Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "ricerche".
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2013 Sep 26
Installing Rcplex
...age I had is
file ‘src/Makevars.win’ has the wrong MD5 checksum
Plese let me know if you have any help!
Best regards
Davide Luciani
Unità di Ingegneria della Conoscenza Clinica
Laboratorio di Epidemiologia Clinica
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri"
Via Giuseppe La Masa, 19
20156 Milano
e-mail: luciani@marionegri.it
Tel: +39 02 3901 4271
Fax: +39 02 39014267
L'IRCCS - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri desidera ringr...
2006 Jan 25
Xen reboots on booting
Hi, i have a problem with xen.
the output of uname is:Linux xen 2.6.12-gentoo-r6 #9 SMP Mon Jan 23 18:13:25
CET 2006 i686 AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 844 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
i user the SAME config of the kernel, for xen0 domain,
and when i boot with xen0 kernel it reboots
after this output...
ipt_recent v0.3.1: Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net>.
2007 Feb 08
Zeta and Zipf distribution
...er of these distributions using MLE method?
Otherwise do you know a function (which use MLE method to estimate
distribution parameters) that allow me to specify a PDF or PMF?
Mauro Rossi
Mauro Rossi
Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via della Madonna Alta, 126
06128 Perugia
Tel. +39 075 5014421
Fax +39 075 5014420
2009 Nov 09
Percentage effects in logistic regression
...can be
directly interpreted as percentage effects both in OLS and Poisson
regression. What about the logistic regression?
Is there a package (maybe effects?) that can compute these automatically?
Thanks and best regards,
Roberto Patuelli
Roberto Patuelli, Ph.D.
Istituto Ricerche Economiche (IRE) (Institute for Economic Research)
Universit? della Svizzera Italiana (University of Lugano)
via Maderno 24, CP 4361
CH-6904 Lugano
Phone: +41-(0)58-666-4166
Fax: +39-02-700419665
2012 Mar 15
Integrate inside function
...ase x is a vector?
For instance try:
As you can see cumdensity is calculated just for the first x value.
Thanks in advance
Mauro Rossi
Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via della Madonna Alta, 126
06128 Perugia
Tel. +39 075 5014421
Fax +39 075 5014420
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2010 Dec 06
waldtest and nested models - poolability (parameter stability)
...ble because of the
overdispersion - basically without correcting for overdispersion almost
every variable is highly significant
anova(inv.log.leva.base, inv.log.leva, test = "Chisq")
Thanks everyone!
Best regards,
Roberto Patuelli
Roberto Patuelli, Ph.D.
Istituto Ricerche Economiche (IRE) (Institute for Economic Research)
Universit? della Svizzera Italiana (University of Lugano)
2016 Sep 05
389 Directory Server
...ed packages so I can select the right manual.
I would like also to know if it is better install the last version
of 389 from http://www.port389.org.
Thanking you in advance.
Bets regards.
Paolo Rughetti
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone"
Via dei Taurini 19
|E-mail: p.rughetti at iac.cnr.it|
|Tel: 039-06-49270956 |
|Fax: 039-06-4404306 |
2010 Aug 26
anova for plm objects
...E.plm, depLDFE.plm)
Errore in modelCompare(objects[[i - 1]], objects[[i]], vfun = vcov.) :
models are not nested
Did anyone code a plm method for anova?
Does anyone know why according to waldtest my models are not nested?
Roberto Patuelli, Ph.D.
Istituto Ricerche Economiche (IRE) (Institute for Economic Research)
Università della Svizzera Italiana (University of Lugano)
via Maderno 24, CP 4361
CH-6904 Lugano
Phone: +41-(0)58-666-4166
Fax: +39-02-700419665
Email: roberto.patuelli@usi.ch
Homepage: http://www.people.lu.unisi.ch/patuellr
2005 Jul 14
*** install error
...resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_readfile.so: undefined
symbol: ast_register_file_version
Jul 14 10:21:17 WARNING[4069]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module
app_readfile.so failed!
how can i resolve it?
thanks luca
Ricerche online pi? semplici e veloci con MSN Toolbar!
