Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "reproject".
2012 Sep 02
why variations in accuracy between R to ARCGIS for the same point reprojection?
Hi everyone,
I wonder if anyone knows the reason why the outputs of the same
reprojection in r and arcgis are different?. The magnitude of the
change can be up to 40 km in the poles.
Basically, I have a database of points equally separated by one degree
over the globe.
In ARCGIS, I am projecting the data in GCS-WGS-1984 and then
reprojected it to Berhmann to ensure equal area...
2012 Oct 18
Re-projecting geotiff
Dear R users,
I'm currently trying to re-project a geotiff in another coordinate system.
For instance, I have a tif image in UTM 19 zone which I would like to
reproject into UTM 18. I was wondering if it was possible in R.
Furthermore, I looked into 'rgdal' package, but I can't really find out if
I'm doing the right thing. So far, here is what I'm doing:
myTiff = 'L5014028_02819840617_B10.TIF'
a = readGDAL(myTiff)
aa =...
2008 Feb 28
EMM: how to make forecast using EMM methods?
...e forecast.
This is because in the stochastic volatility models we are estimating,
the volatilities are latent variables, and we want to forecast 1-step
ahead or h-step ahead volatilities.
So it is nice to have the system estimated, but we couldn't get it to
forecast at all.
There is a "Reprojection" Method described in the original EMM paper,
but let's say we reproject to a GARCH(1,1) model, then only the
GARCH(1, 1) parameters are significant, which basically means we
degrade the SV model into a GARCH model. There is no way to do the
Could anybody give some pointers?...
2014 Jul 29
Ayuda por favor
Saludos, estoy intentando usar la funciĆ³n reprojectHDF() (
2012 Jun 20
prcomp: where do sdev values come from?
...of the principal components (i.e., the square roots of the
eigenvalues of the covariance/correlation matrix, though the
calculation is actually done with the singular values of the data
matrix)." ?However, this is not what I'm finding. ?The values appear
to be the standard deviations of a reprojection of the data, as in the
example below.
> test=matrix(data=c(1,1,2,2,0,0,2,1,2,1,0,2,1,2,1,2,2,0),nrow=3,ncol=6)
> test=standardize(test)
> test
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] -0.7071068 2.828427 0.8944272 0 -0.7071068 1.414214
[2,] -0.7071068 -...
2012 Mar 27
Rgdal package - get information
> /MOD13Q1.A2001049.h13v11.005.2007002215512.250m_16_days_EVI.tif
> apparent band summary:
> *GDType* Bmin Bmax Bmean Bsd hasNoDataValue NoDataValue
> 1 *Int16* -32768 32767 0 0 FALSE 0
> Metadata:
> TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=MODIS Reprojection Tool v4.1 March 2009
> *How to read the information GDType?*
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2012 Aug 08
map axis on projected shapefiles
I have overlayed 2 projected shapefiles using the "plot" function.
When I plot them the numbers next to the x-axis ticks are printed in
scientific format (e.g. -4e+05, -3e+05,...,), and the problem is these dont
match up to the projected point locations I also wish to overlay from my
dataset. For example, according to the x-axis ticks the prime meridian (0?)
is in totally the
2009 Jul 16
Problems generating image from tiff file
I imported the attached tiff file and converted the coordinate system to
long lat and graphed it:
californiatiff<- readGDAL("california1.tif")
> rasterprojection <- spTransform(californiatiff, CRS("+proj=longlat")
however, when using the plot command for rasterprojection, I get a blob. I
can see the outline of the state of california and
2012 May 31
maptools: using to sets of information (within two shape files) for one plot
Dear all,
I am using a shape file containing the information regarding the borders of
the PARISHES of Austria. I created a plot with different colours for
different percentages of child care institutions.
Now I would like to add the information of the COUNTY boundaries to this
plot which I have got in another shape file. I would like these boundaries
to be shown with bold lines so that they can