Displaying 20 results from an estimated 51 matches for "restruct".
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2013 Jun 07
Function nlme::lme in Ubuntu (but not Win or OS X): "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"
...(~ 0 + stim)),
When I check the approximate variance-covariance matrix, I get:
> fm0$apVar
[1] "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"
*However*, if I do the same on a Windows or a Mac OS X machine, I get:
> fm0$apVar
reStruct.subj1 reStruct.subj2 reStruct.subj3 reStruct.subj1
reStruct.subj1 1.952757e-01 3.130089e-01 5.766955e-01 -0.1034862377
reStruct.subj2 3.130089e-01 5.703211e-01 9.864047e-01 -0.1937902915
reStruct.subj3 5.766955e-01 9.864047e-01 1.861434e+00 -0.3303689957
reStruct.subj1 -1.0348...
2005 Aug 03
glmmPQL error in logLik.reStruct
Dear R users,
I'm attempting to fit a GLM with random effects using the tweedie family
for the error structure. I'm getting the error:
iteration 1
Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3)
I'm running V2.1.0
I notice from searching the lists that the same error was reported in
May 2004 by Spencer Graves, but no-one was able to offer any
suggestions. Running the sample code that he provided also still
2006 Jun 01
understanding the verbose output in nlme
...can try and
understand why a particular model is failing to solve/converge from the
verbose output one can generate when fitting a nonlinear mixed model. I am
trying to understand this output and have not been able to find out much:
**Iteration 1
LME step: Loglik: -237.4517 , nlm iterations: 22
reStruct parameters:
subjectno1 subjectno2 subjectno3 subjectno4 subjectno5
-0.87239181 2.75772772 -0.72892919 -10.36636391 0.55290322
PNLS step: RSS = 60.50164
fixed effects:2.59129 0.00741764 0.57155
iterations: 7
fixed reStruct
5.740688 2.15...
2004 Oct 18
manual recreation of varConstPower using new fixed effects variables in nlme
...s the d1 and d2 variables to the
function as d1.1, d1.2, d1.3, and d2.1, d2.2, d2.3 to
take into account the three grouping levels I have.
The three d1's are then condensed into a single d1
column with respect to group. Same with the d2's.
Thanks. John
PS: Can anyone tell me what the reStruct parameter
means? In looking at the verbose output, I obtain a
reStruct parameter value of -0.8352462 (this is for my
grouping factor for the random effect). Does anyone
know what it means? The actual value of my single
random effect is different, as is its variance.
2003 May 20
Extracting elements from an reStruct
Sorry if this is obvious, but my S skills aren't great and I haven't been
able to find it documented anywhere.
I want to write a new function for use with lme objects; the function will
simply calculate an ICC (aka "rho") for each level of a mixed-effects
model. What I need for this is pretty simple:
(c(var1..varn, residual)) / sum(c(var1..varn, residual))
where var1..varn
2006 May 17
nlme model specification
Hi folks,
I am tearing my hair out on this one.
I am using an example from Pinheiro and Bates.
### this works
mod.lis <- nlsList(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asymp, xmid, scal),
data=Orange )
### This works
mod <- nlme(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asymp, xmid, scal),
fixed = Asymp + xmid + scal ~ 1,
start =
2001 Sep 12
error in nlme
(mydata has over 1000 records, so I won't reproduce it here).
When I run this, I get the error:
Error: dim<- length of dims do not match the length of object
It turns out the error is being thrown by the statement:
dim(work$pdFactor) <- dim(pdMatrix(nlmeSt$reStruct[[1]]))
Browse[1]> length(work$pdFactor)
[1] 72
Browse[1]> dim(pdMatrix(nlmeSt$reStruct[[1]]))
[1] 6 6
It looks like work$pdFactor contains information about both levels of
nesting, which is being ignored.
Does someone have an idea for a fix (or am I abusing nlme)?
I'm using :...
2003 Mar 04
How to extract R{i} from lme object?
Hi, lme() users,
Can some one tell me how to do this.
I model Orthodont with the same G for random
variables, but different R{i}'s for boys and girls, so
that I can get sigma1_square_hat for boys and
sigma2_square_hat for girls.
The model is Y{i}=X{i}beta + Z{i}b + e{i}
b ~ iid N(0,G) and e{i} ~ iid N(0,R{i}) i=1,2
orth.lme <- lme(distance ~ Sex * age, data=Orthodont,
2001 Nov 14
lme: how to extract the variance components?
Dear all,
Here is the question:
For example, using the "petrol" data offered with R.
pet3.lme$sigma gives the residual StdDev.
But I can't figure out how to extract the "(intercept) StdDev",
although it is in the print out if I do "summary(pet3.lme)".
