search for: red3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "red3".

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2013 Jan 08
error in a abline loop
...ngth and body weight of people of different skin colors. I tried to write a code to plot body length and body weight according to the skin colors. (Thanks for Petr's advice so far.) A loop is used but an error shows up in the following code. It says: unexpected '}' in " "red3","red3","saddlebrown","coral4","chocolate4","darkblue","navy","grey38")[i],lwd=2) }" Please kindly advise how to modify the code. Thank you. The code data <-read.csv("H:/skincolor.csv",header=T)...
2013 Apr 07
Remove a row containing a specific value for a column
Dear all, Could anyone help me with the following? DATA <- data.frame(rbind(c("Red1", 1, 1, 1), c("Blue1", 1, 1, 1), c("Red2", 1, 1, 1), c("Red3", 1, 1, 1))) colnames(DATA) <- c("A", "B","C", "D") #Option 1 DATA <- DATA[-2, ] #Same result I would like to achieve with Option 2 #Option 2 - I would like to do it in this way. Do you know how it could be done? #DATA <- THE CODE WOULD SAY (R...
2008 Oct 25
Filling symbols in xyplot
Hello, I am using xyplot and am happy with my graph, *except* that I cannot get the symbols to be filled. I tried using bg=c("red3","red","black","lightgrey")) in both the key and the xyplot function, that that was obviously not the answer. I would like the sybols to be filled with the same colors as the lines. Does anybody have an answer? In case you want to see the graph so far, I hav...
2012 Feb 08
Fitting polynomial (power greater than 2)
...ot(TIME, Unemployment, xlab="Year", ylab="Long Term Unemployment",type='l') #1B Linear quartz() plot(TIME,Unemployment,type="l", xlab="Year",ylab="Long Term Unemployment") modelu=lm(Unemployment~TIME) summary(modelu) abline(modelu,col="red3") modelu=lm(Unemployment~TIME) #1B Linear vs TS quartz() par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(TIME, Unemployment, xlab="Year", ylab="Long Term Unemployment",type='l') abline(modelu,col="red3",lwd=2) plot(TIME,modelu$res,xlab="Year",ylab="Long Term Unempl...
2008 Jan 07
Orientation of labels on axes
...the above image with R and I have one problem left: Some of the labels of the axes do not show up, probably because there's not enough space. I use the following code to create the plot: modality <- read.table("results.table", header=TRUE, sep=",") color <- c("red3","green3","blue3","orange2","purple2","brown4") plot(modality, col=color) >From the manual I though one of the following might help: > plot(length, col=color, las=1) > plot(length, col=color, las=2) > plot(length, col=color, las=0)...
2011 Dec 16
problem with tick graph
...E, axisnames =FALSE) lab=as.character(pretty(Imp$TassoV)) axis(side=4,at=pretty(Imp$TassoV),labels=lab,cex.axis=2.4) par(new=T) chart.TimeSeries(Imp$ValueA, type="l", lwd=8, main="", ylab="", xlab="", date. format="%y", col="red3",major.ticks="years",minor.ticks=TRUE, grid.color="grey50", grid. lty="dotted", cex.axis=2.4,yaxis=FALSE) axis(2,at=c(pretty(Imp$ValueA))) legend("topleft",c("Livelli mln $ (sc. sx)","Tasso di var. (sc.dx)"),col=c ("red3...
2009 Feb 27
add absolute value to bars in barplot
Hello, r-help at r-project.orgbarplot(twcons.area, beside=T, col=c("green4", "blue", "red3", "gray"), xlab="estate", ylab="number of persons", ylim=c(0, 110), legend.text=c("treated", "mix", "untreated", "NA")) produces a barplot very fine. In addition, I'd like to get the bars' absolute values...
2002 Apr 17
No output from (lattice) xyplot called within loops
Hello >From the following script I received a grafic output when I called: - xyplot.test( 'green3' ) - call.xyplot.test( 'blue3' ) I did NOT receive a grafic output when I called: - loop.xyplot.test( 'red3' ) What's the Problem? NB: I am using R 1.4.1 on Linux. --------- START OF SCRIPT ---------------- n <- 1000 x <- seq( 1, n ) y <- rnorm( n ) xyplot.test <- function( col ){ xyplot( y ~ x , col=col ) } call.xyplot.test <- function( col ){ xyplot.test( col ) } loop.xyp...
2008 Jan 04
Sorting of captions on axes
...t be a beginner question, but I couldn't find the answer in the manual... I created this image with R by using the following code: modality <- read.table("results.table", header=TRUE, sep=",") color <- c("red3","green3","blue3","orange2","purple2","brown4") plot(modality, col=color) The data I read in has this format: ... 38355 GeneralInfo Textual 38356 GeneralInfo Textual 38357 Person Textual 38358 Person Combination 3...
