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2006 Sep 25
Best use of LaTeX listings package for pretty printing R code
...a better way? In particular I would like to see letters in comment strings not stretched so much. Thanks -Frank \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings,relsize} \lstloadlanguages{R} \newcommand{\lil}[1]{\lstinline|#1|} \begin{document} \lstset{language=R,basicstyle=\smaller,commentstyle=\rmfamily\smaller, showstringspaces=false,% xleftmargin=4ex,literate={<-}{{$\leftarrow$}}1 {~}{{$\sim$}}1} \lstset{escapeinside={(*}{*)}} % for (*\ref{ }*) inside lstlistings (S code) \begin{lstlisting} a <- b # this is a test line if(i==3) { # another line, for y^2 y <- 3^3 z <- ...
2007 Jan 15
How to format R code in LaTex documents
Hi, I am planning on putting some R script in an appendix of a LaTex document. Can anyone recommend me a way of how to format it? Is there a way to keep all line breaks without having to insert \\ in every single line? Thank you! Benjamin