search for: rodjek

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "rodjek".

Did you mean: radek
2013 Jun 27
Is it possible to pass extra flags to Puppet via rspec?` involve access to files through the File Server. In order for the function (and the test) to work I need to pass "--fileserverconf=fileserver.conf" parameter to Puppet. So far I haven''t found a way to do that. If I understand the rspec-puppet source at correctly then the list of parameters I can pass is limited to the ones mentioned in lines 16-22. Am I right? Does anyone know how can I pass other parameters, or otherwise affect Puppet''s configuration to set this value? Thanks, --Amos -...
2012 Sep 24
augeas only add if doesn't exist
Hello, I''m trying to add an entry to /etc/hosts.allow only if the entry for ''client'' (daemon) does not already exit. In this #puppet log: rodjek links a gist which should do exactly that: But I can''t get it to execute with augtool: augtool> set /files/etc/hosts.allow/*[process=nrpe]/client[last()+1] error: Failed to execute command What am I doing wrong? (I''m usin...
2013 Jan 31
Calling a "subclass" correctly in a node def?
Hi Guys! I played with this a bit and perused the Puppet3 docs, and tried a few different ways of calling the module with no joy before giving in and posting. I''m kind of new to all this so bear with me. *Goal of module* Singular module to hold both a mysql (client) and mysql-server class. Module default would be ''mysql'', or for mysql-servers we''ll call
2011 Dec 19
When the lint accumulates...
So some of you may be aware that Tim Sharpe from GitHub wrote a Puppet linting tool: $ gem install puppet-lint $ puppet-lint mymanifest.pp Source: The linting tool checks Puppet code for "best practice" based on the Puppet Labs Style Guide: A lot of us have been using puppet-lint (and puppet parser validate) to ensure our code is synoptically correct and as "best...
2012 Sep 13
Hi everyone, Is it possible not to notify error with puppet-lint when "trailing whitespace" are found in a comment line? Just asking. Regards, JM -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2013 May 29
augeas for hosts.allow
...t;set 02/process ${process}", "set 02/client[.=''{$name}''] ${name}" ], onlyif => "match *[process=''${process}''] size == 0", } But I have to provide node number (02 here) . The above code is mostly based on Can some one give a better option. What I want is that I can define different process and ip range in node manifest file like this ssh::hosts_allow { [ '''', '''', ]: process => ''sshd'', ssh::hosts_all...
2011 Dec 19
Learn from MY Mistake: "false" != false
Sharing my stoopid mistake in the hopes of saving someone else the same grief: I had a boolean toggle that was not performing as expected. Long story short: I had put quotes around the word "false" class { ''foo'' : boolFlag => "false" } was coming up TRUE To fix it, lose the quotes class { ''foo'' : boolFlag => false } “Sometimes I
2012 May 25
rspec first steps troubles
I try do implement tests for my puppet code and was playing with rspec-puppet but the following code gives me errors require ''spec_helper'' describe ''irqbalance'' do it { should include_class(''irqbalance'') } it { should include_class(''irqbalance::data'') } it { should
2012 Aug 15
rspec-puppet and exported resources
Hi, Is there a way to test for exported resources using rspec-puppet ? I found a post explaining how it could be done with cucumber ( ) but could not find examples or documentation for rspec-puppet. Cheers -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2012 Oct 31
Unless I install puppet vis gems, I get the following error when attempting to use librarian-puppet. librarian-puppet /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:779:in `report_activate_error'': Could not find RubyGem puppet (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError) from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:214:in `activate'' from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:249:in
2012 Dec 04
custom define type for array with 'case' argument pass to it
I am trying to write a define type which will use an array but in the meantime have an argument pass to it that sets a case. See for example : define link_files ($linkcase) { case $linkcase { "var" : { file { "${name}_exelink" : path => "/var/log/puppet/${name}_log", ensure => link,
2013 Apr 16
puppet-cleaner: makes puppet DSL code comply with a subset of the style guide
FWIW, I''ve wrote puppet-cleaner to help me make comply thousands of lines of puppet 2.6 DSL code to puppet 2.7 style guide and expectations. I''m uploading it to github today for anyone to use. Externally, you run puppet-clean file.pp and it can transform this: /* multiline comment trailing white space here -> */ class
2012 Oct 26
Puppet 3.0 rspec and custom resources
I am trying to figure out if I am missing something simple here. After upgrading to puppet 3.0 running puppet-rspec tests that use custom resources from modules in the fixtures directory are failing. I have a module that uses the anchor type and with 2.7.19 it works fine. After upgrading to 3.0 all of the tests are failing with Puppet::Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with