2011 Jan 13
Colouring areas on a map with updated maptools functions
...then plotted those numbers as colours on the map so each state had the appropriate colour. This was the code: x<-read.shape("NGADMIN2.SHP") xpolys<-Map2poly(x) coverage<-read.table("coveragemar08.txt",header=T) colour1<-coverage[,2] palette(c("red4","red3","red2","orangered","orange","gold1","yellow","white")) plot(xpolys, axes=F, colour1) I've now come back to using this and discovered that some of these functions are no longer in use. I've figured out how to change most of i...
2012 Apr 11
plot 2 graphs on the same x-y plane
hi, I'm doing some data on least square curve fitting. What I like to have is to compare the scatter plot whilst having the fitting curve on the same coordinates. Any suggestting command besides plot(x,y). TaweeMac OSX 10.7.3 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 04
Stacked plots with common x-axis and different y-axis
Is there a place that shows how to create two plots that are stacked on top of each other where they share a common x-axis scale, but have differnt y-axis scale? Say have the following data: airquality Stack plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Wind) on top of plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Temp). I am interested in stacking the two on top of each other with no seam, or plotting the two lines with
2010 Dec 31
livemigrate problems
hello everybody and happy new year! I am a newbie in libvirt use, and I use it mostrly throught OpenNebula. Anyway, I noticed that one of the nodes can be a destination of a livemigrate but not the source. This is the environment: 4 blades nicknamed(*) red3, red9, red10, red11, each with 8 Intel E5506 cores (@ 2.13GHz) running CentOS 5 and KVM as hyoervisor. (*) these are names I put in /etc/hosts, the DNS knows them this way Nickname DNS name -------- ----------- red3 itpsmenc038 red9 itpsmenc044 red10 itpsmenc045 red11 itpsmenc04...
2009 Jun 05
Antialiasing plots and text on different devices
...orm: pchShow <- function(extras = c("*",".", "o","O","0","+","-","|","%","#"), cex = 3, ## good for both .Device=="postscript" and "x11" col = "red3", bg = "gold", coltext = "brown", cextext = 1.2, main = paste("plot symbols : points (... pch = *, cex =", cex,")")) { nex <- length(extras) np <- 26 + nex ipch <- 0:(np-1) k <- f...
2010 Dec 14
problems with lattice barchart
...a 1235 23 28 2006 Fraction.a 465 24 29 2006 Fraction.a 0 25 30 2006 Fraction.a 59 and this is the barchart specifications, plot.i<-barchart(x[,4]~x[,1]|x[,2],horizontal=F,stack=TRUE,layout=paneis, par.settings = simpleTheme(col = c("red3","olivedrab")),groups=x[,3], strip = strip.custom (bg = c('transparent'),par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8)),auto.key=list(columns=2), panel=function(...,box.width,border){ panel.grid(h=-1,v=0) panel.abline(v=TML,col="red",lty=2) panel.barchart(...,b...
2006 Jan 31
Updating :has_many - :through related items;option value=""0"">Red 2</option>" if controller.action_name == ''new'' %> <%= options_from_collection_for_select(@teams, "id", "number", @match_teams[1]) %> </select> <select name="Red[]" id="red3"> <%= "<option value=""0"">Red 3</option>" if controller.action_name == ''new'' %> <%= options_from_collection_for_select(@teams, "id", "number", @match_teams[2]) %> </select> (There are three...
2012 Apr 09
Summary Statistics Help
...4.5,5.5,1)) plot(natcor, type="p", pch=20, cex=2, axes=FALSE, main="Correlation of Patents and Freedom House Index by Nation", xlab="Nation", ylab="Correlation") box() axis(2) axis(1, at=c(1:46), labels=c(levels(datpat[,3]))) abline(h=0.00, lty=2, col="red3") # Global Patents by Freedom House Index plot(datpat$Patents, datpat$FHouse) --------------------------- # SUMMARY STATS --------------------------- mod.1<-lm(Patents~FHouse, file="datpat.csv", header=TRUE) summary(mod.1) xtable(mod.1) -- View this message in context: http://...
2012 Nov 05
Plot 3 lines in one graph
I'm new with R. I want to plot 3 lines in one graph. This is my data: print(x) V1 V2 V3 V41 -4800 25195.73 7415.219 7264.282 -2800 15195.73 5415.219 7264.28 I tried using matplot, but I cannot get exactly what I want. This is what I get, and this is my code: matplot(x[,1],x[,-1],type='b', xlab = "epsilon_h", ylab = "Value2", xlim=
2007 Jul 16
how do I draw such a barplot?
Hi, I cannot figure out how to draw a certain plot: could someone help me out? I have this data.frame from a survey that looks like something like this: col1 col2 col3 col4 1 5 5 4 5 2 3 5 3 1 3 2 3 4 5 4 3 1 1 2 5 5 5 4 5 6 4 2 5 5 .... Each row represents a single questionnaire
2008 Jul 29
Xdefaults file.
I am trying to get my xterm window under gnome to open with large fonts, with light green foreground and dark green background. I have the following .Xdefaults file contents: $ cat .Xdefaults ! This is a comment ;-) #ifdef COLOR *customization: -color #endif !! Let's cast a wide net, for any app supporting these ! Blink instead of beeping *visualBell: True *scrollTtyOutput: False