search for: resluted

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2008 Jul 23
sum each row and output results
Hello, I have the following data frame (DF): V5 V5.1 V5.2 V5.3 V5.4 V5.5 2 -5890.18905 -6019.84665 -6211.06545 -6198.9353 -6616.8677 -6498.7183 3 -5890.18905 -6019.84665 -6211.06545 -6198.9353 -6616.8677 -6498.7183 4 -5890.18905 -6019.84665 -6211.06545 -6198.9353 -6616.8677 -6498.7183 5 -5890.18905 -6019.84665 -6211.06545 -6198.9353 -6616.8677
2006 Aug 20
how to the p-values or t-values from the lm's results
Dear friends, After running the lm() model, we can get summary resluts like the following: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) x1 0.11562 0.10994 1.052 0.2957 x2 -0.13879 0.09674 -1.435 0.1548 x3 0.01051 0.09862 0.107 0.9153 x4 0.14183 0.08471 1.674 0.0975 . x5 0.18995 0.10482 1.812 0.0732 . x6 0.24832 0.10059 2.469 0.0154 * x7
2003 Jun 18
dyn.load() function problem help!
Hi! I would like to call a Fortran subroutine within R. For doing this, I first built a shared library for loading into R under Unix and it was successful. But when I tried to load a shared library using dyn.load() function for use in .Fortran(), I got an error message. The command I input below in R is: >dyn.load("") The reslut is: error in
2007 Mar 19
Many index files
I''m using acts_as_ferret and have indexed a model with acts_as_ferret :fields => [:name, :ascii_name, :alt_names], :single_index => true. Now in the index directory more than 95.000 files are generated! The number of tuples I''m indexing is approx. 86.000. I can''t remember this from earlier ferret/acts_as_ferret versions where I''ve indexed millions of
2004 Sep 21
how to take this experiment with R?
How about: x <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1550),c(50,31))) model <- step(lm(x[,1] ~ as.matrix(x[,2:31]))) --Matt -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at]On Behalf Of rongguiwong Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 20:52 PM To: r-help at Subject: [R] how to take this experiment with R? This message uses
2004 Dec 22
(no subject)
What you've shown us looks inconsistent: The data frame you show has variables X1 through X5 and `class'. If this is a data frame named `data', why do you call tree() with the formula V1 ~ X1? Where is V1? `data' is the name of a built-in R function. Try using some other name for the data frame. Also, give us the output of traceback() after the error occur. That should help.
2002 Jun 28
FreeType 2.1.2
I upgraded FreeType to 2.1.2 and it broke WINE. Is there a simple way to link WINE to: "" rather than: ""? Or, is there some other way to fix it? -- JRT
2008 Jan 15
Network Path was not found
When I try to access a share i get the following error on my windows machine " The Network Path was not found" My smbd.log file has the following message. [2008/01/15 15:38:56, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1003) '/home/chr' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [chr] Error was Permission denied /home/chr does exist My smb.conf has the following
2004 Apr 21
Re: [openMosix-general] openMosix and R: File I/O issues?
Memory could be an issue. The three nodes in the cluster we are using only have 512 MB. The machines are otherwise identical in terms of hardware. They are dual PIIIs (purchased from Penguin Computing in 2001). (If you need specs on motherboard etc, we can get that info together.) The installed operating system is RHEL-3, standard workstation with some additional libraries (e.g., all of the
2004 Apr 27
Problems raised to 1/3 power and NaN
I am debugging some code and found a function that returns and error most of the time. I have issolated the problem to when it raises an argument to the 1/3 power but for the life of me I can not figure out why it is not working. i have gone through the FAQs and have found nothing (not to say I might have missed something). I am highly embarrased with my inability find the problem (my face is
2004 Apr 21
RE: [openMosix-general] openMosix and R: File I/O issues?
It's generally said that OM needs lots more swap than plain Linux. There has to be someplace to juggle processes around. We use 4 GB nodes with something like 12 GB swap; that plus round-robin logins to distribute home nodes seemed to solve a lot of our problems. To use oMFS to allow processes to write from the node they've migrated to you also need DFSA enabled. That sounds like a great
2007 Apr 29
Can copy to test share, but not read, move or delete
I have a new SentOS 5 system and have been having problems with Samba. I had been able to access my test share but not my home share. Attempting to re-set thigns as describe by the "webmin configure samba" info resluted in being able to see everything but the home shares. I don't know if I could have copied or written to these other directories - didn't try. Continued tinkering and I found I could copy files to my test share but then do nothing more with them - not delete, copy or even open from a re...