search for: restrict_to

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "restrict_to".

2007 Aug 11
Rspec and acl_system2 plugin
Hello, I''m trying to spec a Rails application using the couple restful_authentication/acl_system2 plugins. In my admin layout, I put the following code : <% restrict_to "admin" do -%> <ul id="admin-tabs"> <li> /users Users management </li> </ul> <% end -%> Then in my spec file ''spec/views/layout/admin.rhtml_spec.rb'' : describe "Layout Admin if admin user" do include UserMockView...
2007 Oct 18
ACL System restrict_to
Does the restrict_to method only work in the views for some reason? I have tried it in the controller and i get the "undefined local variable or method `restrict_to'' for Admin::SurveysController:Class" Ive even copied the code from the access_control.rb in the plugin to the application_helper but it...
2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs it "should show bla" do render "/layouts/thetool" response.should have_tag("p", "bla") end and the view (haml to make things more interesting) - if logged_in? %p bla Now I also use Ezra acl_system2 plugin which defines a "restrict_to" method that queries some roles. When I stub the methods above and run specs, I get the following error: ActionView::TemplateError in ''/users/show should display the information of the user'' undefined local variable or method `current_user'' for #<Spec::Ra...
2007 Mar 06
mocking missing methods
Hi folks. So I''m using mocha on a ruby project, and I really like it. One thing I''ve noticed is that it can be a bit "surprising" when I''m mocking methods that don''t exist on an object, and I think there''s an easyish fix. At the moment, you use sheep = mock() to create a mock sheep. What I''d like to do is something like sheep =
2006 Mar 06
How painful is the 1.0 -> 1.1 upgrade going to be?
Does anyone have a sense for how painful the 1.0 -> 1.1 upgrade is going to be for existing apps? I''m finishing up my first real RoR application with Rails 1.0. I can live with it staying at that level, but I really want to use the has_many :through attribute to clean up some of my code. I''m not particularly interested in edge Rails, mainly because the documentation for
2006 Jul 14
role-based conditionals
in the Rails Recipes book there is a chapter on role-based authentication. it basically set up priviliges based on what page the user was able to access. i went through the chapter and felt like i got a pretty good understanding of how to do it. now i am needing something a little more advanced though. instead of a per page (or action) i would like to have certain sections on a page either
2007 Aug 23
how to manage group permissions?
...grant other members of the group to kick and ban. This is how I want to do it: I''m usgin acl_system2 and the creator can grant kick and ban permissions to group members by creating roles "kick_group_id" or "ban_group_id" for those users and then in the view I do: <% restrict_to "(creator | kick_#{}) do %> <%= link_to "kick this user out of the group", group_membership(@group,membership),:method=>''delete''%> <% end %> is this a good way to deal with this problem or is there a (way) better or simpler solution? Th...
2006 Jul 16
acl_system help is needed
i found Ezra''s acl_system plugin yesterday and i am trying to figure it out. based on the simple instructions on the site, it does exactly what i need but i''m getting some errors when i try to use it: NoMethodError in UsersController#index You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occured while evaluating nil.roles i am pretty new to rails and