Displaying 20 results from an estimated 73 matches for "rmvnorm".
2011 May 01
Question on where samples are grouped in rmvnorm{mvtnorm}
Dear All,
For function: rmvnorm{mvtnorm} in (library mvtnorm, not splus2R), if I generate 2 bivariate normal samples as follows:
> rmvnorm(2,mean=rep(0,2),sigma=diag(2))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2.0749459 1.4932752
[2,] -0.9886333 0.3832266
Where is the first sample, it is stored in the first row or the first column?...
2007 May 26
Why ?rmvnorm not working
My R version is 2.4.1 and I installed the the packages MASS and run
command library("MASS"),
however when I type ?rmvnorm, no help topic found, it worked before.
I tried to ype ?rinvgamma from "MCMCpack" which works great.
Anybody have idea? I also reinstalled MASS package, but when I try to type
rmvnorm(), no functions found.
2007 Feb 13
Generating MVN Data
Dear All
I want to generate multivariate normal data in R for a given covariance
matrix, i.e. my generated data must have the given covariance matrix. I
know the rmvnorm command is to be used but may be I am failing to
properly assign the covariance matrix.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
M. R. Ahmad
2006 Nov 30
data.frame within a function (PR#9294) (cont'd)
...t the same issue exists. Just copy and paste
the following code under R, and compare the output of f1() and f2() and
the output of f3() and f4(). Does anybody have any idea? Thanks.
# R code for demonstration only #
rmvnorm<- function (n, mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), sigma =
if (nrow(sigma) != ncol(sigma)) {
stop("sigma must be a square matrix")
if (length(mean) != nrow(sigma)) {
stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
ev <- eigen(sigma, sym...
2012 Sep 27
Generating an autocorrelated binary variable
...aussian copula method. One variable is a binary variable, that should be autocorrelated. The autocorrelation should be rho = 0.2. Furthermore, the overall probability to get either outcome of the binary variable should be 0.5.
Below you can see the R code (I use for simplicity a diagonal matrix in rmvnorm even if it produces no correlated sample):
"sampleCop" <- function(n = 1000, rho = 0.2) {
mvrs <- rmvnorm(n + 1, mean = rep(0, 3), cov = diag(3))
pmvrs <- pnorm(mvrs, 0, 1)
var1 <- matrix(0, nrow = n + 1, ncol = 1)
var1[1] <- qbinom(pmvrs[1, 1], 1,...
2000 Jan 12
Problems creating a random sample
...a random sample bivariate normal variates of size
> equal to 250 with mean vector (-1,1) and cov matrix (1,0.95,0.95,1)
> In S language I would write:
> > mean<-c(-1,1)
> > cov<-c(1,0.95,0.95,1)
> > covmat<-matrix(cov,nrow=2,ncol=2)
> > mvnorm<-rmvnorm(250,mean,covmat)
> ... and it should work
> I've tried this in R, but it does not recognize "rmvnorm".
> (Error: couldn't find function "rmvnorm")
rmvnorm is an S-PLUS function, version 4.0 and later. It is not part of
S. It is based on mvrnorm in...
2008 Oct 22
Help finding the proper function
or likelihood ratio-test (LR-test)? My colleague thought that the LR-test
would be the best to use, but he was not sure. And in that case which
function is best to use. I have found some LR tests but they use fits from
glm models etc.
Here is an example of my problem.
x.1<-rmvnorm(40, c(0, 0))
x.2<-rmvnorm(60, c(3, 4))
x.3<-rmvnorm(100, c(0, 0))
X.1<-cbind(rbind(x.1, x.2),x.3)
colnames(X.1) =LETTERS[1:4]
sample A and B is bivariate and C and D is not, so theoretically the best
combination would be to use A and B in the model since they change at the
same time, but...
2012 Aug 11
Problem when creating matrix of values based on covariance matrix
I want to simulate a data set with similar covariance structure as my
observed data, and have calculated a covariance matrix (dimensions
8368*8368). So far I've tried two approaches to simulating data:
rmvnorm from the mvtnorm package, and by using the Cholesky
decomposition (http://www.cerebralmastication.com/2010/09/cholesk-post-on-correlated-random-normal-generation/).
The problem is that the resulting covariance structure in my simulated
data is very different from the original supplied covariance ve...
2008 Aug 11
generating a random signal with a known correlation
How can I generate a random signal that's correlated with a given signal at
a given correlation (say 0.7)?
I've been looking at rmvnorm etc but don't seem to figure it out. Thanks
Yasir H. Kaheil
Columbia University
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/generating-a-random-signal-with-a-known-correlation-tp18932541p18932541.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Aug 24
generate random numbers from a multivariate distribution with specified correlation matrix
Hi all,
rmvnorm()can be used to generate the random numbers from a multivariate
normal distribution with specified means and covariance matrix, but i want
to specify the correlation matrix instead of covariance matrix for the
normal distribution.
