search for: rinstignor

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2015 Jan 25
R CMD check message: "The following files should probably not be installed"
I am doing [R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) -- "Pumpkin Helmet?; Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)] > R CMD build DAAGviz > R CMD check DAAGviz_1.0.3.tar.gz Without a .Rinstignore file, I get: <<< The following files should probably not be installed: ?figs10.pdf?, ?figs11.pdf?, ?figs12.pdf?, ?figs13.pdf?, ?figs14.pdf?, ?figs5.pdf?, ?figs6.pdf?, ?figs9.pdf? Consider the use of a .Rinstignore file: see ?Writing R Extensions?, or move the vignette sources from ?...
2015 Jan 27
R-devel Digest, Vol 143, Issue 25
OK, I see now that I was supposed to twig that the reference was to putting the ?.Rnw' files back into the vignettes directory from the inst/doc directory where they?d been placed in the course of creating the tar.gz file. I am still trying to work out what I need to put into ?.Rinstignore? so that ?.install_extras? is not installed. John Maindonald email: john.maindonald at phone : +61 2 (6125)3473 fax : +61 2(6125)5549 Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194, John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27) Australian National U...
2015 Jan 27
R CMD check message: "The following files should probably not be installed"
...o: <r-devel at<mailto:r-devel at>> On 25/01/2015 23:25, John Maindonald wrote: I am doing [R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) -- "Pumpkin Helmet?; Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)] R CMD build DAAGviz R CMD check DAAGviz_1.0.3.tar.gz Without a .Rinstignore file, I get: <<< The following files should probably not be installed: ?figs10.pdf?, ?figs11.pdf?, ?figs12.pdf?, ?figs13.pdf?, ?figs14.pdf?, ?figs5.pdf?, ?figs6.pdf?, ?figs9.pdf? Consider the use of a .Rinstignore file: see ?Writing R Extensions?, or move the vignette sources from ?...
2013 Sep 10
Is it possible to tell 'R CMD check' to accept certain filenames starting with a period?
...s/.BatchJobs.R These were most likely included in error. See section 'Package structure' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. It is not true that this is an error. Is there a way to tell R CMD check that it's intentional? Think .Rcheckignore analogously to .Rignorebuild and .Rinstignore (I know that does not exist). /Henrik
2013 Jan 22
file.system() in packages
Hello. R-devel, r61697. I am having difficulty interpreting section 1.4 "Writing package vignettes" of the R-exts manual. Specifically, I want to use system.file() in some of my packages to locate a bib file, uncertainty.bib, which is part of the emulator package. I only want to maintain a single .bib file. R-exts says: "All other files needed to re-make the vignette PDFs (such
2012 Oct 26
R 2.15.2 is released
...ot. o When R CMD Rd2pdf is used with inputenx.sty, it allows further characters (mainly for Eastern European languages) by including ix-utf8enc.dfu (if available). (Wish of PR#14989.) o R CMD build now omits several types of hidden files/directories, including inst/doc/.Rinstignore, vignettes/.Rinstignore, (.Rinstignore should be at top level), .deps under src, .Renviron, .Rprofile, .Rproj.user, .backups, .cvsignore, .cproject, .directory, .dropbox, .exrc, .gdb.history, .gitattributes, .gitignore, .gitmodules, .hgignore, .hgtags, .htaccess, .lat...
2012 Oct 26
R 2.15.2 is released
...ot. o When R CMD Rd2pdf is used with inputenx.sty, it allows further characters (mainly for Eastern European languages) by including ix-utf8enc.dfu (if available). (Wish of PR#14989.) o R CMD build now omits several types of hidden files/directories, including inst/doc/.Rinstignore, vignettes/.Rinstignore, (.Rinstignore should be at top level), .deps under src, .Renviron, .Rprofile, .Rproj.user, .backups, .cvsignore, .cproject, .directory, .dropbox, .exrc, .gdb.history, .gitattributes, .gitignore, .gitmodules, .hgignore, .hgtags, .htaccess, .lat...
2012 Oct 26
R 2.15.2 is released
...ot. o When R CMD Rd2pdf is used with inputenx.sty, it allows further characters (mainly for Eastern European languages) by including ix-utf8enc.dfu (if available). (Wish of PR#14989.) o R CMD build now omits several types of hidden files/directories, including inst/doc/.Rinstignore, vignettes/.Rinstignore, (.Rinstignore should be at top level), .deps under src, .Renviron, .Rprofile, .Rproj.user, .backups, .cvsignore, .cproject, .directory, .dropbox, .exrc, .gdb.history, .gitattributes, .gitignore, .gitmodules, .hgignore, .hgtags, .htaccess, .lat...
2012 Aug 24
misc subdirectory
The utils package has a misc folder, and some other packages have folders that are not listed in the R-extensions documentation (?data?, ? demo?, ?exec?, ?inst?, ?man?, ?po?, ?src?, and ?tests?). I'd like to be able to put some ancillary data into a misc folder, but it's mere presence in the source folder or source tarball (created with R CMD build) does not mean that it gets put into
2011 Apr 13
R 2.13.0 is released
...ary tree, and this is used for all the HTML pages in the package. This helps when installing packages with static HTML pages for use on a webserver. It will also allow future versions of R to use different stylesheets for the packages they install. ? A top-level file .Rinstignore in the package sources can list (in the same way as .Rbuildignore) files under inst that should not be installed. (Why should there be any such files? Because all the files needed to re-build vignettes need to be under inst/doc, but they may not need to be installed.)...
2011 Apr 13
R 2.13.0 is released
...ary tree, and this is used for all the HTML pages in the package. This helps when installing packages with static HTML pages for use on a webserver. It will also allow future versions of R to use different stylesheets for the packages they install. ? A top-level file .Rinstignore in the package sources can list (in the same way as .Rbuildignore) files under inst that should not be installed. (Why should there be any such files? Because all the files needed to re-build vignettes need to be under inst/doc, but they may not need to be installed.)...