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2017 Apr 03
battery not installed, but battery still 100% and NUT 2.7.2-4 does not catch this and report a error
...the resources it needs to send that warning message are available on your systems? See man wall and test the default. You will have to compose a one line file, and name that file in order to send the contents of that file to users. Create that file: echo "I need a fresh battery" >rplbat. Then do wall rplbat and get this on every screen on the system: gene at coyote:~$ sudo wall rplbat Broadcast Message from gene at coyo (/dev/pts/2) at 18:56 ......
2017 Apr 03
battery not installed, but battery still 100% and NUT 2.7.2-4 does not catch this and report a error
On Mon, 3 Apr 2017, Gene Heskett wrote: >>> Nut, IIRC, can do a periodic battery test by putting it offline, >>> using the battery, for a predetermined length of time, weekly, >>> monthly etc, >> >> We definitely don't want that in this instance either! > > Why not? If the battery has a holdup time of 5 minutes when its fresh, Because in this