search for: rebootstrap

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "rebootstrap".

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2009 Mar 19
[Cucumber 0.2] Failure to use should
I have a step definition like this: Then "the account should be created" do account = Account.find_by_name("my shiny new account") p account.class account.should_not be_blank end When running this step, I got the error message: Account(id: integer, name: string, state: string, next_renewal_at: date, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, full_domain: string,
2007 May 25
rspec on rails update question
I''m sure this is OT but I''d appreciate the help I''m using rspec_on_rails I prefer to use stable release rather than live dangerously (at least until I can tell the difference between what I might be doing wrong vs problems in rspec). However, I would like to try the RspecScaffoldGenerator fix. I installed (per the docs) last week with the following commands
2011 Aug 19
Pulse audo in 1.3.25+
So I used to use the winepulse patch for wine. (Yes I like pulse). But since 1.3.25+ uses mmdevapi for audio, that patch no longer works. That author points to a wine multimedia git, however, after installing that I have no more sound in any wine application, and the winecfg test audio says audio failed. How do I get this new sound server working in wine? -- Sincerely, MacNean C. Tyrrell