Displaying 20 results from an estimated 32 matches for "requirepackage".
2012 Apr 04
Rgui maintains open file handles after Sweave error
..., df$y, foo)
\caption{test figure one}
Sweave command run:
Sweave("test.Rnw", syntax="SweaveSyntaxNoweb")
\newboolean{Sweave at gin}
\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{true}
\newboolean{Sweave at ae}
\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{true}
\DeclareOption{nogin}{\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{false}}
\DeclareOption{noae}{\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{false}}
2016 Jul 29
strange behavior in 'inherits' check for loaded S4 object
I should add one more item that may be related here -- calling
'methods:::.requirePackage' returns a different result based on
whether the package namespace is already loaded or not.
If the package namespace is not loaded, the package is loaded and
attached, and the package environment is returned:
> methods:::.requirePackage("digest")
Loading required package...
2024 Sep 27
Disabling S4 primitive dispatch during method resolution affects namespace load actions
R -q -s -e "readRDS('foo.rds')"
# Loading required package: repro
# Error: package or namespace load failed for ?repro? in
# .doLoadActions(where, attach):
# error in load action .__A__.1 for package repro: bar$foo(): attempt
# to apply non-function
# Error in .requirePackage(package) : unable to find required package
# ?repro?
# Calls: <Anonymous> ... .findInheritedMethods -> getClass ->
# getClassDef -> .requirePackage
# Execution halted
(Here it has to be a show() call to trigger the package load, not just
I have verified that the follow...
2016 Jul 31
strange behavior in 'inherits' check for loaded S4 object
...n Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>>> Kevin Ushey <kevinushey at gmail.com>
>>>>>> on Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:46:19 -0700 writes:
>> I should add one more item that may be related here --
>> calling 'methods:::.requirePackage' returns a different
>> result based on whether the package namespace is already
>> loaded or not.
>> If the package namespace is not loaded, the package is
>> loaded and attached, and the package environment is
>> returned:
>>> methods:::.requ...
2024 Sep 27
Disabling S4 primitive dispatch during method resolution affects namespace load actions
> # Loading required package: repro
> # Error: package or namespace load failed for ?repro? in
> # .doLoadActions(where, attach):
> # error in load action .__A__.1 for package repro: bar$foo(): attempt
> # to apply non-function
> # Error in .requirePackage(package) : unable to find required package
> # ?repro?
> # Calls: <Anonymous> ... .findInheritedMethods -> getClass ->
> # getClassDef -> .requirePackage
> # Execution halted
> (Here it has to be a show() call to trigger the package load, not just...
2016 Jul 30
strange behavior in 'inherits' check for loaded S4 object
>>>>> Kevin Ushey <kevinushey at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:46:19 -0700 writes:
> I should add one more item that may be related here --
> calling 'methods:::.requirePackage' returns a different
> result based on whether the package namespace is already
> loaded or not.
> If the package namespace is not loaded, the package is
> loaded and attached, and the package environment is
> returned:
>> methods:::.requirePackage...
2018 Nov 03
odd NOTE in R CMD check of data; Rcpp module related
With the current version of the "raster" package (that I maintain), R CMD
check on packages "soilDB" and "PopGenReport" have this NOTE:
Package: soilDB
Check: data for non-ASCII characters
New result: NOTE
Error in .requirePackage(package) :
unable to find required package 'raster'
Calls: <Anonymous> ... .findInheritedMethods -> getClass -> getClassDef
-> .requirePackage
Execution halted
In soiDB this is presumably triggered by loading this file:
> f <- system.file("data/gSS...
2009 Jun 26
Modifying Sweave.sty to allow escapes with fancyvrb package in LaTeX
...a pointer to how to properly change Sweave.sty to
allow it to use fancyvrb in this way? I am following the model in
SweaveListingUtils for having Sweave use the listings package to do
Thanks very much
\newboolean{Sweave at gin}
\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{true}
\newboolean{Sweave at ae}
\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{true}
\DeclareOption{nogin}{\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{false}}
\DeclareOption{noae}{\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{false}}
2009 Mar 17
Combining Sweave and fancyvrb
I find Sweave very useful and I was trying to combine it with the
latex package fancyvrb. I was trying to get line numbering and labels
in order to reference the lines where particular commands occur.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. Maybe
somebody can help me.
The following is a sample Rnw file: the first part shows what I would
like to get, the second what I
2016 Aug 02
strange behavior in 'inherits' check for loaded S4 object
...at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>>>> Kevin Ushey <kevinushey at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> on Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:46:19 -0700 writes:
>>> I should add one more item that may be related here --
>>> calling 'methods:::.requirePackage' returns a different
>>> result based on whether the package namespace is already
>>> loaded or not.
