search for: recentes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 42060 matches for "recentes".

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2010 Oct 13
Migrate PV - BUG: recent printk recursion
Hi, I''m getting errors while live migrating a pv guest. I''m running Xen 3.4.3 on CentOS 5.5, DRBD and OCFS2 1.4.7-1. The two servers are identical. After live migrating the Debian lenny PV guest(2.6.26-2-686-bigmem), it crashes, It prints this on console [ 502.689357] BUG: recent printk recursion! [ 502.689357] BUG: recent printk recursion! [ 502.689357] BUG: recent
2018 Apr 22
Race condition when setting flags (\Deleted) + expunge quickly, leaving mails not deleted
On 21 March, 2018 - Aki Tuomi wrote: > Thank you for your thorough report, we'll look into it. Has anyone managed to reproduce this (using my transcript for example)? With mutt, I get this problem.. If I set 'imap_pipeline_depth=0' in .muttrc, I can't seem to reproduce it anymore. /Tomas -- Tomas Forsman, stric at, `- SysAdmin at
2007 Jan 22
mysteriously disappearing RECENT flag
Hello, I've decided to switch from UW-IMAP to Dovecot and so installed 1.0.rc15-2 on a Debian/Etch system and started using it with the existing MBOX folders. My configuration is pretty much the default one, in particular I didn't touch to any of mbox_xxx options. The (hoped for) performance improvements were indeed quite noticeable and mostly it works just fine but I seem to have one
2018 Mar 20
Race condition when setting flags (\Deleted) + expunge quickly, leaving mails not deleted
Hello. I seem to have found a race condition, when setting flags on multiple emails rapidly. 5 commands including login to reproduce. Problem found using mutt in real world usage. Seems to happen both with UID STORE 1:3 and UID STORE 1,2,3 .. I have tried with the following packages, with a minimized config in a throwaway vm: Package:
2018 Mar 21
Race condition when setting flags (\Deleted) + expunge quickly, leaving mails not deleted
Thank you for your thorough report, we'll look into it. Aki On 20.03.2018 16:56, Tomas Forsman wrote: > Hello. > > I seem to have found a race condition, when setting flags on multiple emails > rapidly. 5 commands including login to reproduce. Problem found using mutt in > real world usage. > > Seems to happen both with UID STORE 1:3 and UID STORE 1,2,3 .. > > I
2012 Mar 14
RECENT status always 0
Hello, we are using dovecot 2.0.13 with maildir++ (we migrated away from courrier just a few months ago) and the RECENT status doesn't seem to be working: . STATUS INBOX (MESSAGES UNSEEN RECENT) * STATUS "INBOX" (MESSAGES 35106 RECENT 0 UNSEEN 10) then 2 minutes later: . STATUS INBOX (MESSAGES UNSEEN RECENT) * STATUS "INBOX" (MESSAGES 35106 RECENT 0 UNSEEN 11) How
2011 Feb 12
preserving \Recent when moving messages
Is there any way to preserve \Recent, or am I out of luck? Some people have reported that my script which shuffles around expired or oversized mail also causes their clients to report it as already read. I guess those clients check \Recent instead of \Seen when they download. I wish I knew which clients. With Mail::IMAPClient I tried using move(), copy(), and migrate() but the result is the
2008 Mar 06
Wrong message information reported shortly after delivery
Hi, If an IMAP fetch is issued some "short" time after a message was delivered with dovecot deliver then dovecot reports wrong (zero) values for that new message. Afterward, it reports the information OK. This causes problems to our IMAP client. The problem is easily reproduced with a large message on a slow machine. I'm using dovecot 1.0.10 Here's a sample trace: 1 uid fetch
2017 Feb 24
Sieve removeflag Action
Op 2/22/2017 om 8:40 PM schreef Thomas Leuxner: > * Thomas Leuxner <tlx at> 2017.02.20 12:56: > >> Feb 20 07:00:23 nihlus dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.2.devel (8f42a89) starting up for imap, lmtp >> >> This one processed the dovecot-news mail for 2.2.28.rc1 fine which uses a similar sieve rule. I will monitor global rules with this build and report back.
