Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "rlab".
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2006 Dec 02
fixup for debug package and R2.4.0
A number of users have spotted a terminal problem with the 'debug' package under R2.4.0, along the lines of
> mtrace(x)
> x()
Error in attr(value, "row.names") <- rlabs :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer', not 'double'
This arose from a bug in 'rbind.data.frame' in R2.4.0 itself. The bug is fixed in R2.4.0 patched, so the best solution is to install the patched version. This is painless, at least for Windows, since a bi...
2003 Jun 18
suggestion for make.names
I'm providing a new implementation (and documentation) of make.names which
fixes these problems. The uniqueness part is handled by make.unique, a
useful function in its own right. For example, the following code in
while(any(xj <- duplicated(rlabs)))
rlabs[xj] <- paste(rlabs[xj], 1:sum(xj), sep = "")
could be replaced by:
rlabs = make.unique(rlabs)
Another way to fix the first problem, by the way, would be to allow
quoting in formulas, e.g. lm("if" ~ then, ...). Currently, when you
do this it gives an error....
2003 Jun 18
suggestion for make.names
I'm providing a new implementation (and documentation) of make.names which
fixes these problems. The uniqueness part is handled by make.unique, a
useful function in its own right. For example, the following code in
while(any(xj <- duplicated(rlabs)))
rlabs[xj] <- paste(rlabs[xj], 1:sum(xj), sep = "")
could be replaced by:
rlabs = make.unique(rlabs)
Another way to fix the first problem, by the way, would be to allow
quoting in formulas, e.g. lm("if" ~ then, ...). Currently, when you
do this it gives an error....
2007 Jan 12
Minor logical bug in rbind.data.frame ?
...allargs, length) > 0]
n <- length(allargs)
if (n == 0)
return(structure(list(), class = "data.frame", row.names = integer()))
nms <- names(allargs)
if (is.null(nms))
nms <- character(length(allargs))
cl <- NULL
perm <- rows <- rlabs <- vector("list", n)
nrow <- 0
value <- clabs <- NULL
all.levs <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
xi <- allargs[[i]]
nmi <- nms[i]
if (is.matrix(xi))
allargs[[i]] <- xi <- as.data.frame(xi)
if (inherits(xi, &...
2006 Oct 18
strange error in mtrace
...the sample session
> library(debug)
Loading required package: mvbutils
MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
> x<-function() return(1)
> mtrace(x)
> x()
Error in attr(value, "row.names") <- rlabs :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer', not 'double'
> mtrace(x,FALSE)
> x()
[1] 1
> mtrace(x)
> x()
Error in attr(value, "row.names") <- rlabs :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer', not 'double'...
2005 Jun 01
mplot :how to deal with missing data
...ler g 9.974227 c
547362 sa1-d07 030min 3 ler r 10.341149 o
I would like to get graphs means for two-way factor combinations
I used Rlab package:
> mplot(data$y[which(data$Genes==sa1-d07)],
data$time[which(data$Genes==sa1-d07)], data$trt[which(data$Genes==sa1-d07)])
However, I have the following error message:
plot window will lay out plots in a 3 by 1 matrix
Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
need fini...
2006 Oct 12
debug package in R 2.4.0
I recently upgraded to R version 2.4.0, and I have found that the
"debug" package no longer works. In particular, when I try to debug a
function, I get the following error message:
Error in attr(value, "row.names") <- rlabs :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer', not 'double'
I have, of course, taken all the necessary preceding steps, such as
issuing the commands
Does anyone know how to get around this problem?
2005 Aug 22
An lgrind definition for the S language
...al (pas, p, bp)
C++ (CC) PERL (pl)
csh PostScript (ps)
Gnuplot Python (py)
ISP Russell
Java SAS
Kimwitu++ (kimw) SDL
LaTeX sh
Lex src
Linda SQ...
2002 Jun 12
How does R compares for speed?
For those who are interested, I have update my R benchmark (to version
1.5.0) and also to Splus 6. They are available at:
http://www.sciviews.org/other/benchmark.htm. A comparison is made between
Matlab (5.3 & 6), R 1.5.0, Splus 6 rel 2, O-Matrix 5.1, Octave 2.1.31,
Scilab 2.6, Rlab 2.1 and OX 3.00 under Windows 2000 pro.