Does anybody know how to generate the random numbers fr...
2011 Sep 03
Bootstrapping a covariance matrix
...e to bootstrap a covariance matrix from a multivariate
gaussian density. At face value that seemed like a very straightforward
problem to solve but I somehow could not get the boot package to work and
did not really understand the documentation so I tried to do the bootstrap
manually. Hence:
x<-rmvnorm(n = 5, mean, diag(1,length(mean)))
Var<-function(a) var(a)
sample<-matrix(sample(x,replace=T),ncol=length(mean))#single BS sample
Var(sample)# sqr matrix of length(mean)
#generate 1000 bootstrap samples
boot <- array(NA, c(1000, 3, 3))
#assign the var for bootstrap sample i as th...
2006 Jul 01
generate bi-variate normal data
Dear all,
I would like to generate bi-variate normal data given that the first column
of the data is known. for example:
I first generate a set of data using the command,
x <- rmvnorm(10, c(0, 0), matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 2))
then I would like to sum up the two columns of x:
x.sum <- apply(x, 1, sum)
now with x.sum I would like to generate another column of data, say y, that
makes cbind(x.sum, y) follow a bi-variate normal distribution with mean =
c(0, 0) and sigma = matrix(c(...
2002 Oct 02
Dear sir,
I would ask if there are in R some code to generate a random sample
from a mvariate student distribution like that one wich generate the
multivariate normal one i mean( rmvnorm(n, mu, sigma)
Second question : if R can plot density 3Dcurve I don't mean de
histogram but de hole density function(normal for example).
I use a windows version of The R software
Thank you in advance
wiyh kind regard
2003 Feb 15
(no subject)
Are there some packages which can generate multi-normal, multi-t, etc
multivariate sampling? thanks!
Best wishes,
Peng Zhang
Department of Biostatistics
Harvard School of Public Health
655 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
2004 May 04
Sampling 1000 times from a bivariate normal distibution
Dear expert,
I have two coefficients and covariance matrix.
My objective is sampling 1000 times from the mean and covariance matrix.
In order to get that, what kind of commend should I use?
If you do not mind, could you tell me the comment in detail about
parameter used in that commend also?
Thank you.
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2010 Dec 09
Constraints when sampling from a distribution
Dear R-helpers,
My question is related to how to impose constraints when when sampling from a distribution.
For example, suppose I'm sampling a vector from a multivariate normal distribution
vbeta <- 100*diag(2)
mbeta <- c(1,1)
ans <- beta <- c(rmvnorm(1,mbeta,vbeta))
ans will thus be a vector with two elements.
My question is how do I place a restriction on one of the elements of the ans vector. For example, suppose my goal is to reject any draw for ans[2] below -1 and above 1, how should I implement that in the above setting?
Thanks in adva...
2010 May 10
Random walk
...two random walks of 200 time steps with a correlation 0.7.
I built the random walks with:
x<-cumsum(rnorm(200, mean=0,sd=1))
y<-cumsum(rnorm(200, mean=0,sd=1))
but I don't know how to fix the correlation between them.
With white noise is easy to fix the correlation using the function
rmvnorm in the package mvtnorm
I surfed in the web in the searchable mail archives in the R web site
but no references appears.
If you have some advices to solve this problems I would be very thankful.
Thanks in advance.
Sergio A. Estay
Departamento de Ecolog?a
Universidad Catolica de Chile...
2011 Aug 25
Create two uniformly random variables correlated
I want to create two random variables (x1,x2) both with uniform distribution bounded by (-1) and (1) that has a correlation of 0.6 between them.
Does somebody know how I can do it? For normal random variables I known how to implement it with the rmvnorm command but I don't know how to do it with variables uniformly distributed.
Thanks a lot.
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2012 Jul 08
Data Simulation
I have great difficulty in simulation the a dataset based in a loading
matrix [c(1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,3,2,2,1,1), 7, 2) and an error covariance matrix
is 2*I. I have to simulate a dataset with 7 variables and 50 rows. I search
a lot and did find some information on this, for example, using rmvnorm().
But I could do it.
Please help!
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Data-Simulation-tp4635803.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Mar 17
How to use "ifelse" to generate random value from a distribution
I need use different parameters of distribution for different case to
generate random value, but I use ifelse, the generated value is fixed
without change.
Here is example
y x
1 1 2
2 2 1
3 3 2
4 4 3
5 5 3
6 6 1
7 7 2
8 8 1
9 9 1
10 10 3
11 11 3
12 12 2
[1] -1.8042172 0.8478681