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2009 Jun 19
result of rqss
...61,0.60,0.54,0.51,0.45,0.42,0.44,0.46,0.41,0.43,0.43,0.48,0.48,0.47,0.39,0.37,0.32,0.29) and tried to get piecewise linear regression. Doing a simple spline smoothing gives the basic shape of the expected curve: plot(x,y) lines(smooth.spline(x, y), lty=2, col = "red") Now I tried to do rqss. But what I got was only a straight line and nothing appropriate. No parameter change did help. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this approach? library(quantreg) fit <- rqss(y ~ qss(x)) plot(fit) points(x,y) lines(smooth.spline(x, y), lty=2, col = "red") Thank You in advance....
2011 Mar 21
rqss help in Quantreg
Dear All, I'm trying to construct confidence interval for an additive quantile regression model. In the quantreg package, vignettes section: Additive Models for Conditional Quantiles It describes how to construct the intervals, it gives the covariance matrix for the full set of parameters, \theta is given by the sandwich formula
2006 Jun 13
Hello, I am a new user and I am looking for the description of the output of rqss function (Additive Quantile Regression Smoothing). It is supposed to be in rqss.object but I could not find any reference to rqss.object anywhere. thanks a lot. Julia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 24
breakpoints in rqss()
Dear list, I used rqss() in quantreg package for a piecewise linear regression. Can someone tell me how to find the x values corresponding to the breakpoints and the slopes for the phases before and after the breakpoints? I searched the list and gather that there is another package "segmented" that does that,...
2024 Oct 22
invalid permissions
...kage with minimal changes, mainly to fix some obscure fortran problems. It fails R CMD check ?as-cran with the error: Running examples in ?quantreg-Ex.R? failed The error most likely occurred in: > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") > ### Name: plot.rqss > ### Title: Plot Method for rqss Objects > ### Aliases: plot.rqss plot.qss1 plot.qts1 plot.qss2 plot.summary.rqss > ### Keywords: regression smooth iplot > > ### ** Examples > > n <- 200 > x <- sort(rchisq(n,4)) > z <- x + rnorm(n) > y <- log(x)+ .1*(log...
2009 Jun 24
Memory issues on a 64-bit debian system (quantreg)
Rers: I installed R 2.9.0 from the Debian package manager on our amd64 system that currently has 6GB of RAM -- my first question is whether this installation is a true 64-bit installation (should R have access to > 4GB of RAM?) I suspect so, because I was running an rqss() (package quantreg, installed via install.packages() -- I noticed it required a compilation of the source) and watched the memory usage spike to 4.9GB (my input data contains > 500,000 samples). With this said, after 30 mins or so of processing, I got the following error: tahoe_rq &lt...
2009 Apr 11
data argument and environments
I'm having difficulty with an environmental issue: I have an additive model fitting function with a typical call that looks like this: require(quantreg) n <- 100 x <- runif(n,0,10) y <- sin(x) + rnorm(n)/5 d <- data.frame(x,y) lam <- 2 f <- rqss(y ~ qss(x, lambda = lam), data = d) this is fine when invoked as is; x and y are found in d, and lam is found the .GlobalEnv, or at least this is how I understand it. Now, I'd like to have a function say, h <- function(lam) AIC(rqss(y ~ qss(x, lambda = lam), data = d)) but now,...
2005 Jul 13
How to increase memory for R on Soliars 10 with 16GB and 64bit R
Dear all, My machine is SUN Java Workstation 2100 with 2 AMD Opteron CPUs and 16GB RAM. R is compiled as 64bit by using SUN compilers. I trying to fit quantile smoothing on my data and I got an message as below. > fit1<-rqss(z1~qss(cbind(x,y),lambda=la1),tau=t1) Error in as.matrix.csr(diag(n)) : cannot allocate memory block of size 2496135168 The lengths of vector x and y are both 17664. I tried and found that the same command ran with x[1:16008] and y[1:16008]. So, it looks to me a memory related problem, but I...
2024 Oct 22
invalid permissions
Dear Prof. Roger Koenker, On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 09:08:12 +0000 "Koenker, Roger W" <rkoenker at> wrote: > > fN <- rqss(y~qss(x,constraint="N")+z) > > *** caught segfault *** > address 0x0, cause 'invalid permissions? Given a freshly produced quantreg.Rcheck directory, I was able to reproduce this crash by running R -d gdb # make sure that the package version under check will be loaded ....
2006 Feb 05
how to extract predicted values from a quantreg fit?
