search for: respond_with

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "respond_with".

2011 Jan 11
Can I omit respond_with.
If I don''t want xml results but only html can I omit respond_with in some actions? For example index from: respond_with(@sectors = Sector.all) becomes only @sectors = Sector.all isn''t it? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-...
2013 May 23
problem of respond_with working on nested resources
hi all: when using namespace or nested resources in routes.rb,such as "namespace :admin { resources :books }, we can use [:admin,@book] way to generate path. It works fine in form_for , but when I use it with respond_with in controller, I get problems. The problem is when I put following code in controller: def create @book=Book.find(params[:id]) respond_with[:admin,@book] end if there are some problems and the @book is not saved, the function sh...
2012 Sep 18
"best practices" for Rails serving RESTful JSON services for use by AngularJS, Ember.js, etc. not define JSON view. * roar-rails - provides a way to specify both the JSON view and what is accepted, so we are attempting to integrate it currently. Where complication rears its ugly head: When you see things like this, it looks easy: def index @companies = Company.all respond_with @companies end But respond_with makes assumptions about what should be called, and then you should handle errors because it should try to return those as JSON with an appropriate HTTP status code (:ok, :unprocessable_entity, :created, :forbidden, :internal_server_error, etc.), then there is...
2010 Nov 21
api respond_with json
Hello, So let say I created this class with the following method that responds to xml or json. class UsersController < ApplicationController::Base respond_to :html, :xml, :json def index respond_with(@users = User.all) end def create @user = User.create(params[:user]) respond_with(@user, :location => users_url) end end How do I call the create action from another app to interact with this user controller class? Is their any api package I use to do the call on create or some...
2011 Sep 09
respond_with and ajax
Suppose I have this controller: class SalesController < ApplicationController respond_to ????? def get_price @price = Product.find(params[:product_id]).price respond_with ????? end end 1) What do I specify for respond_to() so that get_price() will accept ajax requests? 2) What do I specify for respond_with() if all I want to do is return @price? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G...
2011 Jan 15
respond_with javascript
My ajax stopped working when I switched to using respond_with. For my Votes, I have the create action and the corresponding create.js.erb, and respond_to :html, :js, :xml in the controller. Heres the log when I try and create a vote: Started POST "/stories/3-asdfasdf1111/votes" for at Fri Jan 14 20:46:36 -0800 2011 Processing by VotesC...
2013 Sep 26
Login Problem
...source_params[''password'']) if (user_email.status == "Verified" || user_email.status == nil) /// This part is fine... It allows to login. else flash[:notice] = "User Not Active" respond_with({:errors => "User Not Active"}, :location => sign_in_path) end else flash[:notice] = "Password doesn''t match" respond_with({:errors => "Password doesn''t match"}, :location => sign_in_path) en...
2010 Jun 27
[rspec-rails-2] conflict with view isolation and respond_with
Hey all, For those of you interested in view isolation in controller specs, an issue has been reported with ActionController''s new respond_with method. Please take a look at and add comments if you have any thoughts on the matter. Thanks, David
2011 Aug 15
respond_with with templates and http status when creating an object
Hi. When you use respond_with in a controller #create method and want to render XML the response gets the http status 201 (Created). But if you use a view to render this XML response_with uses the status 200 (Ok), for example when you use the gem rabl. I cannot determine if this matter is related to Rails or rabl. If it'...
2010 Sep 05
Responding to a non-registered MIME type?
...ment resource I want to return metadata if the requested format is XML or JSON. Otherwise I want to return the attachment itself. class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController respond_to :xml, :json respond_to :all, :only => :show def show @attachment = ... respond_with(@attachment) do format.any { send_file @attachment.path } end end end This doesn''t work, because #any really means any, including :xml and :json. This doesn''t work as intended, either respond_with(@attachment) do format.xml format.json...
2010 Jul 04
Rendering a different format in the implementation of a renderer
...ce article on implementing a custom renderer for PDF at I''ve tried to follow the example and I''m not sure I see how to get it to work. If I understand things correctly, the format(s) usable in this render call respond_with(@resource) do |format| { render :xyz => ... } end are set to xyz. Thus templates (for actions, partials, and layouts) are looked up based on only this format, e.g. This is the correct behavior, of course, but there are legitimate reasons for wanting to override...
