Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "routetable".
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2009 Jun 23
vif-route script not getting domU-IP (vif-IP)
I''m using the XEN 3.4.1-pre4 Hypervisor in Routet Mode and I''m facing
some problems when I start the DomU.
In detail, it means that the DomU IP-Adress will not be implemented in
the Kernel routing table after starting the domU via "xm create /<path
After making a "netstat -nr" it will not show the IPadress bound to
2004 Aug 26
DNAT IP-Adding
Hello List.
I''m new here,
and am staring off with a pretty common question, i think.
I want to have my router DNAT incomeing connections for other IP''s than it''s
In my other setup, just adding that IP as Destination Address was enough.
But that was a bit older Version of Shorwall.
In my new Setup, Shorewall 2.0.7 Debian Sarge, i have this line:
2015 Mar 30
Domains, vpn and bowse lists (samba 4.2)
I apologize, if the questions are simple, but its been a long time
since I use Windows as enhanced typewriter only. The need to implement
domain etc arose just suddenly.
I am trying to implement VPN (and succeeded to implement it), even
able to join windows clients to the Samba AD domain over VPN, but I am
confused by not getting the browse list of computers for the network I
2015 Aug 18
A few questions for the braintrust
...er, timelier or more user friendly way to
handle the errors?
2. Just curious as to why the decision was made to create new udp
connection instead of using the existing pxebc? udp is already set up and
configured. The reason I ask is we were having problems in our customer
environment with the routetable. We modified the code to use pxebc
protocol and it works perfectly. This environment consists of three
separate subnets, client on one, dhcp server on a second and proxy and
tftp servers on the third. This scenario was causing problems with routing
so the udp connection failed and the transmit...
2015 Mar 30
Domains, vpn and bowse lists (samba 4.2)
Am 30.03.2015 um 18:16 schrieb jd at ionica.lv:
> I apologize, if the questions are simple, but its been a long time since
> I use Windows as enhanced typewriter only. The need to implement domain
> etc arose just suddenly.
> I am trying to implement VPN (and succeeded to implement it), even able
> to join windows clients to the Samba AD domain over VPN, but I am
> confused
2006 Oct 02
Neverending story: Networking in domU
i allready searched the archives, but found no message that really helps me.
i am running debian etch on dom0 and debian sarge on domU.
I had a running setup with debain sarge on dom0 before, but now with etch i can not get networking to work in domU.
I use routed networking, but the same seems to happen with bridged networking: eth0 within domU is not brought up.
I think it maybe related
2010 Jul 19
packet loss on ixgbe using vlans and ipv6
I have a Dell T710 with 4 X 10G ethernet interfaces (2 X Dual port Intel
82599 cards). It is running FreeBSD RELENG_8 last updated on July 13.
What I see is packet loss (0 - 40%) on IPv6 packets in vlans, when the
machine is not the originator of the packets.
Let me try to describe a little more. If a neigbouring machine ping6 it,
there will be packet loss. If it act as a router for ipv6,
2012 Feb 10
Reducing the need to compile a custom kernel
during some big discussions in the last monts on various lists, one of
the problems was that some people would like to use freebsd-update but
can't as they are using a custom kernel. With all the kernel modules
we provide, the need for a custom kernel should be small, but on the
other hand, we do not provide a small kernel-skeleton where you can
load just the modules you need.
2002 Oct 09
ipchains iproute2 and port based routing
Hi all!
I try to make port based routing, because a have two connections to the
My router is a "one disk floppy router for linux". It is a big router
project www.fli4l.de. I try also to make a opt, it is like a plugin for this
This project uses Kernel 2.2.19 compiled with libc5 (because it is small and
you can use one floppy disk).
At the moment, iproute2 is not