames" "sampleColumns"
> .. .. ..@ .__classVersion__:Formal class 'Versions' [package "Biobase"] with 1 slots
> .. .. .. .. ..@ .Data:List of 1
> .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : int [1:3] 1 1 0
> ..@ featureData :Formal class 'AnnotatedDataFrame' [pa...
2012 Aug 05
setMethod sometimes fails to set package slot when signature has trailing 'ANY'
...matchSigLength at line 603.
The context for this is the thread starting at
where a complicated package dependency and attempt to redefine an
existing method leads to
Error : package slot missing from signature for generic 'sampleNames<-'
and classes LumiBatch, ANY
cannot use with duplicate class names (the package may need to be
Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109
Location: Arnold Building M1 B861
Phone: (206) 667-2...
2010 Nov 12
drosophila2cdf in simpleaffy / affyQCReport
...2cdf.qcdef to the cirectory:
I than try to run the analysis again:
> data <- ReadAffy()
> data
AffyBatch (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: NA features, NA samples
element names: exprs
sampleNames: 10_w1h_021110.CEL 11_wbh_021110.CEL ... 9_dch_021110.CEL
(12 total)
varLabels: ScanDate
varMetadata: labelDescription
sampleNames: 10_w1h_021110.CEL 11_wbh_021110.CEL ... 9_dch_021110.CEL
(12 total)
varLabels: sample
varMetadata: labelDescription
featureData: none
2009 Aug 25
package dependencies specification
...blem is in the way
I have specified dependencies in NAMESPACE or DESCRIPTION. It appears that
dependecies need to be specified in both.
These two files are shown below.
export(nv.batch.normalize, norm.options, combine.norm.esets,
subset.norm.eset, update.sampleNames)
import(affy, simpleaffy, hgu133acdf, hgu133plus2cdf)
importFrom(affyio, read.celfile, read.celfile.header)
Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), Biobase
Imports: affy, affyio, simpleaffy, hgu133acdf, hgu133plus2cdf
I'd appreciate any help.
Thank you....
2011 Oct 07
Creating One Single Object Linking Multiple Datapoints
>> if(file.exists(sampleFile)){
>> affyobj<- try(ReadAffy(filenames=read.**table(sampleFile,as.is
>> =T,header=FALSE)[,1]))
>> if(class(affyobj)=="try-error"**){
>> rm(affyobj)
>> }else{
>> sampleNames(affyobj)<- sub("\\..*","",sampleNames(**affyobj)) #get
>> rid
>> of .CEL etc extension, just keep GSM
>> }
>> }
>> if(!exists("affyobj")){
>> mdExprs<- as.matrix(read.csv(**defaultExprs,row.names=1))
>> if...
2006 Mar 16
Bioconductor package on linux machine
...e files and installed in the directory
but when i try using those files, they show as not installed.
Anybody encounter this problem before OR is there something else i am
doing wrong?
Following is the sequence of stpes i used first:
1) library(affy)
2) pcpc <-
3) pc <- rma(pcpc)
Error in library("hgu133plus2cdf", lib.loc = NULL,...
2007 Dec 20
custom subset method / handling columns selection as logic in '...' parameter
...e 0.94
Z Female Case 0.32
# now the sample use
> (subset1 =subset(expressionSet,sex="Male",type="Control"))
7 columns selected (C F J R U W X)
ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 500 features, 7 samples
element names: exprs, se.exprs
sampleNames: C, F, ..., X (7 total)
varLabels and varMetadata description:
sex: Female/Male
type: Case/Control
score: Testing Score
featureNames: AFFX-MurIL2_at, AFFX-MurIL10_at, ..., 31739_at (500 total)
fvarLabels and fvarMetadata description: none
experimentData: use 'exp...
2006 May 22
flickr tag question
i am using the flickr wrapper for ruby and need to access the tags of a
specific photo. i got all the rest working. i must admit i am kind of new to
ruby, but i tried and tried and couldn''t figure it out. among other things i
want to read geotags like in my example here:
i''m sure it is deadsimple and i just overlooked it.
2009 Sep 19
Replacing values in dataframes
This is a question of a newbie getting into the exciting world of R.
I have several dataframes in the same format as NAD:
> NAD[1:3,1:3]
Sample.Id Main.abs..1 Main.abs..2
148 10a 0.04836 0.04994
167 11a_1109 0.32245 0.36541
173 11b_1109 0.29293 0.32815
What I want to do is to replace the Sample.Id with a corresponding number.The number