search for: rfcomm0

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "rfcomm0".

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2010 Sep 09
Rfcomm0 to com1 (SeaClear2)
I'm trying to configure SeaClear2 to run on an Asus eeepc 900 using a BT GPS but cannot redirect input from rfcomm0 to com1 (the serial port which SeaClear is looking for. Data flows through to rfcomm0 but I cannot redirect it to com1. I have set up symbolic links in the .wine/ folder and its sub-folder .wine/dosdevices/ but nothing happens and I have also set the SeaClear.ini file to show "rfcomm0"=&...
2010 Jan 10
Enabling BT GPS receiver for Wine
Hi, I am trying to install and make functiona PC Navigator 8 for my father on Ubuntu 9.10 using wine. Software is runnable, i connect BT GPS receiver to ubuntu on rfcomm4, but I am unable to make receiver visible for PC Navigator. Can anyone help he? Thank you