search for: runways

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "runways".

Did you mean: runway
2010 Feb 01
merging data frames gives all NAs
Dear kind R helpers, I have a vector of runway names in rwy ("31R", "31L",... the number is user selectable) arrgnd is a data frame with data for all flights and all runways, with a Runway column. I am trying to subset arrgnd into a dat frame for each selected runway, and then combine them back together using the following code: for (j in 1:nr) { # nr = number of user-selected runways ar4rw = arrgnd[arrgnd$Runway==rwy[j],] if (j == 1) { arrw =...
2010 Mar 20
How to select a row from one dataframe that is "close" to a row in another dataframe
I have two data frames of flight data, but they have very different numbers of rows. They come from different sources, so the data are not identical. > names(oooi) [1] "FltOrigDt" "MkdCrrCd" [3] "MkdFltNbr" "DprtTrpnStnCd" [5] "ArrTrpnStnCd" "ActualOutLocalTimestamp"
2011 Jun 07
ggplot2 and facet
I have a data frame (attached) that has interpolated EOT errors for each minute before flight landing. It also has the runway and an index for the flight: > > times[1:4,] time error runway flight 1 0 -0.02206235 04R 1 2 1 -0.07961631 04R 1 3 2 -0.13795380 04R 1 4 3 -0.20726073 04R 1 > > sapply(times, class) time error
2011 Jun 08
How to suppress factor labels
I am using ggplot2 to make a boxplot that overlays a scatterplot: pp = qplot(time, error, data=times, size=I(1), geom="jitter", main=title, ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10), color=times$runway, ylim=c(-30,40)) pp2 = pp + with(times, facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2)) print(pp2 + geom_boxplot(alpha=.5,
2011 May 25
Importing fixed-width data
I have a data set where the lines look like: 2011-05-13 00:00:00 EONAAL330 dfa13002516PSCNONA 2011-05-13 00:00:01 EONAAL223 laa13044510AS.NONM Some lines are missing the field before and after the NON: 2011-05-13 00:00:05 EONBHS229 mia13001621NON I read them into R using df = read.fwf(file, widths=c(19,-4,7,3,8,2,1,3,1),
2010 Apr 16
bwplot puts the bars in the wrong place
Dear R-Help, With the attached data set, I am still getting incorrect bwplots > xyplot(gdf$tt~gdf$OnHour |gdf$Runway, data=gdf) # Is correct > bwplot(gdf$tt~gdf$OnHour |gdf$Runway, data=gdf, horizontal=FALSE) # Puts the boxes on the wrong x-axis values # look especially at 0 and 3. How do I fix this? What is happening? Thanks, Jim Rome
2011 Aug 27
Am having trouble calling a function
...messages from after the landing time df = df[df$PredTime >= 0.0,] airport = as.character(df[1,"Dest"]) #print it out airport date = strptime(df[1,"on"], format="%Y-%m-%d") rwys = factor(unique(df$lrw), ordered=TRUE) # Get the names of the runways rwys = as.vector(rwys) nrwys = length(rwys) # Make a data frame with the correct index for the runway rdf = data.frame(lrw=rwys, rwyidx=seq(1:nrwys)) df = merge(df, rdf, all.x=TRUE) #colours <- c(RF = "brown", AF =383, PH="red",PF = "black",...
