search for: reorderable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2516 matches for "reorderable".

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2004 Aug 27
reorder [stats] and reorder.factor [lattice]
It was recently pointed out on the lists that the S-PLUS Trellis suite has a function called reorder.factor that's useful in getting useful ordering of factors for graphs. I happily went ahead and implemented it, but it turns out that R (not S-PLUS) has a generic called reorder (with a method for "dendrogram"). Naturally, this causes R to think I'm defining a method for
2007 Oct 12
missing attribute: reorder
I am trying to use an integer object as a flag item for displaying a link on a page called reorder that is a column in my PlanProcedures table. I''m getting an error that says The Header is NoMethodError in Manage_plan_procedures#list missing attribute: reorder Here is what my model looks like: >> PlanProcedure.column_names => ["id", "plan_id",
2012 Jul 22
Reorder in decreasing order
reorder() is probably the best way to order the levels in a vector without manually specifying the order. But reorder() orders by default in an increasing order: "The levels are ordered such that the values returned by ?FUN? are in increasing order." Is there a way to do what reorder() does, but order the levels according to a _decreasing_ order of the values? Sverre
2011 Apr 18
Reorder a data frame according a column randomly reordered.
Hello all ,  I have a data frame like this  X1X2X3 11815 22916 331017 441118 551219 661320 771421 now i want to randomly reorder the variable X2  but the row element should be same  as for example  X1X2X3 12916 251219 331017 471421 561320 61815 741118 how can i do that ?? Hint :  this could be helpful :  if X2 is only a vector like this  X2<-c(8,9,10,11,12,13,14) so i can easily reorder
2006 Feb 11
heatmap.2 in gplots (PR#8587)
Full_Name: Shane Neph Version: 2.2.1 OS: mac os x Submission from: (NULL) ( While I found the names of the package authors and maintainer, I was unsuccessful in finding any contact information. The preliminary documentation for heatmap.2 is inconsistent in at least a couple of places when discussing the suppression of one or more dendrograms (and column/row ordering in general).
2010 Oct 05
reorder always returns "ordered"
Or at least is seems that way to me. It's not a big problem, but the behavior doesn't match the documentation. (I think r-help is the place to report this. ) > x <- factor(1:5) > <- reorder(x, rnorm(5)) > is.ordered( # should be FALSE according to ?reorder [1] TRUE > > <- reorder(x, rnorm(5), ordered=FALSE) > is.ordered( # should be FALSE
2014 Jun 19
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Add compiler scheduling barriers
Hi all, I'm currently working on implementing ACLE extensions for ARM. There are some memory barrier intrinsics, i.e.__dsb and __isb that require the compiler not to reorder instructions around their corresponding built-in intrinsics(__builtin_arm_dsb, __builtin_arm_isb), including non-memory-access instructions.[1] This is currently not possible. It is sometimes useful to prevent the
2009 Oct 13
Lattice barchart-reordered
Hi,Can I use "reorder" function with barchart as in dotchart? Here are some codes which do not work for me. Thanks Chetty ___________________________ a1c.cast$[a1c.cast$eth!="Other"] <-with(a1c.cast[a1c.cast$eth!="Other",],reorder([a1c.cast$eth!="Other"], BP.FN.RATE,median )) barchart(BP.FN.RATE~
2012 Nov 03
reorder() in the latticeExtra library
Hello all, thanks for your time and help. Below are my commands, and it generates a really nice plot, however I am not happy with the reorder() function. I would like the order to be the same as they appear in the genotype variable "genotype <- c("CJ1450 NW 4/25/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/25/12","CJ1450 NW 4/27/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/27/12","CJ1721 NW
2010 Mar 23
using reorder in dotplot
Hi, Please help to correct my error in the following. I want to plot the values of 'x" in increasing order. ----------------------------------- library(lattice) Name<-c("A","B","C") x<-c(15,20,10) test<-data.frame(Name,x) dotplot(Name~x,test) dotplot(reorder(Name,x)~x,test) "reorder" has no effect! Thanks. Chetty ------------------------
