search for: rmdf

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2006 Oct 31
works with webrick,lighty, not mongrel
Hello, I''ve been working away to setup mongrel as my production server, however I am running into an odd problem and am not sure where to investigate for the answer. When I run using mongrel_rails start most things work fine, but a I get a few inexplicable undefined method errors, for example: undefined method `send_qbxml'' for #<Sync:0x2aaaafa7aa78> The method is
2006 Nov 24
[OT] I Finally Got an Atom Feed
Hi folks, I took a break from Mongrel today and instead whipped up an Atom feed generator for my site. People who love or utterly hate my essays will lover or utterly hate to subscribe to it. Let me know if it isn''t working well in your favorite feed reader. -- Zed A. Shaw, MUDCRAP-CE Master Black Belt Sifu
2006 Nov 30
mongrel served from a subdirectory
Hello, I have setup mongrel successfully a few times now, but, each time I have used apaceh 2.2 and mod_proxy setup descibed on the mongrel site. However, I need to set up another app in a subdomain. instead of I have tried just adding I have something like: ProxyPass /docserver/ ProxyPassReverse /docserver/
2006 Nov 21
I am unable to run mongrel in production mode on my server. On my macbook, i can run in development and production mode just fine, however on my gentoo linux server i get a segfault: > mongrel_rails start -e production -p 3007 ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with production environment... /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:99: [BUG]