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2009 Oct 28
Reading data
Hi User's, This might be a simple question but it is giving me a hard time as I am a new user. I installed R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) 1. I just copied a short script from Fox (2002) as a practice and wanted to save it as Rossi.R. The system saved it without complain but when I looked at using a windows explorer it is not *.R file but only Rossi. Why this is happening? 2. the script
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
Dear Germano, Thank you for your fast reply, In the above code, *MYData *is the actual data set. Do not we need to convert *MYData to *the dissimilarity matrix using *pam(as.dist(**MYData**), k = 10, diss = TRUE*)* code line?* *Regards.* On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Germano Rossi <germano.rossi at> wrote: > try this > > MYdata <-
2012 Jun 16
How to specify "newdata" in a Cox-Modell with a time dependent interaction term?
Dear Mr. Therneau, Mr. Fox, or to whoever, who has some time... I don't find a solution to use the "survfit" function (package: survival) for a defined pattern of covariates with a Cox-Model including a time dependent interaction term. Somehow the definition of my "newdata" argument seems to be erroneous. I already googled the problem, found many persons having the
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
Sorry, I never use pam. In the help, you can see that pam require a dataframe OR a dissimilarity matrix. If diss=FALSE then "euclidean" was use.So, I interpret that a matrix of dissimilarity is generated automatically. Problems may be in your data. Indeed pam(ruspini, 4)$diss write a dissimilaty matrix while pam(MYdata,10)$diss wite NULL 2017-08-17 16:03 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever
2009 Mar 21
Can not replicate estimates with rScreen function from ROSSI "Bayesian Statistics and Marketing"
Hi R-users, I have the following problem: I am trying to learn something about bayes methodology and started paying around bayesm package, but could not replicate the Conjunctive model's estimates as they appear in Rossi et al "Bayesian Statistics and Marketing", 2005, JWS, pages 264-265, Table CS4.4. I have downloaded in my working directory the documents from
2005 Apr 09
advice on crafting examples for packages
Folks- I have developed a package which I am planning on posting to CRAN. I include examples for each of the 40 or so functions in the package. However, since the examples are non-trivial and the package is using MCMC simulation methods, it takes about 20 minutes to run the complete set of examples on a 2.8 Ghz windows PC. The R process reaches a high water mark of about 100 MB of memory as
2007 Feb 08
Zeta and Zipf distribution
Dear R user, I want to estimate the parameter of ZETA or/and ZIPF distributions using R, given a series of integer values. Do you know a package (similar to MASS) or a function (similar to fitdistr) I can use to estimate the parameter of these distributions using MLE method? Otherwise do you know a function (which use MLE method to estimate distribution parameters) that allow me to specify a
2010 Jul 01
Modelling survival with time-dependent covariates
Hi all, I am looking at the tutorial/appendix from John Fox on ?Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data? available here: I am particularly interested in modelling survival with time-dependent covariates (Section 4). The data look like this: > Rossi.2[1:50,] start stop arrest.time week arrest fin
2010 Oct 07
Categorical variables and Plotting a Cox model with interaction terms
I'm a new to the R world and I have been following the John Fox Appendix on Cox regression ( to run some analyses. I have been able to generate models and some simple figures e.g.: >library(splines) #required for survival package >library(survival) #req for Coxph
2008 Mar 10
Check errors using R2.6.2
I can successfully "check" a package with source under 2.5.1, including compiling source files and running examples with no errors or warnings. when I try with R2.6.2, I get make errors: making bayesmc.d from bayesmc.c make[3]:gcc-sjlj: Command not found etc. my gcc is version 3.4.2 I'm using Windows XP. Any thoughts? thanks! peter r ................................ Peter
2011 Sep 10
Very slow using S4 classes
Hi everybody! I'm creating an object of a S4 class that has two slots: ListExamples, which is a list, and idx, which is an integer (as the code below). Then, I read a data.frame file with 10000 (ten thousands) of lines and 10 columns, do some pre-processing and, basically, I store each line as an element of a list in the slot ListExamples of the S4 object. However, many operations after this
2006 Oct 28
Package development on Windows - latest guidance?
I would like to start building R packages under Windows XP. I have programming experience and a minimal but working knowlege of many Unix (-like) programming tools. The package functions (for now) will be from R source, not C or Fortran. I've installed Rtools, Perl, the MS hhc, and so on. I am setting up a command shell with the correct PATH for building packages. (The master Windows PATH
2012 Mar 15
Integrate inside function
Dear R users, first I take this opportunity to greet all the R community for your continuous efforts. I wrote a function to calculate the pdf and cdf of a custom distribution (mixed gamma model). The function is the following: pmixedgamma3 <- function(y, shape1, rate1, shape2, rate2, prev) { density.function<-function(x) { shape1=shape1 rate1=rate1 shape2=shape2
2005 Apr 16
bayesm: a package for Bayesian infererence for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics
We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.0 of bayesm on CRAN. bayesm covers many important models used in marketing and micro-econometrics applications. The package includes: Bayes Regression (univariate or multivariate dep var) Multinomial Logit Multinomial and Multivariate Probit Multivariate Mixtures of Normals Hierarchical Linear Models with a normal prior and covariates
2005 Apr 13
package submission and binary versions
Dear r-help- >From reading the CRAN web page, it appears that you should not submit precompiled binary versions of your package, but rather that these are built for you by someone working with CRAN. I submitted my package using R CMD build but without the binary flag on. I'd like to have a binary version available for Windows users. Should I submit a precompiled binary version as well?
2005 Apr 16
bayesm: a package for Bayesian infererence for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics
We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.0 of bayesm on CRAN. bayesm covers many important models used in marketing and micro-econometrics applications. The package includes: Bayes Regression (univariate or multivariate dep var) Multinomial Logit Multinomial and Multivariate Probit Multivariate Mixtures of Normals Hierarchical Linear Models with a normal prior and covariates
2007 Jul 25
qda(MASS) function error
Dear R user, I'm using qda (quadratic discriminant analysis) function (package MASS) to classify 58 explanatory variables (numeric type with different ranges) using a grouping variable (factor 2 levels "0" "1"). I'm using the qda method for class 'data.frame' (in this way I don't need to specify a formula). Using the function:
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
try this MYdata <- read.csv2("data.txt",dec='.') library(cluster) cluster.pam = pam(MYdata,10) table(cluster.pam$clustering) filenameclu = paste("clusters", ".txt") write.table(cluster.pam$clustering, file=filenameclu,sep=",") 2017-08-17 10:28 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever <s.atasever at>: > Dear Authorized Sir / Madam, > >
2006 Jan 16
run-time of an R function
I have noticed dramatic differences in the run-time for the execution of one of my functions depending on whether or not R was restarted. Immediately after restart of R GUI, exec time = 2.8 min. If I then repeat the execution of the function in the same R session, exec time = 7.1 min. Removing all objects via rm(list=(all=TRUE)) and initiating gc (gc(reset=TRUE)) helps, but only slightly (exec
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
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