Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "romoli".
2012 Nov 05
Problem compiling Rnw file
Dear R list,
I'm using R 2.15.2 with TeX Live 2009 and ESS 12.09 . I have a R
project in the '/home/r/Documents/myproj/', which is my working
directory (where I have the .Rnw file). Inside the document I have
several "setwd()" to collect the datasets I use.
After I compile from the terminal using "R CMD Sweave myproj.Rnw", I
receive the error:
Error in
2012 Feb 26
Sweave Print xtable
Hi, I'm working with Sweave and I have some trouble generating table. The R
code is:
print(xtable(myTable, caption ="", label="tab:myTab",
digits=3), tabular.environment='tabular', floating=TRUE,
and the resulting LaTeX table is:
2001 Nov 13
Intermittent port forwarding problems openssh 2.9.2p and up
...tocols (Ex. using imap access to our corporate
mail hub) using Netscape and it seems to work fine.
This seems very similar to the problem reported by mcurtis9 at csc.com.au
on 2001-09-25 2:09:57.
Thanks for your attention.
Gerardo Lamastra
Centro Sicurezza Be-Secure
Telecom Italia LAB
Via Reiss Romoli 274 - 10148 Torino
Tel. 011 228-6586
Fax. 011 228-6360
2012 Jan 06
Sweave Chunks
Hi, is there a way to collapse/expand the Sweave chunks?
2012 Jan 17
Error predict with lda and cross validation
Hi, I use the lda function from the MASS package to classify some
samples according to some chemical properties. If I run lda without
cross validation all is ok but, if I run lda with cross validation,
the R consol say:
resLDA <- ldaRedOx <- lda(Activity ~ TRedOx[,1:6], CV=TRUE,
data=dfDataRedOx, subset=train)
predLDA <- predict(resLDA, newdata=dfDataRedOx[-train,])$class
2012 Feb 22
xtable prcomp
Hi, I need to export to LaTex the summary of a PCA. So:
myPCA <- prcomp(myDF)
mySummary <- summary(myPCA)
How can I export to LaTeX not all the summary but only the first nPCs??
2012 Apr 17
Sweave problem after R update version
I would notice this error compiling a Sweave document after I updated R from version 2.14.2 to 2.15.0:
Error in driver$finish(drobj) : the output file 'MyDocument.tex' has disappeared
Calls: <Anonymous> -> do.call -> <Anonymous> -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
Do you have any suggestion?
Sent from iPod
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Nov 07
Absolute path in gdata library
Dear list,
I have some .xls files that I need to read into R. I am able to do so
using read.xls in the gdata package, however the helper functions
sheetNames and sheetCount fail. This is the error:
Unable to open file '~/SharedFolder/MyData/mydata.xls'.
Warning: running command ''/usr/bin/perl'
2011 Sep 26
SVM accuracy question
Hi, I'm working with support vector machine for the classification
purpose, and I have a problem about the accuracy of prediction.
I divided my data set in train (1/3 of enteire data set) and test (2/3
of data set) using the "sample" function. Each time I perform the svm
model I obtain different result, according with the result of the
"sample" function. I would like