search for: rf_model

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "rf_model".

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2013 Feb 03
RandomForest, Party and Memory Management welcome and useful. myparty <- cforest(SalePrice ~ ModelID+ ProductGroup+ ProductGroupDesc+MfgYear+saledate3+saleday+ salemonth, data = trainRF, control = cforest_unbiased(mtry = 3, ntree=300, trace=TRUE)) rf_model <- randomForest(SalePrice ~ ModelID+ ProductGroup+ ProductGroupDesc+MfgYear+saledate3+saleday+ salemonth, data = trainRF,na.action = na.omit, importance=TRUE, do.trace=100, mtry=3,ntree=300) 2) I have anothe...
2013 Mar 24
Random Forest, Giving More Importance to Some Data
...hould matter for the prediction. Any idea about how this could be achieved? Please find below a snippet showing how I use the randomForest library (on a multi-core machine). Any suggestion is appreciated. Cheers Lorenzo ########################################################################### rf_model <- foreach(iteration=1:cores, ntree = rep(50, 4), .combine = combine, .packages = "randomForest") %dopar%{ sink("log.txt", append=TRUE) cat(paste("Starting iteration",iteration,"\n&qu...