2007 Jul 25
qda(MASS) function error
...don't have this problem using lda function for linear discriminant
What does this error message mean?
What types of variables does qda function consider?
Thank in advance,
Mauro Rossi
Mauro Rossi
Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via della Madonna Alta, 126
06128 Perugia
Tel. +39 075 5014421
Fax +39 075 5014420
1999 Nov 09
2nd trial: Browsing problems with Samba 2.0.5 on HP-UX and WinNT4 .0SP4
comment = Web Server Root
path = /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs
valid users = <myname>
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0750
force user = www
force group = wwwadmin
Centro Ricerche FIAT
Direzione Sistemi Elettronici
DSS-Progettazione Software
Tel: +39.011.9083.945
Fax: +39.011.9083.083
Email: a.borrione@crf.it
Centro Ricerche FIAT
Direzione Sistemi Elettronici
2010 Apr 01
amacrox ap1000 problems
The answer is inside you, but it's wrong (Guzzanti)
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would
it? (Einstein)
Dimitri Ognibene
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione,
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISTC-CNR),
via S. Martino della Battaglia, 44
00185 Rome
Skype: dimitri.ognibene
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2004 Aug 06
Re: Please confirm your message
...orage! Hotmail all'ennesima potenza. Provalo!
><< message3.txt >>
MSN Search: la risposta alle tue ricerche online http://search.msn.it/
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2013 Apr 09
Small fixes needed for Riello driver
1) The comment block in drivers/riello.h points to the Megatec protocol documentation. Are the links in drivers/riello.c correct? If so, we can change the .h file to match the .c file.
2) clang caught this bug:
drivers/riello.c:984:28: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'memset' call is the same expression as the destination; did you mean to provide an explicit length?
2013 Jul 09
R: Small fixes needed for Riello driver
Hi Charles,
I fixed (and tested) the source file according to your tips.
The patch are attached.
Let me know if there still something that do not reflect your guidelines.
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com
Per favore non stampare questo messaggio se proprio non ?
2013 Jul 05
R: Small fixes needed for Riello driver
But the diff file that I'll now produce is related to the 3857 revision, so is also
inclusive of previous changes (i.e. BYTE to uint8_t). Is it Ok for you?
In alternatively could you modify the row (166 of riello_ser.c) of the file deleting the only cast that exist?
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com
Per favore non stampare questo messaggio se proprio non ?
2013 Jul 05
Small fixes needed for Riello driver
On Jul 5, 2013, at 5:44 AM, Elio Parisi wrote:
> I tried to update sources (to eliminate the cast) with 'sudo svn update' but the response is:
> svn: No repository found in 'svn://svn.debian.org/nut/trunk'
> Can you verify svn server status?
> The code has been tested before and after the changes.
The SVN server has been decommissioned as part of the
2013 Jul 05
Small fixes needed for Riello driver
On Jul 5, 2013, at 8:45 AM, Elio Parisi wrote:
> But the diff file that I'll now produce is related to the 3857 revision, so is also
> inclusive of previous changes (i.e. BYTE to uint8_t). Is it Ok for you?
I can probably make that work, but in the long term, I would recommend either switching to Git, or if you prefer to stay with SVN, creating a new checkout from the GitHub SVN URL:
2012 Nov 19
Riello patch
Hi Arnaud, hi developers,
attach there is the patch for riello drivers.
Can you tell me if there is other to change in order to accomplish your rules and
if the steps I have followed to create the patch are all rights?
Elio Parisi.
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com
[cid:image86269b.PNG at c4a20d57.4e9a9aab]<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Riello-UPS/264841360207558> [cid:imageb762d0.PNG a...
2012 Nov 27
Riello patch and examples
Hi Arnaud,
attached there are a new patch (fixed ups.upspower.nominal in GPSER protocol and device.mfr)
and three devdumps.
Let me know if this time all is correct,
Elio Parisi.
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com
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