search for: repast

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "repast".

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2012 Mar 29
[xapian] GSoC - Learning to Rank, Introduction and some Ideas
...ated to machine learning and computational intelligence. I successfully completed my *Google Summer of Code - 2011* for the *Center for the study of Complex systems - University of Michigan*. I implemented various *algorithms (ant colony, random walk etc.)* related to computational intelligence in Repast S (*Coded in Groovy, Java*) and wrote *extensive documentations and tutorial* for the related models with *literature reviews * on the topics. My *contributions to Repast S was a part of the latest release of the software*. The detailed documentation and code can be found here:
2010 Mar 16
Is there a way to edit a specific line in a function (e.g: doing function->text->edit->function) ?
...ction again. The reason I am asking is that I just published a post online where I used a function to which I did a minor tweak (so to improve it's output for my particular case). This tweaking was just adding one line of code, to a function who's length is 187 lines of code. So instead of repasting all the function on my blog, I decided to just explain how to edit it. But I would rather have a simple code that edited the function for the reader. Thanks, Tal ----------------Contact Details:------------------------------------------------------- Contact me: | 972-52...
2007 Jan 31
features of save and save.image (unexpected file sizes)
Hi, Today I came upon unexpected R behaviour. I did some modelling and the result was R object, about 28MB size (nested list, with matrixes as list elements). When I was saving the session with save.image, the resulting .RData file was 300MB. There were no other large objects: >
2014 Apr 17
KVM guests unusable after install
I'm finding that my KVM images are not bootable after i reboot my host, and i've detailed my problem here.... Any thoughts on why? Here is a repaste of the problem: **************************************************************************************** Im finding that my KVM guests are unusable after i reboot my host. Specifically, I always get this error: Booting from hard disk Boot failed: not a bootable disk What causes this error? I&...
2007 May 31
loading several "samples" of data from hard-drive, run "lm", "rlm", etc, save results in a list
...regressions as objects in a list. Here is the code I have written. Is there a "better/simpler" way to do this? (Ideally, I'd like the model I specify to be flexible, and to be able to use not only lm, but also rlm, etc. (I have simplified my code for this example, but I think this repasts the essential parts of what I am trying to accomplish.) ) #my code to run a regression for each "sample" (i.e."samples" 5,6,7,8,& 9), #this saves the regression results in a list called "results" y='Ozone' x=c('Wind','Temp') results=list...
2010 Mar 12
R/Finance 2010
...odels Dirk Eddelbuettel/Khanh Nguyen: RQuantLib: Interfacing QuantLib from R Lightning talks: Jeff Ryan: Databasing without the Database: The indexing package Josh Ulrich: Fast and Flexible Technical Analysis with TTR Ruud Koning: Thick Tails, Thin Tails, or Dependence? Michael North: R and Repast Simphony R/Finance 2010 is organized by a local group of R package authors and community contributors, hosted by the International Center for Futures and Derivatives (ICFD) at the University of Illinois at Chicago and made possible via sponsorship support from ICFD, REvolution Computing, OneMa...
2013 Mar 21
GSOC - 2013 - Introduction (Learning to Rank)
...ed in Machine Learning and presently pursuing my thesis on the same. I have been selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) twice. During GSoC -11, I worked for the Centre for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan on making evolutionary model for swarms ( and last summer, GSoC - 12, I worked on making HLA interfaces for The network simulator - 3 to aid ns-3 in distributed simulation ( My first-degree thesis last semester was on computational cognitive modelling of artificial investo...