search for: salv

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 49 matches for "salv".

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2019 Jul 08
Salvar los plots a alta resolución la vez de incluirlos en documento
...o difícil. Tengo un documento Rmarkdown en RStudio en el que escribí lo que me pidieron, que me lo piden en formato MS Word. Markdown lo saca decentemente, pero me temo que no tan decente del todo las imágenes. Quiero que, además de salir las imágenes incrustadas en los respectivos chunks, también salve automáticamente la imágen en archivos a parte, para poder presentarlas aparte. Bue, eso último, un desastre. ```{r fig.height=6, fig.retina=2} lik.A.tlk <- likert(df.encuesta, grouping = df.encuesta$grupo) plotx <- plot(lik.A.tlk)+ ggtitle(izenburuak[1]) print(plotx) # Este para que lo im...
2006 Jun 16
Salve a tutti; Sono un neofita di Ruby, sinceramente Rails ancora non lo ho utilizzato. Sono uno studente universitario, ora sto preparando una tesina su un framework per sviluppare applicazioni web non so se lo conoscete e lo Spring webflow. nella tesina ho cercato di convincere il prof sul fatto che...
2006 Oct 31
+Ura +md3200 nao encaminha ligacao
Salve Salve Galera. Tenho a seguinte situacao: Uma placa MD3200 ligada em uma linha telefonica comum(PTSN) e funcionando "belezinha"... Tenho configurado um URA, onde ele atende a ligacao que chegou no canal e solicita o numero do ramal de destino da liga??o: Acontece que ao discar o ramal...
2003 Feb 03
[chip] OMAP5910 does vorbis ogg run with it?
Salve, does sombody can say me if vorbis ogg run on this TI-chip? OMAP5910 Integrates a TMS320C55x™ DSP core with an ARM925 on a Single Chip Sampling today, the OMAP5910 processor integrates a TMS320C55x DSP core with a TI-enhanced ARM925 on a single chip for the optimal combination of high perfo...
2006 Apr 28
1-dim maximizing of windows
Salve, this is just to probe whether other fans of an unimplemented feature exist or what priority/difficulty compiz coders would assign to it. I constantly used ?maximize vertically? (and also ?maximize horizontally?) in Metacity when there wasn't enough space to see a portion of text in a termin...
2010 Jul 19
RMySQL and RMPI together
...o modify only few observations. I wrote the modifications in a function form and able to send the function to slaves using Robj2slaves from RMPI package. However the function needs MySQL data base name to extract the required observations. I used the following ways to transfer the data base name to salves: con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), dbname="XXXXX", user="XXXX", password="XXXX", host="localhost") Method 1: mpi.bcast.cmd(con) Method 2: mpi.bcast.cmd(con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), dbname="XXXXX", user="XXXX", password="XXXX", h...
2015 Nov 17
Configuration of a Bind slave server
HI, Is there any way to configure a slave bind server?. I'm trying to do it but the zone is not updated. My conf file on master are: named.conf.options: options { directory "/var/cache/bind"; dnssec-validation auto; allow-transfer {;}; tkey-gssapi-keytab "/var/lib/samba/private/dns.keytab"; auth-nxdomain no; #
2006 Jul 06
Bug test di Rails
salve a tutti, sentite, non riesco a capire i test automatizzati di Rails. Secondo il libro, il ciclo di vita di un test prevede che per ogni metodo ( che sarebbe in pratica un test da eseguire ) si verificano sempre 3 eventi: 1) la cancellazione di tutti i record della tabella in esame 2) il car...
1998 Jul 01
tcpd anomaly
Salve, I''m protecting hades with the tcpd wrappers and had no problems so far, at least none that I noticed. Today happend something strange. An attacker got a connect on a protected port from a not allowed IP: > Unusual System Events > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BTW, thanks for that...
