search for: regarsd

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "regarsd".

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2007 Dec 15
[LLVMdev] LLVM Source-to-Source transformation
...enables to extract only loop body. I need some more information like variables used and array dimension in loop body and convert it to source level. Can this be done using llvm? Can I get some pointers on this. My problem can be analogous viewed as adding OpenMP pragmas for auto parallelization. Regarsd, Kamal
2011 Dec 20
ocfs2_unlink:953 ERROR: status = -39
Hi, I have just moved(about 2 weeks ago) an OCFS2 cluster into production(latest ocfs2, kernel 2.6.39). I'm getting in nodes dmesg this kind of messages: (rmdir,19142,7):ocfs2_unlink:953 ERROR: status = -39 (rmdir,19305,10):ocfs2_unlink:953 ERROR: status = -39 (rmdir,19556,7):ocfs2_unlink:953 ERROR: status = -39 (rmdir,19561,11):ocfs2_unlink:953 ERROR: status = -39
2006 Jul 21
observe_field submit behavior
I am using observe_field on a number of multi-selects and checkbox form elements whose values would normally come in as arrays on a normal (non-Ajax) form post. I understand that by using the :with => ''name'' I will get name=value in the request.raw_post however if the field I am submitting has mutliple values and the name is of the form ''name[]'', I get
2010 Oct 02
out of HDD space - zfs degraded
Overnight I was running a zfs send | zfs receive (both within the same system / zpool). The system ran out of space, a drive went off line, and the system is degraded. This is a raidz2 array running on FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE #0: Sat Sep 18 23:43:48 EDT 2010. The following logs are also available at <- no line wrapping This is what was running: #
2007 Feb 28
Find works in view but not controller
Part of my application should show a list of all users on the system who agreed to have their details revealed. So, I have an action like this: def view_users @users = User.find(:all,:conditions=>"reveal = 1",:order=>"login DESC") end In the associated view, @users is an object of nilclass and the app. breaks as it tries to iterate over the @users array. However, if I
2007 May 23
WiFi SIP phones
Greetings list, What are people's experiences with WiFi SIP phones? When I last looked into them about 18 months ago, they were incredibly expensive, had very limited range and poor battery life. In the end, it worked out much more cost effective to simply use ATAs + DECT cordless phones where there was a requirement for portable devices. I assume things must have moved on somewhat since