2009 Jan 22
convergence problem gamm / lme
niterPQL=200, control=lmeControl(returnObject=T))
Maximum number of PQL iterations: 200
iteration 1
iteration 2
Error in MEestimate(lmeSt, grps) :
Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
Singular precision matrix in level -1, block 1
2: In logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
Singular precision matrix in level -1, block 1
3: In logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
Singular precision matrix in level -1, block 1
4: In logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
2005 Apr 01
CI for Ratios of Variance components in lme?
My apologies if this is obvious:
Is there a simple way (other than simulation or bootstrapping) to obtain a
(approximate)confidence interval for the ratio of 2 variance components in a
fitted lme model? -- In particular, if there are only 2 components (1
grouping factor). I'm using nlme but lme4 would be fine, too.
-- Bert Gunter
Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
South San Francisco, CA
2005 Nov 08
Simple Nesting question/Odd error message
...don't really
represent any meaningful gradient, slip is a random effect. There are
also an unequal number of slips at each dock.
I'm having syntactical issues, however. When I try
dock.lme<-lme(X.open ~ Dock, random=Slip|~Dock, data=my.data)
I get
Error in inherits(object, "reStruct") : Object "Slip" not found
I'm uncertain as to what this means, as Slip most certainly is there
(yes, I checked) - any pointers, or pointers about syntax for this as a
general topic.
And while I'm on it, is there a way to fit models with random effects
using least squar...
2013 Oct 26
Problems with lme random slope+intercept model
#Error in chol.default((value + t(value))/2) :
# the leading minor of order 2 is not positive definite
I also tried fitting the same model with a diagonal covariance structure,
which resulted in convergence failure.
#Error in lme.formula(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, random = reStruct(object = ~y | :
#nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1
#message = false convergence (8)
However, changing lmeControl gets this model to run, but I can't make sense
2008 Sep 07
restructuring datset problem
I've got a question regarding the restructering of a data set. What I have are municipality zip-codes and the names of 5'000 built-up areas within municipalities. The following example shows, what I would like to do:
Input (Zip-Codes and Names):
#1 3 aaa
#2 3 aab
#3 3 aac
2004 Apr 05
2 lme questions
1) Is there a nice way of extracting the variance estimates from an lme fit? They don't seem to be part of the lme object.
2) In a series of simulations, I am finding that with ML fitting one of my random effect variances is sometimes being estimated as essentially zero with massive CI instead of the finite value it should have, whilst using REML I get the expected value. I guess
2007 May 03
Package contrast error
...ber of Groups: 119
When I try to get the contrast I get one of two errors each time.
Trying for a paired contrast...
tst <- contrast(lme.fnl.REML, a=list(Yr=levels(Yr), Tr="R"), b=list
(Yr=levels(Yr, Tr="T97")))
Error in gendata.default(fit = list(modelStruct = list(reStruct = list
( :
not enough factors
Trying to include the other factor to make R happy....
> tst <- contrast(lme.fnl.REML, a=list(Yr=levels(Yr), Tr="R"), b=list
(Yr=levels(Yr, Tr="T97")), c=list(Yr=levels(Yr, Tr="T98"))
+ )
Error in contrastCalc(fit, ...) : argum...
2003 May 30
Error using glmmPQL
...= fgdata.df[coded.resource,],
+ na.action=na.omit,
+ niter=50,
+ family=binomial(link=probit))
iteration 1
iteration 2
iteration 3
iteration 4
iteration 5
iteration 6
iteration 7
iteration 8
Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3)
The traceback() output is very long, so I won't post it, but you can see
it here:
Andy Perrin
2004 Jan 28
build fails to build help for nlme
Hi all,
I'm trying to build from source on Linux and getting the following error
when it tries to build the help for 'nlme':
ranef.lme text html latex example
reStruct text html latex example
/home/sfalcon/sw/R-related/R-1.8.1/bin/INSTALL: line 1: 8133 Segmentation fault ${R_CMD} perl "${R_HOME}/share/perl/build-help.pl" ${build_help_opts} "${pkg_dir}" "${lib}" "${R_PACKAGE_DIR}" "...
2008 Jun 24
Error Handling
...ually and reset j in for-loop every time error returned. Doing this manually would be very tedious.
for (j in 1:1000){
fit<-lme(Expression~1,random=~1|MonkeyID, data=mydata1,subset=Probes==as.character(Probes_Blood_sub[j,"probe"]))
The i’m Talkathon starts 6/24/08. For now, give amongst yourselves.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jan 13
glmmPQL: Na/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
I'm using glmmPQL, and I still have a few problems with it.
In addition to the issue reported earlier, I'm getting the following
error and I was wondering if there's something I can do about it.
Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) : Na/NaN/Inf in foreign
function call (arg 3)
... Warnings:
1: Singular precistion matrix in level -1, block 4
4: ""
The interaction terms are
primed ~ log(dist) * role
random = ~ dist | target.utt / prime.utt
The family is binomial (logit).
I ensured that log...