>>> If the package namespace is not loaded, the package is
>>> loaded and attached, and the package environment is
>>> returned:
2019 Jan 24
Possible setClassUnion Unloading Issue
...is undesirable.
This brings us to the second issue: even if the first patch is
undesirable, `validObject` fails while attempting to reload the class
definition. I believe the error that occurs when we try to run
`validObject` the first time happens in the `validObject` ->
`getClassDef` -> `.requirePackage` set of calls. When
`.requirePackage` does not find our package already loaded, it loads,
attaches it, and returns the _package_ environment. This is different
to what happens when the package namespace is already loaded, in which
case the _namespace_ environment is returned.
The problem with th...
2024 Mar 01
installation: while running make, unable to run pdflatex on 'NEWS.tex'
...ean, quiet =
quiet, :
unable to run pdflatex on 'NEWS.tex'
LaTeX errors:
! LaTeX Error: File `pdftexcmds.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
! Emergency stop.
<read *>
l.108 RequirePackage{pdftexcmds}[2018/09/10]
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Calls: <Anonymous> -> texi2pdf -> texi2dvi
Execution halted
make[1]: /*/ [Makefile:74: NEWS.pdf] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/btyner/R-4.3.3/doc'
2002 Nov 13
Package documentation and rd.sty
Hi all,
I've got a basic question regarding package documentation and rd.sty. I
wrote my first own package, and now I would like to place the documentation
into the appendix of another LaTex document. Seemingly I cannot simply
\usepackage{Rd}, as this will modify the page-settings of my document. Is
there a minimum style file which will just define the environments and
commands needed for
2004 Oct 06
R 2.0.0: namespaces, S4 classes & versioned package installation: failure to resolve correct pkg version
...0.0 :
[1] "mle"
[1] "stats4"
as far as i could understand the problem lies in the 'package' attribute not
being set to package + version string.
In the call sequence
new -> getClass -> getClassDef: here .requirePackage(package)
is called where package is retrieved from package = packageSlot(Class)
Is this speculation correct or did I make a mistake somewhere else?
Is there any way to teach methods to look for the classes in the versioned
package in the search path?
Or is this just asking more than can be achiev...
2016 Jun 25
strange behavior in 'inherits' check for loaded S4 object
(sorry for the wall of text; the issue here appears to be rather complicated)
I'm seeing a somewhat strange case where checking whether an S4 object
inherits from a parent class defined from another package with
'inherits' fails if that object is materialized through a call to
'load'. That's a mouthful, so I've put together a relatively small
reproducible example
2009 Apr 16
there are fontencoding problem in Sweave
I want write article by russian language using Sweave. For cyrillic text
LaTeX use T2A encoding
But in Sweave.sty we find:
It is source of critical problem.
For example Rnw file
$ cat estimation.Rnw
Для начала попытаемся апроксимировать результаты нормативной за...
2008 Dec 29
...eck-all checking package 'survival' and elsewhere:
l.100 \fontencoding\encodingdefault\selectfont
! LaTeX Error: File `kvoptions.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
! Emergency stop.
<read *>
l.2231 \RequirePackage{kvoptions}[2006/08/17]
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produce
Does anyone know in what Ubuntu/Debian package I should find this sty
file? Based on a google search I thought it might be in whizzytex, but
no luck.
Paul Gilbert
2010 Aug 10
Sweave with dev.new()
...nd and the output of my
plotting functions in the Sweave document, and I suspect it must have
something to do with the command 'dev.new()' in my code. Here is a basic
example of a Sweave file which can hopefully illustrate the problem:
2015 Jan 21
reducing redundant work in methods package
...e input and output of a set of functions you wish
to refactor
.init_test_data_collection <- function(ns = asNamespace("methods")) {
funs = c("isClassUnion", "getClass", "genericForPrimitive",
"possibleExtends", ".dataSlot", ".requirePackage", ".classEnv",
"getClassDef", "outerLabels", ".getClassFromCache", "getFunction")
message(paste0("\nCollecting data for unit tests on ", paste(funs,
collapse=", "), " ...\n"))
# Make env with list to hold...
2015 Jan 21
reducing redundant work in methods package
...t;> to refactor
>> .init_test_data_collection <- function(ns = asNamespace("methods")) {
>> funs = c("isClassUnion", "getClass", "genericForPrimitive",
>> "possibleExtends", ".dataSlot", ".requirePackage", ".classEnv",
>> "getClassDef", "outerLabels", ".getClassFromCache", "getFunction")
>> message(paste0("\nCollecting data for unit tests on ", paste(funs,
>> collapse=", "), " ...\n")...