search for: remember_token

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "remember_token".

2010 Sep 03
Action Controller Error: undefined local variable or method `current_user'
...s_layouts__header_html_erb___1701013666_2174344740_524030'' app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:10:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__1439570095_2174436720_0'' ---- END sessions_helper.rb CODE: module SessionsHelper def sign_in(user) cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_token] = [, user.salt] current_user = user end def current_user=(user) @current_user = user end def signed_in? !current_user.nil? end def sign_out cookies.delete(:remember_token) self.current_user = nil end private def user_from_remember_token User.aut...
2012 May 12
before_save messing up
#user.rb ------> Model class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :email, :name, :password, :password_confirmation has_secure_password before_save :create_remember_token . . . . . . . private def create_remember_token self.remember_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 end end #sessions_controller.rb -------> Sessions Controller class SessionsController < ApplicationController def new end...
2011 Feb 05
Questions about Chapter 9: Sign in, Sign out of RoR Tutorial | Learn Rails by Example, Modules are used instead of creating a Model and working in a class inside a module , like in authenticating passwords. Wouldn''t that be possible? Or is it unnecessary since we''re not messing with a database in terms of storing data? 2. what is the difference between session[:remember_token] = and cookies[:remember_token] ? Session stores the cookie locally until we exit the browser and then it gets deleted whereas cookies is permanent stored even after we exit the browser? 3. In section 9.3.3 we are being introduced to the curent user with the code in the module SessionsHelp...
2007 Oct 04
Cookies in RSpec
So how do you work with cookies properly in rspec now? I noticed in the docs that it mentions session, assigns, and flash, but nothing of cookie. I''m using edge rails so I''m concerned about changes to the cookie mechanisms. I need to assign values into the cookie (a remember token for restful authentication) so that I can have it log in by cookie. here is my spec
2008 Jan 30
Where can I get "authenticate_with_http_basic"?
..._http_basic do |username, password| self.current_user = User.authenticate(username, password) end end # Called from #current_user. Finaly, attempt to login by an expiring token in the cookie. def login_from_cookie user = cookies[:auth_token] && User.find_by_remember_token(cookies[:auth_token]) if user && user.remember_token? user.remember_me cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => user.remember_token, :expires => user.remember_token_expires_at } self.current_user = user end end end ==========================end authen...
2008 Aug 01
Help with Access Control
...ssword(crypted_password, login.salt) if login.crypted_password != expected_password login = nil end end login end def password @password end def password=(pw) @password = pw create_new_salt self.crypted_password = User.encrypted_password(self.password, self.salt) end def remember_token? remember_token_expires_at && < remember_token_expires_at end # These create and unset the fields required for remembering users between browser closes def remember_me self.remember_token_expires_at = 2.weeks.from_now.utc self.remember_token = encrypt(&quo...
2008 Jun 29
Working around/with Restful Authentication'', :password => ''123456'', :password_confirmation => ''123456'') => #<User id: nil, login: nil, email: "", crypted_password: nil, salt: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, remember_token: nil, remember_token_expires_at: nil, activation_code: nil, activated_at: nil, is_seller: false> >> => false Any clues as to how I could create a user without actually being sent to the user controller''s create action? The before_save and before_create actions are priva...
2007 Dec 16
restful_authentication: update of users' attributes on every page load upon 'Remember me' being enabled?
Hello there, I just noticed a kinda weird thing: if users log in with the ''Remember Me'' option enabled, their records in the db get updated everytime the user reloads a page, because apparently restful_authentication''s code updates the remember_token_expires_at & remember_token attributes for each page load (not only once on the actual login (from cookie). Wouldn''t it make much more sense to set this remember_token_expires_at and the corresponding token once only and that''s it? Or am I missing something? Just wanna make...
2011 Jul 30
Question about Helpers
Studying the RoR 3 Tutorial book by Michael Hartl and on page 345 there''s the code inside the SessionsHelper: _________________________________________________________ module SessionsHelper def sign_in(user) cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_token] = [, user.sault] self.current_user = user end end __________________________________________________________ What is the purpose of "self" inside the session helper? I know that inside a model it refers to the class object. For example Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
2014 Jun 08
Re-render partial inside a modal
...users", :action =>"new" %> <a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a> </div> *In my Users.controller.rb, I am rendering new sign up page if user inputs incorrect information! * def create @user = if # session[:remember_token] = # @current_user = @user # session[:remember_token] =[:success] = "You have succesfully signed up!" redirect_to users_path else render 'new' end end *What I actually want to accomplish is rerendering the partial inside the modal...
