search for: reauthenticates

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "reauthenticates".

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2001 Aug 28
OpenSSHd barfs upon reauthentication: PAM, Solaris 8
We've been having trouble with OpenSSH 2.9p2, running on Solaris 8 (a domain of an E10k), with PAM authentication turned on. It intermittently crashes with signal 11 (seg fault) after the password is entered, after the MOTD is displayed, but before control is passed over to the login shell. I eventually managed to persuade sshd's child process to consistently crash, upon entry of an
2006 Oct 04
SNMP docs
Hello, I apologise for misusing this mailing list, but I noticed that similar questions are being asked and there are people that might have the necessary answer for my problem. If you think this is OT, you are welcome to reply privately. To make it short, I need to initiate port reauthentication on switches (HP Procurve, but I think this may be standardised to some extent) via SNMPv3. I
2001 Sep 05
reinit_creds (was Re: OpenSSHd barfs upon reauthentication: PAM, Solaris 8)
>> >Could we please have a clarification on the semantics of >> >PAM_CRED_ESTABLISH vs. the semantics of PAM_REINITIALIZE_CREDS? >> >> My interpretation is: >> >> You call PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED to create them >> You call PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED to update creds that can expire over time, >> for example a kerberos ticket. Oops. I meant
2019 Apr 24
Windows clients require reboot once a day in order to access mapped drives
Hi Rowland, I'm still seeing the problem that I described earlier. I have however uncovered some more information that might help resolve the issue. On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 at 13:10, Mason Schmitt <mason at> wrote: > Hi Rowland, > > > I hope someone has seen this before and knows what's going on. Given >> > the time delay between the problem
2001 Sep 05
reinit_creds (was Re: OpenSSHd barfs upon reauthentication: PAM, Solaris 8)
>Neither the Sun PAM documentation nor the Linux-PAM documentation >describe the semantics of PAM_REINITIALIZE_CREDS in any useful detail. I would agree it is vague, but then that is also a problem with the XSSO document ( >Could we please have a clarification on the semantics of >PAM_CRED_ESTABLISH vs. the semantics of
2013 Nov 28
Bulk smbcacls calls
I want to get ACLs (output similar to that of smbcacls) for a *lot* of files (potentially millions). I can only process about 10 files per second when running the command (`smbcacls -U ...` via a Python wrapper), I'm looking for a faster way. Does anyone know any libraries or other commands that could help me? Failing that, I assume that much of the time taken is spent on authenticating
2002 May 21
PAM/winbindd/smb_pass/pam_smb_auth/smb_ntdom to authenticate SSH
Hello, I'm currently running winbind (from Samba 2.2.3a) so that our Windows users can ssh into our Linux box. I've set up Samba, PAM and winbind, and it's working well. Users can see their files, and they can log in using their windows usernames. No problem. When users access their Samba share, they don't need to reauthenticate, because they've already done so with the
1998 Feb 18
samba as a PDC
hi, i've compiled Version: 1.9.18-HEAD, with NTDOMAIN, and after many hours of testing/reading/debugging it seems it 'almost works'. So if there is a kind soul out there who can give me a hand in getting it working ... tia, danny -- Daniel Braniss e-mail: Institute of Computer Science phone: +972 2 658 4385 The Hebrew University Fax: +972 2
2019 Apr 18
Windows clients require reboot once a day in order to access mapped drives
Hi Rowland, > I hope someone has seen this before and knows what's going on. Given > > the time delay between the problem recurring, I'm guessing the issue > > lies with Kerberos, but I'm not sure how to verify that or how to > > resolve the issue. If you need more info, please let me know. > > > > Problem: > > Each morning, windows users are
2015 Feb 21
Problems in SAMBA 3.3 to 4.0 migration
On Thu, 2015-02-19 at 22:06 -0800, soonerdave wrote: > ***** SUCCESS ***** > > After nearly a week of wrangling with this annoying and frustrating issue, > I'm delighted to report that I finally have EVERYTHING working. I was on the > cusp of giving up, but some diligent reading, lots and lots of testing, and > some long evenings finally paid off. I know this thread is
2017 Jan 25
Need to authenticate to Samba server regularly
The client works fine with all other windows servers, and another linux server running samba (v2?). There’s something different about this new Samba4 installation that causes prompting for credentials. I don’t think this is client related. From: Metin Koc [mailto:metinkocgs at] Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 12:17 AM To: Telium Technical Support Subject: Re: [Samba] Need to
2008 Nov 14
Max-Session lifetime?
Hello, A quick question. Is there any way to implement a Max-Session lifetime in SSH? I know there is an idle timeout available, but I am really looking for some mechanism to force a reauthentication and stop people holding onto login sessions for weeks at a time. thanks Paul
2010 Aug 29
Ignorant question on pam_shield
I've seen pam_shield recommended several times for protecting against malicious login attempts; but I'm not quite clear if this requires one to be already running some pam-based software? Also, I'm running shorewall, and would prefer a shorewall based protection, but the advice I read on googling for this seemed excessively complicated. -- Timothy Murphy e-mail: gayleard /at/
1999 Jun 02
NT Client Authentication with Samba Printing
Hello all, I'm about to set up many NT machines with generic logins and I need to log printer useage. My problem is that NT doesn't seem to handle rejection very well (you'd think it would by now...). This is a university computer lab enviornment with clients running WinNT4.0SP5, a Samba 1.9 server on DU4.0b and ppr as the printing daemon/accounting agent. The NT logins are
1999 Jun 16
Can I prompt for ID for a Samba printer?
Hello all, I didn't receive any replies to my question the first time, so here it is again: The environemt is as follows - a university computer lab with clients running WinNT4.0 SP5, a Samba 1.9 server on DU4.0b and ppr as the printing daemon/accounting agent. Account A = generic NT lab machine login Account B = valid unix login with permissions to print The NT logins are necessarily
2002 Mar 13
HELP!Weird user homes share behavior
Hi folks, I have been using Samba 2.2.2 on Solaris 7 happily for a while now. All of a sudden users can map other users home accounts without having to reauthenticate. The dialogue box to map as user doesn't even appear on Win 98/NT/2000. The facts: I added a pointer to a wins server a few weeks ago, but removing it doesn't seem to effect anything.(not that it should...) all my users
2002 Sep 09
Re-authentication Problems
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smb.conf Type: application/octet-stream Size: 5711 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2003 Feb 05
Samba authentication question
Hi, I am running samba 2.2.7 and am trying to access a samba file as a virtual directory from a Windows NT IIS web server. I am currently using security=server, encrypt passwords = yes ,password server = test1 test2 test3, and dead time = 10. When I first start the samba server the virtual directory in IIS works fine. After some time, I think that it is the dead time, I can no longer connect to
2006 Dec 20
Problem with often password prompt box (security=user)
Hi, a while ago i had to migrate from old server on Debian Sarge to new one on Debian Etch (amd64). Since then, with the same config i had earlier it became a common problem that client workstations connecting to the server have to reauthenticate very often (at least few times a day), and the staff is going to kill me if i dont fix this soon. Any ideas what could be the cause/solution ? --
2011 Apr 07
mod_auth_ntlm_winbind issues - does apache connection mgmt support NTLM?
Hello, I have configured Samba 3 with Winbind and installed the mod_auth_ntlm_winbind module deployed on Ubuntu 10 which is used by a web application to enforce logging using windows domain credentials. I have verified that all these layers are properly working? ie.. wbinfo ?u (good), wbinfo ?a <username> (good), ntlm_auth ?helper-protocol=squid-2.5-basic (good). Next step I