search for: rob_uk88

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "rob_uk88".

2006 Apr 18
Ive been following the rails recipes (great book) and wanted to have a larger a text field when editing in place. The chapter it mentions that I can "force the InPlaceEditor to create either a text ?eld or a <textarea> ?eld, using the :rows option to in_place_editor_?eld( ). Then any value greater than 1 will tell InPlaceEditor to generate a <textarea>." It
2006 May 16
Google Map problems
I followed the setup from but keep getting this error - NoMethodError in Sandbox#map Showing app/views/layouts/sandbox.rhtml where line #4 raised: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while evaluating nil.[] Extracted source (around line #4): 1: <html> 2: <head>
2006 Apr 14
Login Generator with Extensible authorisation
I want my web app to have a signup/login generator but have 2 tiers of users - normal and premium. There seems to be lots of login generator and engines with scattered tutorials about extensible authorisation and Im lost as which is the ''best'' or most ''easy to use'' solution. Anyone had success in this area? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 14
file column validates_format_of
Been manually testing file column with success except it seems to upload the file before validating it. Also .pdf files (which shouldn''t even validate) crash WEBrick. What am I missing to solve these problems? (apart from a brain!) validates_presence_of :title, :file validates_format_of :file, :with => %r{.(gif|jpg|png)$}i, :message => "File must end with .jpg, .gif or
2006 May 04
Ferret and rails question
Is ferret the best way to implement a search option in your app? If so what is a best way to do it - the plugin or the wiki tutorial? -- Posted via
2006 May 05
hows does engines effect the default action mailer?
I installed engines to my app and now my salted login (which is not an engine) wont send emails. Bit confused... :S -- Posted via
2006 Apr 10
1 question....
rHTML is <% for column in Wizard.content_columns %> <p> <%=h @wizard.send( %> </p> <% end %> It outputs: Robs Site Heading logo.jpeg London ------ Bascally 1 line for each column in the database. How do I edit the rhtml so I can break up the output? For instance JUST have ''Robs Site'' display nothing else. That mysql column is
2006 Jun 26
Form Mail
What is the most RoR friendly way of making a form mailer similar to this php one? Or is it easier just to use the php with RoR? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 12
Billing Automation
I''m building a membership based site and need some recommendations on billing sites that allow for recurring billing. I''m new to e-commerce so any pointers would be greatly appreciated. -- Posted via
2006 Jul 18
Ajax contact form Great example of what I need above, I just can''t work out how to turn it from a demo to a working contact form! (yes im dumb) -- Posted via
2006 Jun 02
I need help with my 1st sortable list!
Ill keep it brief. Dragging an item is working but dropping and updating the list gives me this error - NoMethodError in AdminController#sort You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while evaluating nil.each #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb:171:in `sort'' # My view - <ul
2006 Jun 05
Drag and drop sortable list woes
Well I have it dragging and dropping but its not saving! def sort @prices = Price.find(params[:id]) @prices.each do |@price| @price.position = params[''price''].index( + 1 end render :nothing => true end Current error in the view after dropping is - undefined method `each'' for #<Price:0xb74ec4ac>
2006 Jun 07
little Live search problem
Works fine but when you use backspace or delete on the search word and it hits 0 characters it displays ALL the Test names in the database! def live_search @phrase = request.raw_post || request.query_string a1 = "%" a2 = "%" @searchphrase = a1 + @phrase + a2 @results = Test.find(:all, :conditions => [ "test_name LIKE ?", @searchphrase])
2006 May 03
How do you create a simple search?
How do you create a simple search in a rails app? For example: User types in "fruits" App displays fruits listed in the mysql table I don''t need any fancy ajax just something fast and simple. Thanks -- Posted via
2006 May 23
Simple Email form
I want a simple feedback form on my site and was wondering the best way to achieve this with rails. Thanks -- Posted via
2006 May 24
generate mailer question
I''m trying to create a feedback form that will email me the submitted feedback but I''m totally confused on how to achieve it. I can''t seem to find any examples and the agile web development section on emails just confuses me even more! So a user types their feedback in the view the text is captured and sent to the method and emailed to me. Its easy so why
2006 May 31
validates_format error
How does validate work? Is the file uploaded before the format is checked? I tried uploading a pdf and it crashed the WEBrick. Out putting this over and over: **** Warning: Fonts with Subtype = /TrueType should be embedded. But BookmanOldStyle is not embedded. Surely the file should have been rejected before it is even uploaded? Model: class Image < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user
2006 Apr 20
Salted Login Generator glitch
I followed the tutorial here and didn''t have any problems. Actionmailer is working fine. When I sign up I get the email saying "Please click on the following link to confirm your registration" When I do i go to the default page with "Welcome. You are now logged into the system..." So I thought
2006 Apr 25
Role Based Authorisation
I''ve got salted login working but when i follow the rails receipe to add role based authorisation I get this error: NoMethodError in Admin#new You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occured while evaluating nil.roles -- Posted via
2006 Apr 25
completely stuck on Role-Based Authorization
Im completely stuck on Role-Based Authorization (I used the rails recipe method) (user_controller.rb) def login return if generate_blank @user =[''user'']) if @session[''user''] = User.authenticate(@params[''user''][''login''], @params[''user''][''password''])