...then create such a dataframe like this MyX <- data.frame(x=seq(-1,60)) This works fine with GAM (mgcv) but not with quantreg: > y <- rnorm(500, 10, 5) > x <- rep(seq(1,50,1), 10) > <- data.frame(x, y) > My.x <- data.frame(x=seq(5,45)) > > fit <- rqss(y ~ qss(x, lambda=5), tau=0.05) > pred <- predict.qss1(fit, My.x) Could someone please help me creating a dataframe "newdata" that would satisfy predict.qss1? Thanks in advance, Denis Chabot
2007 Nov 14
Piecewise Linear Regression
...,6.25,12.50,12.50,18.75,25.00,25.00,25.00,31.25,31.25,37.50,37.50,5 0.00,50.00,62.50,62.50,75.00,75.00,75.00,100.00,100.00) y = c (0.328,0.395,0.321,0.239,0.282,0.230,0.273,0.347,0.211,0.210,0.259,0.186 ,0.301,0.270,0.252,0.247,0.277,0.229,0.225,0.168,0.202) library(quantreg) plot(x,y) fit <- rqss(y ~ qss(x)) plot(fit) it gives 5 segments not 3, but this can be controlled by the choice of lambda in the qss function, for example, try: fit <- rqss(y ~ qss(x,lambda=3) plot(fit,col="red") which gives a fit like you suggest might be reasonable with only three segments. ... s...
2012 Jul 19
Quantile regression questions
Hi, everyone. I have some questions about quantile regression in R. I am running an additive quantile regression first for a complete matrix and then with some selected rows. I am doing the following: datos <-read.table("Regresion multiple.txt",header=T) Fit<-rqss(datos$campings ~datos$Cobarbogrupo+datos$CobSDgrupo+datos$Areadecultivosgrupo, tau=0.9) summary.rq(Fit) #The output is: Coefficients: Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.46561...
2009 May 29
Quantile GAM?
R-ers: I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to implement a GAM in a quantile fashion? I'm trying to derive a model of a "hull" of points which are likely to require higher-order polynomial fitting (e.g. splines)-- would quantreg be sufficient, if the response and predictors are all continuous? Thanks! --j
2005 May 30
Piecewise Linear Regression
Hi, I need to fit a piecewise linear regression. x = c(6.25,6.25,12.50,12.50,18.75,25.00,25.00,25.00,31.25,31.25,37.50,37.50,50.00,50.00,62.50,62.50,75.00,75.00,75.00,100.00,100.00) y = c(0.328,0.395,0.321,0.239,0.282,0.230,0.273,0.347,0.211,0.210,0.259,0.186,0.301,0.270,0.252,0.247,0.277,0.229,0.225,0.168,0.202) there are two change points. so the fitted curve should look like \ \ /\
2006 Mar 16
running median and smoothing splines for robust surface f itting
loess() should be able to do robust 2D smoothing. There's no natural ordering in 2D, so defining running medians can be tricky. I seem to recall Prof. Koenker talked about some robust 2D smoothing method at useR! 2004, but can't remember if it's available in some packages. Andy From: Vladislav Petyuk > > Hi, > Are there any multidimenstional versions of runmed() and >
2015 Mar 25
vignette checking woes
Thierry, I have this: if (require(MatrixModels) && require(Matrix)) { X <- model.Matrix(Terms, m, contrasts, sparse = TRUE) in my function rqss() I've tried variants of requireNamespace too without success. If I understand properly model.Matrix is from MatrixModels but it calls sparse.model.matrix which is part of Matrix, and it is the latter function that I'm not finding. Maybe I should go back to the requireNamespace strategy...
2010 Jan 25
Quantile loess smother?
Hello all, I wish to fit a loess smother to a plot of Y`X, but in predicting the 95% quantile. Something that will be a combination of what rq (package quantreg} does, with loess. Is there a function/method for doing this? Thanks, Tal ----------------Contact Details:------------------------------------------------------- Contact me: | 972-52-7275845 Read me:
2015 Mar 26
vignette checking woes
...bit of evidence for this is fact that R CMD build gives me: * creating vignettes ... ERROR Rscript execution error: No such file or directory so I've been building with the --no-build-vignettes flag... Many thanks, for your suggestions, Roger > > Martyn > >> in my function rqss() I've tried variants of requireNamespace too without success. >> If I understand properly model.Matrix is from MatrixModels but it calls >> sparse.model.matrix which is part of Matrix, and it is the latter function that I'm >> not finding. Maybe I should go back to the...
2005 Jun 10
Replies of the question about robustness of segmented regression
I appreciate to Roger Koenker, Achim Zeileis and Vito Muggeo for their informative answers. Listed below is unedited replies I got followed by the question I posted. Kyong 1. Roger Koenker: You might try rqss() in the quantreg package. It gives piecewise linear fits for a nonparametric form of median regression using total variation of the derivative of the fitted function as a penalty term. A tuning parameter (lambda) controls the number of distinct segments. More details are available in the vi...
2011 Sep 20
Add a function in rq
Hi, I am trying to add a function in a linear quantile regresion to find a breakpoint. The function I want to add is: y=(k+ax)(x&lt;B)+(k+(a-d)B+dx)(x&gt;B) How do I write it in the rq() function? Do I need to define the parameters in any way and how do I do that? I'm a biologist new to R. Thanks! -- View this message in context: