search for: reconrefframe

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2006 Jul 02
What goes to Hardware ?
...der. (this is the more roubust NIOS II version). I decoded some frames of a 320x240 theora stream. Decoding all frames only in software (without the hardware modules) I got 44 ms per frame. >From this 44 ms: The IDCT takes 7 ms The Reconstruction routines takes 6 ms As you know, the ReconRefFrames routine is the caller of the IDCT, Reconstruction and LoopFilter. The ReconRefFrames wastes 31 ms from the total 44 ms. This is more than 66% of the decoding time. If I run the libtheora without the software IDCT , and using the IDCT hadware module, I get 46 ms of decoding time per frame. You...
2006 Oct 09
ReconRefFrames() - Possible Bug?
Hi All, I'm just debugging my current implementation of Theora, and while nothing is crashing I noticed the following bit of code in the ReconRefFrames() function: around line 1133 lib\dct_decode.c fn[0]=i-1; fn[1]=i-FragsAcross-1; fn[2]=i-FragsAcross; fn[3]=i-FragsAcross+1; /* fragment valid for prediction use if coded and it comes from same frame as the one we are predicting */ for(k=pcount=wpc=0; k<4; k++) {...
2007 May 09
Next step of Hardware Theora This will be a module after the UpdateUMVBorder (function in Hardware). It will be the "player", the module in hardware that will put the images on video. I will talk with Leonardo, because it seems that He want to do this module. 4 - To finish the ReconRefFrames and to do other function that is before ReconRefFrames (could be the UnPackVideo). The code that is before the ExpandBlock() in the ReconRefFrames isn't in Hardware. I could to this part in Hardware and maybe to do als...
2007 Apr 21
GSoC - Theora Hardware
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: reconrefframes.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 28303 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2007 May 07
Theora running on FPGA
Great news! Theora is running on FPGA. After almost a year of a great effort we have Theora validated on FPGA. Now I will try to integrated the hardware with a video controller to see the video! I completely implemented the ExpandBlock, CopyRecon, LoopFilter and UpdateUMVBorder functions. The ReconRefFrames function was partially implemented and the part before will run on a software compiled for Altera Nios2 Processor. The implementation is based on version alpha6 and due FPGA SRAM memory constraints the maximum resolution is about 280x210. Increase the resolution, will require a SDRAM controller....
2003 Feb 23
More Missing Pieces
...that it really has no place: * Version 3.3 tables: There are 2 sets of VLCs: One for v3.1 and one for v3.3. The v3.1 set is always selected. Are the v3.3 tables in production, or will they ever be? * DC Search Points: VP3 seems determined to predict DC from *something*. To that end, DCT_decode.c:ReconRefFrames() has code to search through surrounding fragments in a last ditch effort to find valid fragments from which to predict DC. While the code is there, DCSearchPointCount is set to 0 (while a legitimate calculation was commented out) which effectively short-circuits the DC search code. So, no DC sear...
2006 Jul 24
[theora in hardware] Contents of YUV_BUFFER_ENTRY
...h), so i'ld like first to greet everyone and congratulate all the people responsible for all the work with this theora project. So, to my question: As you probably know, we are working on an implementation of the theora codec on hardware. I'm currently responsible for getting the function ReconRefFrame in dct_decode.c working, and after i understood the code and finished it in VHDL i found out (after 3 painfull debugging days) that i don't understand at all what is in LastFrameRecon, ThisFrameRecon and GoldenFrame (which types are YUV_BUFFER_ENTRY). Generally what i want to know is: What is i...
2004 Aug 24
MMX/mmxext optimisations
quite some speed improvement indeed. attached the updated patch to apply to svn/trunk. j -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: theora-mmx.patch.gz Type: application/x-gzip Size: 8648 bytes Desc: not available Url :