2011 Sep 06
Ajax and rails 3 UJS (jquery)
Hi, guys, I''m in the midst of moving an app from rails 2.3.8 to rails 3.0.9. Sadly, rails 3 no longer has javascript generators and I''m now forced to do more javascript. For my project, I have selected jQuery as the javascript framework for my rails 3.0.9 app. What I have done to have my app''s deletion link (for each item) trigger an alert box when the deletion
2012 Apr 05
rspec: identical tests fails when repeated
I''m doing RSpec controller testing with CanCan authorization, and I''m seeing something I''ve never seen in RSpec before: the same test run twice fails on the second one. I am NOT doing before(:all) or other things that should cause state to persist between tests: Here''s the relevant code: context "POST create" do context "with user logged
2011 Jul 11
Can't get this Rspec test to pass
...d } get :new, :herd_id => 1 assigns(:herd_ration).should be(mock_herd_ration) response.should be_success end end and here''s my controller method: def new @herd_ration = @herd = Herd.find(params[:herd_id]) if @herd respond_with(@herd_rations, :layout=> !request.xhr?) else redirect_to(root_url, :notice => ''No herd selected for ration.'') end end [/code] Here''s the catch - we have this groovy little plugin that globally enforces a model scope via a session id, in this case: s...
2010 Jul 04
Rails 3: ActiveRecord .include not working
...ns default_scope order(''title'') scope :active, where(:active => true) end class CategoriesController < ApplicationController respond_to :html, :json # GET /categories/:id def show @category = Category.where(:id => params[:id]).include(:auctions).first respond_with(@category) end end I receive the error: undefined method `include'' for []:ActiveRecord::Relation I have tried this on simple has_many relationships as well, and I get nothing but this error when trying to use .include -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the G...
2010 Aug 28
Rails 3 rendering XML problem
I have Rails 3 application (running Rails RC1), and I have the following controller: class PluginsController < ApplicationController respond_to :html, :xml, :json def index @plugins = Plugin.all respond_with(@plugins) end end If I try to render http://localhost:3000/plugins it works fine, showing me the HTML version. If I try to get http://localhost:3000/plugins.json, it also correctly sends me the JSON response. However if I try http://localhost:3000/plugins.xml, I get the following error: Templat...
2011 Feb 03
Correct way to exclude attributes from json serialization
...I''m using Mongoid and Rails 3, and I want to serialize one of my mongoid documents to json for publishing via a controller, e.g. class ReportController < ApplicationController respond_to :json def show report = Report.where(:report_id => params[:id]).first respond_with report end end This works ok, but pushes out every attribute on the document including the "internal" mongodb document id, e.g. : { _id: 54857324987546, // internal mongoid document id report_field_a: 1, report_field_b: 2, etc } I would like to strip this...
2011 Mar 22
Error on ajax forms/links in jQuery UI tabs I uses rails 3.05. I''ve tried different versions of jQuery og jQuery Ui: ---- class InnmeldingsController < ApplicationController respond_to :js, :html ... def destroy @innmelding = Innmelding.find(params[:id]) @innmelding.destroy @innmeldings = Innmelding.all respond_with( @innmeldings, :layout => !request.xhr? ) end ... def list @innmeldings = Innmelding.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @innmeldings } format.js end end ... ---- list.html.erb: ... <td><%= link_to...
2013 Feb 01
Add a customer renderer but I get missing template
...#39;', :mpac ActionController::Renderers.add :mpac do |mpac, options| self.content_type ||= Mime::MPAC self.response_body = mpac.respond_to?(:to_msgpack) ? mpac.to_msgpack : mpac end My controller: class UsersController < ApplicationController respond_to :mpac, :json def show respond_with({ hello: ''world'' }) end end And my serializer: require ''msgpack'' module ActiveModel module Serializers module MPAC extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Serialization included do extend ActiveModel::Naming...
2011 Jan 06
View specs - best practices
Howdy, I''m trying to test some mailer views (which is no different to normal views in terms of specs)... ran into the following problem... In adherence to the "one expectation per ''spec''"... I''m trying to write the following describe "auth/mailer/signup.html.erb" do before(:each) do @user = assign(:user,