search for: rg3

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "rg3".

Did you mean: rc3
2002 Mar 21
How does ingres work ?
What happens if I mark only some type of traffic for beeing shaped ? Is it put on a separate queue, so the traffinc not marked has some priority ?? -- __o _ \<_ (_)/(_) Saludos de Julián EA4ACL -.- Foro Wireless Madrid
2002 May 29
can not locate module imq0
''imq-2.4.18.diff-9'' patched to kernel18 and ''iptables-1.2.6a-imq.diff-3'' patched to iptables-1.2.6a the following options are choosed: Networking options ---> IP: Netfilter Configuration --->IMQ target support (as a module) Networking options ---> IPv6: Netfilter Configuration --->IMQ target support Network device support --->IMQ
2002 Mar 21
ingress police, dns, fairness
...e much longer than in the precedent case, I suppose this is a related with dropping packets. I suppose also that the more are the tcp sessions, the more are the delay between the turns. -- __o _ \<_ (_)/(_) Saludos de Julián EA4ACL -.- Foro Wireless Madrid
2002 Feb 08
timing Mac R's
...aK2anHcbEIl+Me0ztusgPeZwaq+fS4+s6z4p2 onMwP6/Tpr1MuB8KgEzKptjbk2GN9DQildbnUcIDkBNwGablpiKsSb+PREd3xiBSrddV3WxXRfPL 73j+7jWAi7x4zldeI/ojrAzepwx3g3ZLunF7pPwHmpzWRbV9/Zo/vUE53Tamex2278tq2xBSwuxM a8LT8jl/rFNaPLYvdBeawdV8IPzvUChkwuABBn8dlnF4LsH/0L+DL9/4cDHgw3cDzpRNhjvAYUha O3wZGMviOPLLcnA/+Ngp65yA55Wx+1+rg3+k9s/qMm3ynj8oy1QUe5Y/yfZrcGOb1v6mScYEJeeS dQoSUBA5BdqwGHSF7asP36Gtz/8BvaNwgWVuZHN0cmVhbQplbmRvYmoKMiAwIG9iaiA8PAovVHlw ZSAvUGFnZQovQ29udGVudHMgMyAwIFIKL1Jlc291cmNlcyAxIDAgUgovTWVkaWFCb3ggWzAgMCA2 MTIgNzkyXQovUGFyZW50IDEyIDAgUgo+PiBlbmRvYmoKMSAwIG9iaiA8PAovRm9udCA8PCAvRjU3 IDUgMCBSIC9GMTYgNyAwIFIgL0...
2015 Sep 08
Euro LLVM videos finally online - proposal to use torrents for sharing
It's no magic, to get good download speed with torrents you need many seeders or few seeders with high bandwidth. I'm not sure LLVM videos will attract enough interest for many seeders to be online... The easy solution would be to have a LLVM channel with all videos on Youtube which has high qualty CDN. 2015-09-08 11:20 GMT+03:00 Adam Husár <llvm-dev at>: >