Displaying 20 results from an estimated 955 matches for "reproduction".
2008 Jan 28
matrix creation
I am trying to create multiple matrices (to run a PVA) but can't import all
of them from a .csv without the numbers treated as labels and not factors.
I can enter the matrix slowly:
Site05_96 <- matrix(c(0.07,0,0.03,0.00,NA,0.00,
0.09,0.166666667,0.31,0.42,NA,0.00, 0.00,0,0.00,0.00,NA,0.00,
2011 Jun 05
reproduction archives
Hello Folks,
As some of my old code broke when an updated package changed its
interface, I started thinking about reproduction of analyses. It's not
good enough to save our code - we have to save the package versions
those analyses used as well as the R-core. I saw a couple references to
"reproduction archives" around, but nothing specific. Is there any good
way to package up code along with the relevant p...
2008 May 13
Un-reproductibility of SVM classification with 'e1071' libSVM package
When calling several times the svm() function, I get different results.
Do I miss something, or is there some random generation in the C library?
In this second hypothesis, is it possible to fix an eventual seed?
Thank you
### Example
x = rnorm(100) # train set
y = rnorm(100)
c = runif(100)>0.5
x2 = rnorm(100)# test set
y2 = rnorm(100)
# learning a
2005 Nov 12
Exact metadata reproduction
Hi! I'm just now preparing the first, still very experimental (way pre-1.0)
release of a new archival tool, similar to (and based on) zip/unzip, with the
difference that the enhanced zip tool can store x86-based decompressor code
fragments in archives along with the compressed data, which the unzip tool
runs in an isolated user-mode virtual machine in order to extract the data.
The main
2010 Jan 04
Piecewise regression in lmer
...ented package useful, but it cannot be implemented
in a mixed model framework. I've also attempted piecewise regression
using this formula in lmer:
m<-lmer(repro ~ OTHER FIXED EFFECTS + age*(age < 2) + age*(age >= 2 &
age < 8) + age*(age >= 8) + (1|id) + (1|yr), data = reproduction,
family = binomial, link = "logit", GHQ = TRUE)
However, this gives the warning:
Warning message:
In mer_finalize(ans) : gr cannot be computed at initial par (65)
which is not apparent if I use just two break points or I implement
the model in glm.
My question is essentially wheth...
2013 Nov 01
Replace element with pattern
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2009 Jun 29
Calling Number Verification Number? for BellSouth/AT&T
This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain
confidential and privileged information and is for use by the
designated addressee(s) named above only. If you are not the
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unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please
notify us immediately by replying to this message and deleting it
from your computer. Thank you.
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2011 Jan 20
Inverse Prediction with splines
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2007 Oct 25
...I need help to make the following subset of individuals:
I want the measures that are taken on individuals the year they are hatched. So for the individuals I compare, I want year==year.hatch.
I also want that the individuals from which I obtain measurements are offspring from the first reproduction year of their parents.
So for the individuals I compare, I want their /mothers/ to have year==year.1st.reproduction.
Applying my selection criteria on the simple dummy data above, I would end up with the measures from id=3 in 1996, id=4 in 1996 and id=5 in 1997.
Can anyone help me how to perform...
2006 Apr 25
Permissions for share
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and contains information that may be confidential and/or
copyrighted. If you are not the intended recipient please
notify the sender by reply email and immediately delete
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prohibited. USIT has scanned this email for viruses and
dangerous content and believes it to be clean. However,
virus scanning is ultimately the responsibility of the recipient.
2008 Feb 22
projection.matrix() {popbio} for more than one matrix
I am trying to use the projection.matrix( ) function and am following the
example given. I have my data formatted very similar to the test.census
> str(AsMi05mat)
`data.frame': 1854 obs. of 6 variables:
$ Tag : num 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 ...
$ Year : int 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 ...
$ Length : num 34
2005 Aug 08
Speex QoS
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2013 Aug 27
Scale of axis for two data sets
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2004 Nov 24
asterisk and pstn
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2013 Sep 20
Averate memory usage trend
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2006 Feb 01
XLite dtmf issue?
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2006 Mar 14
Codec Issue
...ve electronic mail transmission is confidential and intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. Its contents may be protected by legal and/or professional privilege. Should it be received by you in error please contact the sender at the above quoted email address. Any unauthorised form of reproduction of this message is strictly prohibited. The Institute does not guarantee the security of any information electronically transmitted and is not liable if the information contained in this communication is not a proper and complete record of the message as transmitted by the sender nor for any delay...
2002 Sep 16
Samba 2.2.0 error on AIX 4.3.3
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you received this message in error, please immediately notify us by sending
email to administrator@reflexdata.co.uk
Reflex Data Systems Ltd. Reflex House, Tokenspire Busin...
2015 Feb 11
Another Fedora decision
...riously? from page 5 of said PDF.
> Copyright ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
> Printed in the United States of America. This publication is
> protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the
> publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a
> retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means,
> electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise....
Oh dear.
Legal point 1: you do not know the source of the Russian's PDF.
Legal point 2: you can not determine with certainty that t...
2006 Feb 15
common title for graphs in a (1x2) layout
Dear all,
Many thanks for the help suggesting the use of "layout" cmd.
How to insert a title in a 1x2 layout? The title is related to both graphs.
I looked for it in help, unsuccessfully.
Thanks in advance,
my reproductible code:
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
nf <- layout(matrix(c(1,2),