search for: replacefixtur

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "replacefixtur".

Did you mean: replacefixtures
2008 Sep 09
Cucumber and fixtures/FixtureReplacement
...eing anything getting loaded into the database. I have some legacy fixtures that I''m willing to let go of, but I kind of assumed that they would work for now. When I run my Features, I''m not seeing anything whatsoever loaded into the db. When I use FixtureReplacement (, i''m getting errors that the methods aren''t defined. I''ve added a "config.include FixtureReplacement" to my spec_helper but that didn''t seem to make any difference. Then I tried adding "include FixtureReplacement" int...
2007 Oct 16
Example for attr_accessible?
Is anyone out there writing specs to check attr_accessible fields? I had originally written my spec to check for allowing the desired fields, and then none of the other regular db fields. Unfortunately this isn''t satisfactory, because attr_protected could have been used instead, which of course wouldn''t prevent mass assignment to any whatever=(val) method. I''m thinking
2008 Jul 05
Does RSpec work nicely with UUID primary keys?
I have my application happily generating UUID primary keys using the uuidtools gem. But the auto-generated specifications created by "script/generate rspec_scaffold...", etc, assume that one is using a sequential integer primary key. For those who have hit this same issue, is it just a matter of rewriting the auto-generated specifications to take this into account, or does one have to
2007 Oct 04
Spec/Test Speed
Just wanted to pick some smart people about this topic: What are you guys doing to increase the speed of your specs? I''m a big fan of autotest, but right now my current project has 438 specs (for rails). Most of them are in the model, and for all of them we are hitting the database (they are more functional specs than unit-tests). The whole suite takes 112 seconds (meaning the