2014 Jun 27
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Add compiler scheduling barriers
On 24 June 2014 01:55, Philip Reames <listmail at> wrote: > > On 06/19/2014 09:35 AM, Yi Kong wrote: >> >> Hi all, >> >> I'm currently working on implementing ACLE extensions for ARM. There >> are some memory barrier intrinsics, i.e.__dsb and __isb that require >> the compiler not to reorder instructions around their
2012 Jul 20
conditional subset and reorder dataframe rows
Hi List I have a dataframe (~1,200,000 rows deep) and I'd like to conditionally reorder groups of rows in this dataframe. I would like to reorder any rows where the Chr.Strand column contains a '-' but reorder within subsets delineated by the Probe.Set.Name column. # toy example #### library(plyr) negStrandGene <- data.frame(Probe.Set.Name =
2018 Oct 02
Reordering of load/stores using MemorySSA
Hello all, It seems that it is insufficient to rely on MemorySSA to correctly reorder load/stores. For example, we have this following code: v = load q store 10, p => store 10, p v = load q // This is incorrect if p and q may alias In the MemorySSA representation however, there's no syntactic dependency between load/store, because MemorySSA before transformation would look like this:
2011 Aug 25
Sorting order of reorder with multiple variables
I've been building a ranked dot plot for several days now and am sorting the data using the reorder command. What I don't understand is how reorder works when mutiple varibles are plotted by grouping. In the example below I'm using re-order to sort by a variable name Resv_Prop, but I'm plotting up to three different values of Resv_prop (different Year values) for each factor.
2020 Mar 23
[InstCombine] Addrspacecast and GEP assumed commutative
I'm not sure what the usual "ping time" is for llvm-dev, but may I ask if there are any updates on this? It appears that the following lines are the root cause of the reordering ( // Handle gep(bitcast x) and gep(gep x, 0, 0, 0). Value
2015 May 27
[LLVMdev] FW: Capabilities of Clang's PGO (e.g. improving code density)
David, Yes, that is very helpful. Thanks! --randy From: Xinliang David Li [mailto:xinliangli at] Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:53 PM To: Randy Chapman Cc: Lee Hunt; llvmdev at Subject: Re: FW: [LLVMdev] Capabilities of Clang's PGO (e.g. improving code density) On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Randy Chapman <randyc at<mailto:randyc at
2009 Apr 07
heatmap.2 no reordering of the columns and rows
Hi,   I need to generate a heatmap on a square matrix and wouldn't want to reorder the columns and the rows on the heatmap display.    I have used the options Rowv=NULL and Colv=NULL but doesn't seem to work. Following is a snippet of the heatmap function i am using. args <- commandArgs(); inputfile <- args[2] imgfile   <- args[3] bitmap(imgfile, height=15, width=15, res=100,
2011 Nov 08
ggplot2 reorder factors for faceting
Dear List I am trying to draw a heatmap using ggplot2. In this heatmap I have faceted my data by 'infection' of which I have four. These four infections break down into two types and I would like to reorder the 'infection' column of my data to reflect this. Toy example below: library(ggplot2) # test data for ggplot reordering genes <- (rep (c(rep('a',4),
2010 May 15
Barchart reorder
Hi fellow R users, I have a dataset that looks something like this. species class abundance K 1 592 K 2 288 G 1 254 G 2 239 C 2 173 D 2 123 E 3 89 F 2 87 B 2 86 H 2 82 I 1 79 J 2 76 B 1 73 D 3 72 A 2 62 L 2 58 I want to plot a stacked barchart. species is the x-axis, abundance is y-axis, and class will appear as the stacks in different colours. I need the species to be displayed in descending
2018 Apr 09
Clang option for reordering sections in .text
Hi , I would like to know if there is any way to reorder functions in the object file in order to improve code locality by implementing subsections GCC controls this behavior with '-f(no)-reorder-functions' flag, is there any way to do so in clang? Regards, Priyanka -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: