search for: resvars

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "resvars".

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2015 Jan 14
R CMD check: "..." used in a situation where it does not exist
...(unstable) (2015-01-13 r67453) gives me the following NOTE: cbind.fsets: possible error in list(...): ... used in a situation where it does not exist The file that causes this note contains: cbind.fsets <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) { dots <- list(...) res <- NULL resVars <- NULL resSpecs <- NULL for (i in seq_along(dots)) { arg <- dots[[i]] argName <- names(dots)[i] if (!is.null(arg)) { if (!is.fsets(arg)) { stop("Function 'cbind.fsets' cannot bind arguments that are not valid ...
2015 Jan 14
R CMD check: "..." used in a situation where it does not exist
...t; > > cbind.fsets: possible error in list(...): ... used in a situation > where it does not exist > > > The file that causes this note contains: > > > cbind.fsets <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) { > dots <- list(...) > > res <- NULL > resVars <- NULL > resSpecs <- NULL > > for (i in seq_along(dots)) { > arg <- dots[[i]] > argName <- names(dots)[i] > > if (!is.null(arg)) { > if (!is.fsets(arg)) { > stop("Function 'cbind.fsets'...
2004 Jan 12
question about how summary.lm works
Hi, While exploring how summary.lm generated its output I came across a section that left me puzzled. at around line 57 R <- chol2inv(Qr$qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE]) se <- sqrt(diag(R) * resvar) I'm hoping somebody could explain the logic of these to steps or alternatively point me in the direction of a text that will explain these steps. In particular I'm puzzled
2005 Mar 03
regression on a matrix
Hi - I am doing a monte carlo experiment that requires to do a linear regression of a matrix of vectors of dependent variables on a fixed set of covariates (one regression per vector). I am wondering if anyone has any idea of how to speed up the computations in R. The code follows: #regression function #Linear regression code qreg <- function(y,x) { X=cbind(1,x) m<,x=X)
2006 Nov 24
low-variance warning in lmer
For block effects with small variance, lmer will sometimes estimate the variance as being very close to zero and issue a warning. I don't have a problem with this -- I've explored things a bit with some simulations (see below) and conclude that this is probably inevitable when trying to incorporate random effects with not very much data (the means and medians of estimates are plausibly
2009 Jul 08
functions to calculate t-stats, etc. for objects?
I'm running a huge number of regressions in a loop, so I tried for a speedup. However, I would like to be able to calculate the t-stats for the coefficients. Does anyone have some functions for calculating the regression summary stats of an object? Thanks, Whit
2011 Aug 01
formula used by R to compute the t-values in a linear regression
Hello, I was wondering if someone knows the formula used by the function lm to compute the t-values. I am trying to implement a linear regression myself. Assuming that I have K variables, and N observations, the formula I am using is: For the k-th variable, t-value= b_k/sigma_k With b_k is the coefficient for the k-th variable, and sigma_k =(t(x) x )^(-1) _kk is its standard deviation.
1998 May 29
aov design questions
R developers, I have a first attempt to make an aov function. Eventually I want to build in Error() structure, but first I am trying to get this presentable for balanced data with only a single stratum, just using residual error. I am following R. M. Heiberger's Computation for the Analysis of Designed Experiments, Wiley (1989) I a using a wrapper (aov.bal) to call the
2009 Jul 26
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn, nonlinear time series
Hi Version 0.7 of package tsDyn presented at useR! 2009 is now on CRAN, extended with several new features. The package tsDyn is aimed at estimating nonlinear time series models which exhibit regime specific properties. The regime switching dynamics can either be described by smooth transition (STAR and LSTAR) or threshold effects (SETAR). The package furthermore offers nonlinear models
2009 Jul 26
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn, nonlinear time series
Hi Version 0.7 of package tsDyn presented at useR! 2009 is now on CRAN, extended with several new features. The package tsDyn is aimed at estimating nonlinear time series models which exhibit regime specific properties. The regime switching dynamics can either be described by smooth transition (STAR and LSTAR) or threshold effects (SETAR). The package furthermore offers nonlinear models
2008 Feb 26
OLS standard errors
Hi, the standard errors of the coefficients in two regressions that I computed by hand and using lm() differ by about 1%. Can somebody help me to identify the source of this difference? The coefficient estimates are the same, but the standard errors differ. ####Simulate data happiness=0 income=0 gender=(rep(c(0,1,1,0),25)) for(i in 1:100){ happiness[i]=1000+i+rnorm(1,0,40)
2012 Mar 25
avoiding for loops
I have data that looks like this: > df1 group id 1 red A 2 red B 3 red C 4 blue D 5 blue E 6 blue F I want a list of the groups containing vectors with the ids. I am avoiding subset(), as it is only recommended for interactive use. Here's what I have so far: df1 <- data.frame(group=c("red", "red", "red", "blue",
2009 Jul 09
How to Populate List
Hi, I'm new to R and would like to know, how one can populate the list with array data. I'm reading a tab separated table in R. The data in the table looks something like this. #Table Data Comp    A    B    C Extracellular    103    268    535759 Nucleus    45603    47783    442744 #R code myData <- read.table("",                 header=T,