search for: rurounijones

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "rurounijones".

2006 Jan 16
AJAX + Table.
Hello all. I am trying ot load table rows using AJAX based on a search. The following code results in: 1. Firefox renders correctly (Multiple rows inserted into page). 2. Opera renders the entire returned string in one <td> by the looks of it (Bunched up under first header, the <> tags arne''t visible) 3. IE6 does nothing....great ;) This is driving me nuts so any help
2012 Sep 25
Any rails experts able to offer some advice?
Hello all. #1 I am working on a rails3 gem called Yarder ( The goal of this gem is to replace the rails logging system with one that is JSON based rather than string based. #2 To this end I also recently asked this list about making the LogSubscribers subscriptions to ActiveRecord::Notifications configurable and am looking at submitting a pat...
2006 Mar 09
cross domain cookies
Does anybody know how to access the domain of a cookie from inside rails? I am try to integrate phpbb forums into my site and one of the things phpbb does is store a cookie. The forums are at and the site is so i needed to set the cookie domain in phpbb to just be "" so both sites can access it. The trouble is when using cookies[] in rails,
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Feb 27
Database many connections!
Hello all. I am currently running a very simple ruby app. It connects to an Oracle server using the OCI8 adapter. I have two controllers, each one connects to a different schema on the server, I looked at the WIKI that had details of multiple database connections (, I moved the code from the application controller into each
2006 Apr 13
Adding a title to an AJAX link.
Hello all. I am trying to add a title to a link_to_remote created AJAX link. What I want to create is: <a href="#" title="VALUE-HERE" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''content'', ''/area/show/28/40'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;">Area Name</a> However I cannot seem to get it to work, the API says
2006 Mar 23
validates_dateness_of ?
Hello all. I don''t suppose some enterprising soul with much more skill than me has whipped up a "validates_dateness_of" (Complete with leap year calculations) method for use with all the other validation methods and wishes to spread much much joy? Cheers Jeff "I can barely code RoR and rely on others to do the hard work" Jones -- Posted via
2006 Mar 09
Stop users accessing methods.
Hello all. Is there a way to stop users from being able to access a controllers methods without affecting the ability of other controllers to use them? i.e FooController def secret #Stuff end end BarController def index redirect_to :controller => ''foo'', action => ''secret'', :id => ''007'' end end But directly
2006 Jul 28
has_many :through with multiple paths
Hi all. I am currently thinking about how to do the following: I have the following models. Team Person Team has various positions (manager, programmer etc.) I would like each one of those positions to reference one or more Person records. A single Person record could be on 6 different teams at the same time in different roles. the same person could even be on the same team multiple times
2006 Jan 18
Exception not caught?
Hello all. I have started reading up on exceptions and tried replacing a manual check with one. Given the following code: def results begin @componentlogs = Componentlog.find(:all, :conditions => [ "cl_compname = ?", params[:componentlog][:cl_compname].strip] ) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_text "<p class=''center''>No
2006 Mar 08
unless connected? + multiple databases
Hello all. I am still having fun with multiple databases. In this case it is the unless connected? statement. ActiveRecord::Base establishes a connection that is inherited by the majority of my models. However one Model (Componentlog) that uses a separate DB is coded as: unless Componentlog.connected? establish_connection( :adapter => "oci", :database =>
2006 Apr 04
check_box_tag is limited?
Hello all. Am I going totally nuts here and just want to check (Natch!) something. A normal check_box has two value posssibilities. One for checked and one for unchecked, the value gets submitted with a form. The check_box_tag on the other hand, has a checked_value (Called just ''value'') and for the unchecked value...nothing, zip, nada. This means that if you submit a form with
2006 Apr 18
Hello all After being told of a funky date validator I will ask again for another validator :) Does anyone know of a plugin that validates that a field is the correct syntax for an IP Address? Thanks Jeff -- Posted via
2006 Jun 01
Super simple web proxy.
Hello all. I currently have a couple of simple semi-official intranet sites running on a computer at work (I shanghai''d it to run these sites along with it''s primary purpose). Each site is running on one mongrel server that hosts the ruby/rails app. One is running on port 80 and the other is running on port 81. What I am after is a super simple WINDOWS compatible program
2006 Apr 19
AJAX, Response codes and Opera.
Hello all. I am in the following situation. I page made up of a few divs and a form using form_remote_tag like so: <%= form_remote_tag :update => { :failure => ''content'', :success => ''body'' }, :url => { :controller => ''server'', :action => ''create'', :client_id => params[:client_id] } -%> <%=
2006 Mar 05
Pagination + pretty URLs
Hello all. I want to make pagination URLs pretty instead of the ?page=2. I have written a route like this: map.connect ''restaurant/list_dishes/:page'', :controller => ''restaurant'', :action => ''list_dishes'', :requirements => { :page => /\d+/}, :page => nil Which appears to work. However the following only
2006 Mar 07
Find By SQL + multiple tables
Hello all. I am trying to get the following SQL to work in Ruby on rails and Oracle. SELECT bugsheet.*, bugcomplete.bc_time FROM bugsheet, bugcomplete WHERE bugsheet.bs_id = bugcomplete.bc_id AND bugsheet.bs_patchrel like ''5.1.12-B4%'' ORDER BY bs_cdate DESC, bc_time DESC If I type that into an SQL program it works fine, if I try and use the following in RoR:
2006 Mar 23
Select not providing default option
Hello all. I am running Rails 1.0 and am having trouble with the select box. In the API it says. "Create a select tag and a series of contained option tags for the provided object and method. The option currently held by the object will be selected, provided that the object is available. See options_for_select for the required format of the choices parameter." and then goes on to
2006 Feb 17
Set HTTP headers on response?
Is it possible to set HTTP headers for a response? Seeing as you can access the headers using the request.env["FOO"] I am wondering if there is an equivalent response.env["BAR"], this is a wild guess and I have seen no documentation to back it up. Has anyone managed to do this somehow? Thanks Jeff -- Posted via
2006 Feb 20
Form linking question
Hello all. I currently have a method that is accessed from a form using this: View: <%= start_form_tag :action => :history %> <p><label for="componentlog_cl_compname">Component Name</label><br /> <%= text_field ''componentlog'', ''cl_compname'', :class => ''mandatory'', :value =>