2015 Jan 14
Zone file not written to slave DNS server
...; > masters { mas.ter.IPa.ddr; }; > }; > > > Master config: > > Global: > options { > allow-transfer {;; }; > also-notify {; }; This is not needed on the master server, unless the slave is not listed in the zone, or if the salve is on a different IP to the on defined in the zone (e.g. if the slave is behind a NAT and DNS lists it's NAT IP) > allow-update { none; }; > notify explicit; > . > . > . > }; > > I also tried it with allow-update set to slaves IP address, even though I was sure t...
2015 Nov 17
Configuration of a Bind slave server
...erver named[25306]: xfer-in: info: transfer of > '' from connected using > > > And master has no entries on log about this... then he did not get connected > What i can be doing wrong? does TCP on port 53 work from the salve to the master? telnet master-ip 53 zone transfers are *not* UDP and in general a nameserver needs to be rechable via both UDP/TCP these days or things will randomly fail in case of large responses -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc...
2004 Aug 06
Digital Radio Mondial - ACC & lousy speech quality
Salve, when some of you have the time, listen to some test-transmissions recordings of DRM (MW and SW) I have the impression that music sounds well but speech has realy ugly digital artefacts. Especialy Sample 2: High Quality MW 64 QAM AAC+SB...
2006 Feb 17
Salve, pensavo che potrei passare a farle vedere le nuove funzionalit? che ho implementato luned? mattina, lei sarebbe disponibile? -- Maurizio Marek
2009 Jan 06
hi i have a problem with implementing R-Project in C#
...r-project I got an error that *System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException(0x80040013):Exception from HRESULT:0x80040013 at STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnectorClass.Init(String bstrConnectorName) at IAG.RD.RcomWrapper.Rcom..ctor() at demo.DemoForm.RcomExecute()* Can any one suggest how can I salve this problem Thanks & regards; Kiran. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 31
"and" without boolean operators
Salve, Thank you very much for your kind answer. Spelling correction works very well now. I have just one more question. I am using Xapian::QueryParser() to create the Query. The flags are: FLAG_PHRASE | FLAG_LOVEHATE | FLAG_WILDCARD If I search, lets say for "king queen" (without quote...
2006 Jan 30
Connect to a server for autentication
...well with out any error message. Then, I run wineboot. No error messages again. But, I was unable to start the program. I receive this first message and anothers zilhons of error messages. err:module:import_dll Library MSVCIRT.dll (which is needed by ... Then, I copy this dll form a win2k and salve it on system32 directory. The start well, now. But, this program have a server, instaled in a win2k in our LAN, and we uses the client. In my case, I would like to use it on my debian testing with gnome/nautilus/wine. When this program was started, it checks the server for search the license...
2008 Sep 15
asterisk-users Digest, Vol 50, Issue 38
Salve, il 15 e 16 Settembre non saro' in ufficio cordiali saluti Dott. Gianrico Fichera ITESYS srl
2002 Oct 14
assigning group permission on clients in a domain
...NE\Domain Users", when I confirm and check later it is listed as "DOMAIN\users". If I need more Domain wide groups (defined on the Samba PDC) that are visible to the clients what should I do? I'm running 2.2.5 "domain group map" is not anymore supported. TIA -- Salve Ivan Sergio Borgonovo uniq life || sleep 24h
2002 Oct 15
workaround assigning domain group permissions on PDC clients risk. I'll try to publish a nicer, clearer, grammatically more correct version of this femtoHOWTO here: including a script to make things easier on the Linux side, if I'll survive to the 3rd in a week HW failure of my workstation :( -- Salve Ivan Sergio Borgonovo uniq life || sleep 24h
2003 Aug 19
Out of Office AutoReply: Your application
Salve, sar? assente dal 18 Agosto al 9 Settembre compreso. Per importanti escalation utilizzi la coda Clarify EUA_CC NTWKST. Se desidera parlare col mio manager contatti Alexander Weigl Cordialmente, Sandro ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear sender, I...