Overall, R is not the fastest package, but it is one of the fastest... and
comparison with Splus is interesting! Please, note that the benchmark tests
only a few function, and also gives no information about the "richness" or
2012 Feb 27
row names of a heatmap on left hand side
"IL1Ra", "HGF", "TNFA", "IL8", "MIP1B", "TGFA", "sVEGFR2", "TPO",
"FRACTALKINE", "FLT3", "IP10", "MIG", "IGFBP6", "MMP1", "IGFBP7"
heatmap.2(ccc, breaks=c(-0.1,0,0.1,0.25),
Rowv=FALSE, Colv=FALSE,symm=TRUE,
key=TRUE,symkey=FALSE, density.info="none", trace="none", cexRow=0.75,
scale = "none", dendrogram="non...
2008 Jan 04
R2WinBUGS sending variables as factors
...recalculate the original intercept term
Intercept <- delta0 - beta1 * nSeaW
#prior on regression coefficients
beta1 ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-6)
alpha2 ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-6)
alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
delta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
gamma0 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
##R Code
#sampling functions
#get a subset of the data to use in the modelling process
LearnSamp <- function (dBUGS) # data frame of the variables of interest
rnames<- row.names(dBUGS)
sampRows <- sample(rnames,900)
learnSamp &l...
2006 Nov 07
rbind with auto-row-named data.frame + list (PR#9346)
There's a problem new to R2.4.0 when rbinding an auto-row-named
data.frame to a list:
> rbind( data.frame( x=1), list( x=2))
Error in attr(value, "row.names") <- rlabs :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer', not 'double'
Works OK with 2 data.frames or 2 lists.
Mark Bravington
CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
Marine Laboratory
Castray Esplanade
Hobart 7001
ph (+61) 3 6232 5118
fax (+61) 3 6232 5012
mob (+...
2001 Apr 27
Benchmarking R, why sort() is so slow?
...ntel Celeron 500 Mhz with 256 Mb Ram under Windows 2000 sp1 (all
tests run 3 times)
Tested software: A = O-Matrix 5.1 (native mode), B = O-Matrix 5.1 (Matlab
mode), C = Matlab 6.0 R12, D = Ox 2.20, E = Mathematica 4.01, F = R 1.2.2, G
= Octave 2.1.31, H = Splus 2000 pro R3, I = Matlab 5.3 R11, J = Rlab 2.1, K
= Scilab 2.6, L = Axum 6.0 R2 (Splus mode)
Tests: 3 series (I. matrix calculation / II. preprogrammed matrix functions
/ III. programmation) of 5 tests each. A trimmed mean is considered for each
serie (best and worst scores eliminated). The tests are scaled to be done in
approx. 1 sec on t...
2001 Apr 27
Benchmarking R, why sort() is so slow?
...ntel Celeron 500 Mhz with 256 Mb Ram under Windows 2000 sp1 (all
tests run 3 times)
Tested software: A = O-Matrix 5.1 (native mode), B = O-Matrix 5.1 (Matlab
mode), C = Matlab 6.0 R12, D = Ox 2.20, E = Mathematica 4.01, F = R 1.2.2, G
= Octave 2.1.31, H = Splus 2000 pro R3, I = Matlab 5.3 R11, J = Rlab 2.1, K
= Scilab 2.6, L = Axum 6.0 R2 (Splus mode)
Tests: 3 series (I. matrix calculation / II. preprogrammed matrix functions
/ III. programmation) of 5 tests each. A trimmed mean is considered for each
serie (best and worst scores eliminated). The tests are scaled to be done in
approx. 1 sec on t...
2000 Mar 28
Finally. A deadline, and a call to arms...
Hi folks,
I've been dickering around again, wasting the time away.... and today Brian
Zisk (chief Vorbis Evangelist among other things) said, "Hey! We need to demo
to the world on the 4th of April!"
Hooo boy. Time to suck it up and bang it out.
The Vorbis libs are not a problem. I'm in process of checking in my new
psychoacoustics (they're real pretty!) based on
2007 Apr 09
How to solve differential and integral equation using R?
I want to know if there are some functions or packages to solve differential
and integral equation using R.
Shao chunxuan.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
2001 Feb 16
Sub_scribe and a question
...ntel Celeron 500 Mhz with 256 Mb Ram under Windows 2000 sp1 (all
tests run 3 times)
Tested software: A = O-Matrix 5.1 (native mode), B = O-Matrix 5.1 (Matlab
mode), C = Matlab 6.0 R12, D = Ox 2.20, E = Mathematica 4.01, F = R 1.2.2, G
= Octave 2.1.31, H = Splus 2000 pro R3, I = Matlab 5.3 R11, J = Rlab 2.1, K
= Scilab 2.6, L = Axum 6.0 R2 (Splus mode)
Tests: 3 series (I. matrix calculation / II. preprogrammed matrix functions
/ III. programmation) of 5 tests each. A trimmed mean is considered for each
serie (best and worst scores eliminated). The tests are scaled to be done in
approx. 1 sec on t...