2008 Dec 01
Maildir loses keywords in index beyond 26
(NOTE: I am not on the mailing list so please Cc: me.) dovecot-1.1.6-2.fc10.i386 (configuration not changed from stock) Fedora 10 AMD Athlon XP ext3 Maildir format doesn't store keywords in the index properly -- it goes up to 26 and then further keywords are dropped. I ran the tests with a simple script that feeds the lines from "commands" to Dovecot one at a time and waits for
2005 Feb 08
Adding custom iptables rules
...which I tried but it didn''t work (in the sense the rules didn''t seem to take effect. FWIW, this is what they look like, with just one rule for testing: # cat actions recent # cat action.recent # This file is empty # cat recent run_ptables -A INPUT -d -m recent --name RECENTEST --set -j ACCEPT I know it''s a meaningless rule but I just want to see it come up if I then do: iptables -v -L -n | grep -i recent But nothing comes up. What am I missing...? Or *completely* misunderstanding :-( Thanks, Sitaram -- Sitaram Chamarty
2010 Sep 06
Finding the two most recent dates
Dear R help, I have the following data frame: structure(list(prochi = c("ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1", "ind_1"), date_1st_event = structure(c(14784, 14784, 14784, 14784, 14784, 14784, 14784, 14784, 14784, 14784 ), class = "Date"),
2008 Apr 02
Problem getting the most recent has_many associated object
I can''t get my view to display the most recent parameters from an associated object in a view... here is a birds-eye of my app: I have two models, Ferms and Kinetics. Ferm has_many :kinetics, Kinetic belongs_to :ferm. Kinetic has the fields ferm_id, brix and temp. In my ferms/index view I have a table listing the attributes of each ferm instance. I would like to display the most recent
2016 Jan 28
Setting Recent Flag on New Messages?
So I?m looking at setting up some house-keeping for my dovecot mailboxes, specifically deleting messages in trash, spam etc., by deleting Seen messages older than X days. In order to protect against the edge case of a user reading a message right before the deletion task however I?d like to do something like the following: doveadm expunge -A OLD SEEN BEFORE 7d MAILBOX Trash doveadm flags -A
2017 Feb 26
Sieve removeflag Action
Op 2/26/2017 om 4:02 PM schreef Thomas Leuxner: >> Am 26.02.2017 um 15:52 schrieb Thomas Leuxner <tlx at>: >> >>> So, I cannot reproduce your problem. >>> >>> Could you try this at your end? >> Hi Stephan, >> >> Tried with: >> >> $ /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -d tlx at -p ./message.eml >>
2012 Nov 09
iptables: recent nolonger supported in Centos 5.8?!
Helo, we use recent to control ip traffic. kernel 2.6.18-308.13.1.el5 : all is OK kernel 2.6.18-308.16.1.el5 : the first recent statement causes an error. E.g.: iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m recent --set -p tcp --dport 80 iptables: Unknown error 18446744073709551615 The man pages say: recent is supported. CentOS 6: is OK Knows anyone more? Best regards Helmut Drodofsky -- Viele
2011 May 23
More relevance for recent documents
Good afternoon I would like to ask if is possible somehow give more relevance to the recent documents in search results. I dont want to sort results according to the date, I still prefer relevance, but I would like to see recent documents with better scoring. I was trying to add search query using AND_MAYBE, which should use relevance from both subqueries, but it didnt add any benefit to the
2012 Jun 11
iptables: hitcount
Hello, up to CentOS 5.3 it was possible, to control new ip connections by "recent", "seconds" and "hitcount" -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m recent --set -p tcp --dport 80 -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 1000 -p tcp --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix "FW DROP IP Flood: " -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state
2009 Aug 16
to filter dos ip using iptables recent
Hello, all. I read this document about iptables recent module. and I would like to filter the excessive spam mail sending ip address by iptables recent module. and some questions. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SPAM iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m
2005 Feb 23
shorewall friendly way of limiting ssh brute force attacks?
I was wondering if anyone had implemented rules like this in shorewall: I see tons of brute force attempts on the machines I administer, and I like the idea of limiting them without the need for extra daemons scanning for attacks. Thanks, Dale -- Dale E. Martin -