search for: regionname

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "regionname".

Did you mean: region_name
2010 Apr 06
Adding labels on maps (using sp, maptools, or something else suggested)
...e seen but without success. The first example is self-contained, but the second one requires the .shp file, which can retrieved at ----- Example 1 ----- library(sp) con <- url("") print(load(con)) close(con) regionnames <- c("Piemonte", "Valle d'Aosta", "Liguria", "Lombardia", "Trentino-Alto Adige/S?dtirol", "Veneto", "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", "Emilia-Romagna", "Toscana", "Umbria", "Marche", &quot...
2024 Aug 24
paired raster boxplots
...eed my raster "s" (the shape file for the boxplot classes) has several layers. That's way I tried to select a layer by " s<-sf$Unterregio". > sf <- read_sf("C:/Users/....._BiogeoRegion.shp") > names(sf) > names(sf) [1] "RegionNumm" "RegionName" "Unterregio" "Unterreg_1" "ObjNummer" "Version" "Shape_Leng" "Shape_Area" "DERegionNa" "FRRegionNa" "ITRegionNa" "DEBioBedeu" "FRBioBedeu" "ITBioBedeu" [15] "geomet...
2003 Jan 08
Maps in R
Is there a way to generate maps in R. Specifically, I have calculated estimates of intra-regional inequality for US states, and would like to project that information onto a map. Thanks, Nirmala
2024 Aug 23
paired raster boxplots
? Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:15:55 +0200 <sibylle.stoeckli at> ?????: > > s<-sf$Unterregio > > r<-allrasters_pres[[1]] > > > > > > rs <- stack(r, s) > > names(rs) <- c('r', 's') > Error in `names<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("r", "s")) : > incorrect number of layer names It looks like at least one
2013 Jan 27
lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame error
.../floodlayers_", 1:54) polyshapes <- lapply(writePolyShape(maxdepth.plys, layers)) shpName <- sub(pattern="(.*)\\.dbf", replacement="\\1", x=system.file("examples/Flood/layer_.dbf", package="BayesX")) floodmaps <- lapply(shp2bnd(shpname=shpName, regionnames="SP_ID")) ## draw the map drawmap(map=floodmaps) This is the error message that I receive: > maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore, Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE)) Error in Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE) : Grid object not of class SpatialGridDataF...
2024 Aug 23
paired raster boxplots
...mport all raster files in folder using lapply > allrasters_pres <- lapply(rastlist_pres, raster) > allrasters_RCP85P2 <- lapply(rastlist_RCP85P2, raster) > sf <- read_sf("C:/Users/....._BiogeoRegion.shp") > names(sf) > names(sf) [1] "RegionNumm" "RegionName" "Unterregio" "Unterreg_1" "ObjNummer" "Version" "Shape_Leng" "Shape_Area" "DERegionNa" "FRRegionNa" "ITRegionNa" "DEBioBedeu" "FRBioBedeu" "ITBioBedeu" [15] "geomet...
2024 Aug 22
paired raster boxplots
? Thu, 22 Aug 2024 08:46:03 +0200 SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help <r-help at> ?????: > rr2s <- stack(r, r2,s) > > names(rs) <- c('r', 's', 'r2') > > Error in `names<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("r", "s", "r2")) : > > incorrect number of layer names The error must be happening because the variable
2013 Dec 06
Can't seem to get modulepath attribute recognized by puppetmasterd
Warning - Puppet newby here. I am trying to set up a puppetmaster 3.3.2 and have run into a snag right out of the box. I want to add a new directory to modulepath= in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf So I added the following line in the [main] header modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules:/opt/our-repo/puppetmaster/modules And populated new new directory with modules I have written. I then run puppet