2010 Apr 09
How to use tapply for quantile
I am trying to calculate quantiles of a data frame column split up by two factors: # Calculate the quantiles quarts = tapply(gdf$tt, list(gdf$Runway, gdf$OnHour), FUN=quantile, na.rm = TRUE) This does not work: > quarts 04L 04R 15R 22L 22R 27 32 33L 33R 0 NULL Numeric,5 NULL Numeric,5 NULL Numeric,5 NULL Numeric,5 NULL 1 NULL
2011 Jun 10
Double x grid in ggplot2
I am trying to overlay raw data with a boxplot as follows: pp = qplot(factor(time, levels=0:60, ordered=TRUE), error, data=dfsub, size=I(1), main =" title", ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10), ylim=c(-30,40), geom="jitter") + facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2) +
2010 Apr 20
Fwd: Re: bwplot puts the bars in the wrong place
Peter, that finally worked. hrs = seq(1, 24, 1) g = bwplot(tt~OnHFact |Runway, data=gdf, ylab="Taxi time (min)", main=title, xlab="Hour of day", par.strip.text=list(cex=0.7), rot=90, xlim=c(0, 25), drop.unused.levels=FALSE, scales=list(x = list(rot=90, cex=.6 ,at=hrs, labels=hrlabs )), panel =
2006 May 19
system of tab
Hello, I would like to create a system of tab by means of Ajax (like in netvibes). Somebody would have a track(runway). A library to be used.... Thank you in advance.
2010 Apr 01
pdf files in loops
I need to make a bunch of PDF files of histograms. I tried gatelist = unique(mdf$ArrivalGate) for( gate in gatelist) { outfile = paste("../", airport, "/", airport, "taxiHistogram", gate, ".pdf", sep="") pdf(file = outfile, width = 10, height=8, par(lwd=1)) title=paste("Taxi time for Arrival Gate", gate, "by
2011 Jul 17
How to speed up interpolation
df is a very large data frame with arrival estimates for many flights (DF$flightfact) at random times (df$PredTime). The error of the estimate is df$dt. My problem is that I want to know the prediction error at each minute before landing. This code works, but is very slow, and dominates everything. I tried using split(), but that rapidly ate up my 12 GB of memory. So, is there a better R way of
2010 Jan 16
Comparing dates in dataframes
I have two data frames. One (arr) has all arrivals to an airport for a year, and the other (gw) has the dates and quarter hour of the day when the weather is good. arr has a Date and quarter hour column. >names(arr) [1] "Date" "weekday" "hour" "month" "minute" [6] "quarter" "ICAO"
2014 Sep 25
Forwarding in switch mode
Dear all, I like tinc and am using it widely in the company I work for. Currently I'm experimenting with 'switch' mode & have a problem with packets being forwarded. I've tried possible combinations with next parameters: a) Broadcast = direct b) Forwarding = kernel c) DirectOnly = yes From the documentation, it looks like (a) should be enough to stop packet forwarding
2006 Jan 25
Seeking Rails Developers in Bay Area (Marin County)
Hi There, We have a couple open positions for Rails developers in Marin County, just across from Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. For a variety of reasons, we''d prefer folks from a Java background, but mostly we need smart, agreeable, disciplined, and self-directed. Here''s the full job description. Please use the address at the end of the message rather than
2006 Mar 09
Newbie - Help Please
I am just getting off the ground with RoR. (actually just walking out to the runway) I want to setup a development / test environment as close to the production environment as possible except for OS (Win XP for Dev, Linux for Prod). I have Apache, MySQL, PhP installed and operating close enough to the production environment that all the PhP stuff I''ve done in the past seems to work
2003 Dec 16
mailing list for basic questions - preliminary sum up
Dear R-user, I already received quite a lot of replies to this mail and like to do a preliminary sum up. A few were sceptical about the use of such a beginner mailing list. The arguments were that people starting with R will only stay subscribed for a short time until they reached the R-help "level" and therefore only beginner will teach beginner how to use R. But as far
2009 Feb 24
Motherboard for home zfs/solaris file server
Hello, I am building a home file server and am looking for an ATX mother board that will be supported well with OpenSolaris (onboard SATA controller, network, graphics if any, audio, etc). I decided to go for Intel based boards (socket LGA 775) since it seems like power management is better supported with Intel processors and power efficiency is an important factor. After reading several
2010 Apr 15
Does "sink" stand for anything?
Hello Everyone,   Learning about R and its wonderful array of functions. If it's not obvious, I usually try to find out what a function stands for. I think this helps me remember better.   One function that has me stumped is "sink." Can anyone tell me if this stands for something?   Thanks,   Paul         __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML