search for: render_partial

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches for "render_partial".

2005 Apr 13
render_partial & RXML
Does render_partial work within a RXML file? I am attempting the following: xml.users do for user in @users render_partial ''user'', user end end All that is output is: <user> </user> Without any exception or anything to indicate that I''m doing something wron...
2005 Jun 29
Complex helper with block help
Hi everyone, I am writing a helper function that takes a parameter and block and wraps some HTML around it. e.g. def box_with_caption(caption, &block) data = capture(&block) buffer = render_partial("helpers/box_caption", :caption => caption) buffer << render_partial("helpers/box_data", :data => data) buffer end however, when I attempt the following, it doesn''t work. <%= box_with_caption("Caption here") do %> HTML for the box in here...
2007 Nov 03
Specs for Helpers that call render
The helper spec I am writing tests a helper method that calls render. ## module HelperHelper def render_partial render :partial => ''partial'' end end ## The helper spec. ## describe HelperHelper do it "should render partial" do render_partial.should_not == nil end end ## The output generated ## $ spec spec/helpers/home_helper_spec.rb .F 1) NoMethodError i...
2006 Jul 26
ajax render_partial
Hi, i was hoping someone could reffer me to a doc or an explination (i haven''t found anything) for rendering a partial via an ajax request - - i know i could probably do it via link_to :action => x and then def x render_partial ''y'' end but i was hoping ther was something simpler, and more rails-like caller such as render_ajaxed_partial ''y'' or something simpler. is there? thanks in advance, shai -- Posted via
2007 Jul 19
NoMethodError in partial driving me mad
...alled, a single news item is rendered through my partial with no errors. if the "show_category" action is called, i get a NoMethodError while displaying my news through the partial. news_controller.rb: --------------------------------- def show @news = News.find(params[:id]) render_partial ''news'' end def show_category @news = NewsCategory.find(params[:id]).news render_partial ''news'', :collection => @news end _news.rhtml: --------------------------------- <div> <h1><%=h news.title %> - Kategory: <%=
2005 Apr 06
Mimic something like layout on a smaller scale?
I need to add various header and footer dressings around groups of form fields for GUI goodness, and am wondering if there''s already something out there that will suit my needs. These headers/footers have special properties for display(title, help links, etc...). I want to be able to easily take advantage of the existing HTML helper methods provided for controllers, in a mini-layout type
2006 Aug 01
Partial Naming Madness
Hi, I am having the following issue with a partial. During initial page load, I am doing a "render_partial_collect ''foo'', @foos", and all goes well. Each foo partial makes use of a variable inside called ''foo'' (and can get etc). After all the partials are loaded, I need to :update a div corresponding to one of the partials (ie re-load the partial in t...
2006 Feb 14
Teaching Models to Render Themselves in the Controller and proposed method before this gets shot down as anti-MVC. Let''s say I am writing a contact-management application. I have a class Contact. I will need to display this class all over the application. My first choice is to use a partial. Now I can render my Contact with: <% render_partial ''contact_view'', :contact => my_contact %> However, I start doing some ajax things, where I need to render a contact and return it with an AJAX call. So, I simply render the partial from my controller. Not too bad, as long as I can keep straight what partial to call an...
2006 Jul 16
RJS problem
I have an odd problem while trying to use a simple rjs. _test.rjs : page.alert "test" test.rhtml: <script><%=render_partial(''test'')%></script> When I am attempting to view controller/test the page comes as if it was a text file. So i am actually seeing: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""...
2006 Jun 26
Using a partial multiple times in a view
...exec_cmd(cmd_df) cmd_sys = "uname -a" exec_cmd(cmd_sys) end private def exec_cmd(cmd) r=IO.popen(cmd, "r") @result = r.readlines($/) r.close_read return @result end heres the index view <div class="body_top"> <%= render_partial ''shared/page_header_image'', ''image'' => ''/images/system.gif'' %> <%= render_partial ''shared/page_menu'' %> </div> <!-- body_top --> <div class="body_content"> <h1>Overview</h1...
