Displaying 20 results from an estimated 94 matches for "rstuffs".
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1999 Apr 14
character vector as input to function?
I would like to have a function that inputs a file name, then reads that
data file and does various stuff to it.
Something like:
#for example, if filename is a0.dat, it will scan("~/rstuff/data/a0.dat")
Can someone please tell me how to do this?
Thanks for any help!
Bill Simpson
2004 Oct 05
How to install affy package in R?
I am trying to install affy package in R as follow:
>R CMD INSTALL -l lib ~/rstuffs/affy_1.4.32.tar.gz
Then I get an error at the end:
Warning message:
There is no package called 'Biobase' in: library(package,
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
[1] "ProgressBarText"
[1] "initializ...
2008 Sep 05
Trouble with R CMD check: I can't seem to get dependencies right (maybe I'm using R_LIBS incorrectly?)
Hi there,
I'm in the following directory:
The directory "dice" is in this directory, with all the usual build
files (DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, etc). I'm trying to run the following
R CMD check dice
(where "dice" is the name of the package I'm checking), and I get the following:
* checking package dependencies ...
1998 Nov 18
loading fortran with Redhat 5.1
Hi All,
I'm running R 0.63 on Redhat 5.1 and when I attempt
to load a fortran routine I get:
> dyn.load("/home/royle/Rstuff/varna.o")
Error in dyn.load(x) : unable to load shared library "/home/royle/Rstuff/varna.o"
this function varna.o was compiled with:
gcc -c varna.f
with no errors or warnings.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Thanks! (and thanks to
2005 Jun 15
Reading Excel files...Error
i am using the RODBC package to read .xls files. now after i installed
the package and loaded the library and tried to read a file this is
the error i got.
Warning messages:
1: [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver
Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
2: ODBC connection failed
2006 Sep 01
Local library under Windoze.
Continuing to try to customize my environment for using R under
Windoze, I experimented with installing a package from CRAN in a
local library ``Lib''.
I created the directory ``Lib'' in the folder in which R starts,
and then executed
> install.packages("abind",lib="Lib")
Everything went according to form (I got prompted to choose a mirror,
etc.) until
2009 Oct 11
Social networking around R
Hi R users,
I'd be interested in what R users think about social networking around all
things R. For this, I've set up a social network @
www.rstuff.socialgo.comand it would be great if you could post your
comments on the forum created
for this discussion.
The News section has feeds from some of the R related blogs I've been
following. I'm hoping for a central resource that keeps
2010 Mar 10
R CMD check issue with soft-linked directory
I've been having some strange problems with R CMD check in the last couple of days, but
now believe I have localized the issue.
I had been running Ubuntu Hardy on one drive and then upgraded to Jaunty, but put Jaunty
on a different drive. I continue to be able to boot Hardy when I wish. I soft-linked my R
working area i.e.,
/home/john/Rstuff ----> /media/lnx804/home/john/Rstuff
2011 Dec 24
need help with a time series plotting problem
Dear R Users,
I am a beginner in R programming and need some help
with a simple plotting problem that i am having. My dataset consist of three
columns: first one has data_id, second is the date and third is the actual
data itself corresponding to each date. The date ranges from
1/1/2000-12/31/2009. I am trying to plot my data versus the dates as a long
term time series but
2009 Jul 09
Mysteriously vanishing LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Using R-2.8.0 and R-2.8.1, I get behaviour like this:
R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
1998 Mar 06
R-beta: image saved ps file
I include the argument
to image, but still when I make an image by the method
> postscript("rstuff/test.ps")
> tauseq<-seq(0,1,.5)
> cif2d.image(x,,y,tauseq)
> dev.off()
the image plot created is NOT square. I thought pty="s" would make it
Generally it would be nice if the image saved to disk were like the one we
see while in R
2010 Jan 07
Debugging issues encountered during the "R CMD check" process
I read through the "Writing R Extensions" and the "Debugging in R" website (http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/murdoch/software/debuggingR/), looking for some hints about how to solve the issue of debugging problems encountered during the "R CMD check" process, but nothing seems to be mentioned about addressing issues encountered.
Specifically, I am working with the R
2005 Aug 04
Using nonlinear regression
Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to use the nonlinear regression to
fit the cumulative lognormal distribution to a number of data points I have
but I am a new R user and I cant quite decipher the notes on nonlinear
regression. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated, my email
address is mmiller at nassp.uct.ac.za
2011 Mar 17
Incorrect degrees of freedom in SEM model using lavaan
I have been trying to use lavaan (version 0.4-7) for a simple path model,
but the program seems to be computing far less degrees of freedom for my
model then it should have. I have 7 variables, which should give (7)(8)/2 =
28 covariances, and hence 28 DF. The model seems to only think I have 13
DF. The code to reproduce the problem is below. Have I done something
wrong, or is this something I
2011 Mar 07
WG: Reference classes: error with missing arguments in method calls
Dear list,
a while ago I posted this at r-devel but got no answers. Hope it?s okay to
give it a shot again by cross-posting it here.
TIA for any comments,
Von: Janko Thyson [mailto:janko.thyson.rstuff at googlemail.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 21. Februar 2011 00:58
An: r-devel at r-project. org (r-devel at r-project.org)
Betreff: Reference classes: error with missing arguments in method calls
2007 Dec 10
Tutorial for Basic Stats
Thanks in advance - am looking for a Tutorial for doing basic stats. I have already looked/looking at the R-intro.pdf at the R site.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 06
new to R
hi im starting with R.....have no idea to start...plz help
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/new-to-R-tp19342903p19342903.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Jan 17
Where to start with R?
Hello again,
I have tons of data files that I have to decide how/which subsets to
extract. While researching data mining products I came across R. As a
newbie, where do I start to start using this popular tool?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Subba Rao
ewbie, where do I start to start using this popular tool?<br>
Any help is appreciated.<br>
2010 Apr 28
Interaction terms in logistic regression using glm
I recently became aware of the article by Ai and Norton (2003) about
how interaction terms are problematic in nonlinear regression (such as
logistic regression). They offer a correct way of estimating
interaction effects and their standard errors.
My question is: Does the glm() function take these corrections into
account when estimating interaction terms for a logistic regression
2013 Mar 20
S4 Reference Classes: undesired behavior when calling method '$field()'
Dear list,
I came across a behavior that IMHO is somewhat undesired when calling
If the field name whose value you're trying to get is *not* a valid
field of the Reference Class, then R doesn't stop there with an error,
but scans through all enclosing environments/frames. The result is
something similar to calling '|get(<objname>, inherits=TRUE)|'