search for: recomp

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "recomp".

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2011 Jun 09
set.seed and for loop
Dear All, This is hard to describe so I made a simple example. set.seed(1001) total <- 0 data <- vector("list", 30) for(i in 1:30) { data[[i]] <- runif(50) } Let's call a data set runif(50). While the for loop is running, 100 data sets are generated. I want to restore 23th data set (the data set generated in 23th for loop) without the loop. I've tried set.seed(1023)
2003 Jul 05
Activate MySQL logging
<P>hi,</P> <P>Can anybody pls tell me how to activate loggin CDR on mysql db. I tried&nbsp;editing the /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf file and recompiling asterisk, it didn't work. Normal loggin on Master.csv file works fine.</P> <P>Thank you inadvance,</P> <P>Surajee</P> <P>&nbsp;</P><br> --------------This mail sent through
2006 Feb 07
How to add System V Filesystem to Centos?
...sysv filesytem. I am not sure what to do after that. Is it better to make it a module or to compileit into the kernel? kernel CONFIG_SYSV_FS=y as a modual CONFIG_SYSV_FS=m If I go the modual way where do I find the modual? I would use modprobe to install it right? What commands do you run to recompile the kernel? Do I run make menuconfig? I have been reading alot but not finding what I need. I have a fresh install off Centos 4.2 just for this purpose so if I mess it up that s okay I will start again. I am sure this is so simple once you have done it once. Thanks Scandog
2008 Oct 11
Sweave-LaTEX question
Hi: I am working on a publication and I have heard about LaTEX but I haven't actually tried to learn about it until today. I've found a few examples but I can't actually make them work properly. I have a couple of questions: Does LATEX have to be installed on your computer? How does the xtable package and Sweave work together? How can I make the code below create a table as pdf file?