2007 May 05
integration with movtable
...<title>Movtable - List</title> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''movtable'' %> <%= sort_generateJS %> </head> <body onload="sortableInit()" onmousemove="mouseMove(event)" onmouseup="mouseUp(event)"> <%= render_partial ''../../lib/movtable/table'' %> <%= render_partial ''../../lib/movtable/navigation'' %> <%= render_partial ''../../lib/movtable/filter'' %> </body> </html> I want to use my own application.rhtml layout, but leavin...
2006 Jun 08
No rhtml, rxml, or delegate template found
...n'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/base.rb:195:in `render_file'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/base.rb:220:in `render'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/partials.rb:58:in `render_partial'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/partials.rb:57:in `benchmark'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_controller/benchmarking.rb:29:in `measure'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:307:in `realtime'' c:/ruby/li...
2005 Aug 19
accessing DB result in template
hello, I have the following in my controller def totalmembers @total = User.find_by_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM users " end now inside my template how do i access the field "count" from the query so i can print out the number of members ? I tried everythign like <%= @total.count %> but nothing works. thanks adam
2006 Dec 13
RSpec and simply_helpful
...ould_have_tag ''div'', :attributes => { :id => ''shift_1'' } end end My template just makes a call like this: <%= render :partial => @shifts %> I''ve done some experimentation, and it seems that RSpec''s implementation of ''render_partial'' is rewriting the partial path trying to be smart about it but breaking things. The partial_path, once it reaches render_partial_with_record_identification, ends up being "/shifts//#<Spec::Mocks::Mock:0x28450cc>". This is caused by the method being overwritten in rspec_on...
2008 Mar 23
Locals do not appear in partial unless collection is explici
Maybe I''m misunderstanding something but it appears as if <%= render :partial => @items, @locals => { :this => ''that'' } %> does not give the local variable this but this one does: <%= render :partial => ''items/item'', :collection => @items, @locals => { :this => ''that'' } %> Shouldn''t they mean
2005 Nov 17
render :partial in mail template
Hi, Is it possible to render a partial template from within a mail template? I get the following error undefined method `controller_path'' for SupportMailer:Class Extracted source (around line #8): 5: 6: <%= @url %> 7: 8: <%= render_partial ''sig_admin'' %> Jeroen
2006 Mar 05
Help with Self-Referential HABTM called by a link "create a new subtype from this type". NB each type can have many subtypes and belong to many types to -- hence needs to be many-many rather than a tree structure): <%= start_form_tag :action => ''createsubtype'', :id => @type %> <%= render_partial ''form'' %> # Gets all the info for the Type fields <%#= hidden_field(''type'', ''subtype_id'', "value" => %> <%= hidden_field(''subtypes'', ''id'', "value" => @subtype...
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
...n_view.rb:18:in `render_file'' vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb:331:in `orig_render'' vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/extensions/ action_view/base.rb:22:in `render'' vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/partials.rb:117:in `render_partial'' vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/benchmarking.rb: 26:in `benchmark'' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:293:in `measure'' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ ruby/...
2006 Mar 01
Method Calling Problems
Hi all! I am attemping to call a method inside of my LeviUserController named show_userland from my LeviInterfaceController class. No matter how I do it, I keep getting some type of error. If I make the method a class method, then my render_partial inside of show_userland can''t be found. If i call it using @luser =; @luser.show_userland; I get an error with a nil object exception. Y''all have any ideas? I would greatly appreciate the help. -- Topher Fangio http://www.fangiotop...
2008 May 03
silly partial qu
hi all, i''m just trying to check a partial has been rendered, by using: response.template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "tasks/list") this passes, even if I put something bogus in the partial name, such as: response.template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "___tassdfsdfks/list") does anyone know why this doesn''t fail? is this the