2006 Aug 07
''Remember me'' in acts_as_authenticated troubles
Hi there I''m having trouble getting the ''remember me'' functionality going in acts_as_authenticated. The issue seems to be that the login_from_cookie method is using only the first 60 characters of the remember_token string in the database, whereas the string in the db is 75 characters long. I can see in my dev log that login_from_cookie is trying to find the user but using a truncated string to do so. Any clues how to rememdy this would be appreciated. Richard Sandilands
2008 Sep 12
restful_authentication rspec failures "Mysql::Error: Incorrect datetime value:"
...ate authenticated User Sessions rake db:migrate # 288 examples, 193 failures 1) ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''SessionsController on signout redirects me to the home page'' Mysql::Error: Incorrect datetime value: ''2008-09-13 21:22:52 UTC'' for column ''remember_token_expires_at'' at row 1: INSERT INTO `users` (`salt`, `updated_at`, `crypted_password`, `remember_token_expires_at`, `id`, `remember_token`, `login`, `created_at`, `email`) VALUES (''356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab'', ''2008-09-12 21:22:52'', ''...
2008 Jun 20
before_save model callback rspec testing
hi all, i''m learning rspec and i can''t figure out how to test if a callback is executed in a model. my model code is: class User < ActiveRecord::Base before_save :encrypt_password ... def encrypt(password) self.class.encrypt(password, salt) end thanks a lot, cs. -- Posted via
2007 Jul 18
Help. Acts_as_Authenticated plugin stops working for me?
...hod `activation_code'' for #<User:0x3b6dbd @errors=#<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x1a1a1c6 @errors={}, @base=#<User: 0x3b6dbd ...>>, @attributes={"salt"=>"d580c223adee13c8723434e3987a0787ad124e5b", "updated_at"=>Wed Jul 18 02:47:19 BST 2007, "remember_token_expires_at"=>nil, "crypted_password"=>"78dfec22ed3e7418647c7e90e22d0e4e93c5f375", "id"=>6, "remember_token"=>nil, "email"=>"", "login"=>"erv2", "created_at&qu...
2008 Feb 07
ActiveRecord 'find_or_initialize_by' dynamic finder bug? Ignoring conditions.
...WHERE (`users`.`email` = '''') LIMIT 1 => #<User id: 2, login: nil, email: "", crypted_password: nil, salt: nil, created_at: "2008-02-07 00:48:48", updated_at: "2008-02-07 00:48:48", remember_token: nil, remember_token_expires_at: nil, activation_code: nil, activated_at: nil, state: "passive", deleted_at: nil, password_reset_at: nil, forgot_password_code: nil, name: nil, beta_code: nil, beta_approved_at: nil> Thanks, Glenn --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~...
2011 Jun 11
Having a problem adding a foreign key
...l => false t.string "encrypted_password", :limit => 128, :default => "", :null => false t.string "password_salt", :default => "", :null => false t.string "reset_password_token" t.string "remember_token" t.datetime "remember_created_at" t.integer "sign_in_count", :default => 0 t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" t.string "current_sign_in_ip" t.string "last_sign_in_ip"...
2012 Aug 17
Rails doesn't validate create_model or build_model (has_one association)
...scription"=>"", "latitude"=>"", "longitude"=>"", "currency"=>"AED"}, "commit"=>"Add shop"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."remember_token" = ''YykvzJ8PCZ5RFeE_ZomLXg'' LIMIT 1 Shop Load (0.4ms) SELECT "shops".* FROM "shops" WHERE "shops"."user_id" = 1 LIMIT 1 (0.1ms) BEGIN (0.1ms) COMMIT (0.1ms) BEGIN (0.1ms) ROLLBACK In rails console: irb(main):001:0> alice = Use...
2009 Jul 13
first app on Dreamhost with Passenger : "rails needs to know your username and password" ?
I am trying to deploy my first rails app with Dreamhost. I ftp''d over my existing app, turned on Passenger and pointed it to my /public directory. When I go to '''' I get the ''Ruby on Rails: Welcome aboard'' default page, including the following: Getting started Here’s how to get rolling: 1. Create your databases and edit
2013 Jul 05
Sign in and sign out
...imple app to manage users in Ruby on Rails. I read RoR Tutorial from to sign in and sign out my app. I implemented the same configuration as it said: *sessions_helper.rb* def sign_out self.current_user = nil cookies.delete(:remember_token) end *sessions_controller.rb* def destroy sign_out redirect_to root_url end *application.html.erb* <%= link_to "Sign out", signout_path, method: "delete" %> *routes.rb* match ''/signout'', to: ''sessions#destroy'', via:...
2007 Dec 21
db:migrate problem
...ple < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :people, :force => true do |t| t.string :login t.string :email t.string :crypted_password, :limit => 40 t.string :salt, :limit => 40 t.timestamps t.string :remember_token t.datetime :remember_token_expires_at t.string :openid_url end add_index :people, :login add_index :people, :email add_index :people, :openid_url end ... end 004_drop_login_name: class DropLoginName < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up remove_index :p...