Displaying 20 results from an estimated 77 matches for "readxls".
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2010 Dec 08
ReadWrite.xls problem
...home, but
have a problem
reading the Data from the file. I have installed and loaded the Package
xlsReadWrite so far.
I have also "Changed directory".
This is what I have entered
daten=read.xls("Daten A2")
This is my Error-Message in its German original:
Fehler in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Falsche Anzahl von Argumenten (11), erwarte 10 f?r ReadXls
This is my Error-Message in its english translation:
Error in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Wrong Number of Arguments (11), expect 10...
2017 Nov 17
Dataframe is character
Hi everybody,
Question: why are my dataframe and numeric variables a character?
I read an excel file via readxl but my dataframe is a character, and
numeric variables, eg "yi", are also a character.
My excelfile is in English numeric
Sometimes the dataframe was indeed a dataframe, but I do not know why it
did sometimes.
Thank you in advance, Roberto
PS I used "guess". The
2011 Aug 24
Importing data from MS EXCEL (.xls) to R XXXX
...function from the
xlsReadWrite package, however, I have been wrestling with it all afternoon
long with no success. I continue to receive the following error message:
> {widge<-read.xls("F:\\Classes\\Z1.Data\\stat.3010\\WidgeOne.xls",
+ colNames=TRUE,sheet=1)}
Error in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for 'ReadXls'
Any insight/suggestions/assistance is appreciated.
Thank you,
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2017 Nov 17
Dataframe is character
class("dat") is different from class(dat), which is what you actually want.
On 17-11-17, P. Roberto Bakker wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Question: why are my dataframe and numeric variables a character?
> I read an excel file via readxl but my dataframe is a character, and
> numeric variables, eg "yi", are also a character.
> My excelfile is in English
2012 Mar 15
Importing multiple worksheets from one Excle/ csv file into R
...; and created a 3 sheets
example (e.g. 3 sheets in one Excle file, saved at 'Z:/WORK_2012/Data/' on
my PC and is called 'test.xls' ) But my code failed to work.
Error in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for 'ReadXls'
By reading the error message I thought the error message trys to tell me
that I need to set some arguments, so I found all the arguments from
2016 Nov 18
problem with normalizePath()
>>>>> Evan Cortens <ecortens at mtroyal.ca>
>>>>> on Thu, 17 Nov 2016 15:51:03 -0700 writes:
> I wonder if this could be related to the issue that I
> submitted to bugzilla about two months ago? (
> https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17159)
> That is to say, could it be that it's treating the first
2016 Nov 30
problem with normalizePath()
I found this as well. At our institution, our home directories are on
network shares that are mapped to local drives. The default, it appears, is
to set the location for libraries (etc) to the network share name
(//computer//share/director/a/b/user) rather than the local drive mapping
(H:/). Given the issue with dir.create(), this means it's impossible to
install packages (since it tries to
2011 Jan 25
Importing xls from a http://
I know a lot of people asked similar questions like this. I have tried using
read.xls ()
Error in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for ReadXls
read.table or read.csv (Wrong table format)
odbcConnectExcel have problem with the URL
I want to import this excel file
(http://www.econ.yale.edu/~shiller/data/ie_data.xls) fro...
2012 Dec 04
error reading xlsm file with read.xls
...ile using read.xls.
I executed:
colNames = TRUE,
sheet = 1,
type = "data.frame",
from = 1,
rowNames = NA,
colClasses = "character",
checkNames = TRUE,
dateTime = "numeric",
naStrings = NA,
stringsAsFactors = F)
Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for 'ReadXls'
If I just write
It give me the same error.
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2017 Jul 30
How export data set (available in the package) from R?
I also suggest you Hadley's optimized package for interoperating xls
files with R:
2017 Sep 20
Keep on getting message errors when trying to install and load packages
Dear R friends,
I am currently using Windows 8, 64-bit operating system, x64-based
processor. I have installed R version 3.4.1 "Single Candle".
Also, I have several packages installed in this path:
Plus some other packages installed in this other path:
C:\Users\PaulBernal\Desktop\DESTOP FILES\R Books
2016 Nov 17
problem with normalizePath()
The packages "readxl" and "haven" (and possibly others) no longer access files on shared network drives. The problem appears to be in the normalizePath() function. The file can be read from a local drive or by functions that don't call normalizePath(). The error thrown is
Error: path[1]="\\Hzndhhsvf2/data/OCPH/EPI/BHSDM/Group/17.xls": The system cannot find the
2012 Dec 04
leer .xlsm con read.xls
colNames = TRUE,
sheet = 1,
type = "data.frame",
from = 1,
rowNames = NA,
colClasses = "character",
checkNames = TRUE,
dateTime = "numeric",
naStrings = NA,
stringsAsFactors = F)
Pero me da el siguiente error:
Error en .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for ''ReadXls''
Si utilizo directamente:
Me da el mismo error.
¿Cuál será el problema?
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2016 Nov 30
problem with normalizePath()
In researching another issue, I discovered a workaround: the network drive folder needs to be mapped to the local PC.
setwd("//Hzndhhsvf2/data/OCPH/EPI/BHSDM/Group/Michael Laviolette/Stat tools")
df1 <- readxl::read_excel("addrlist-4-MikeL.xls", 2) # fails, throws same error
df2 <- readxl::read_excel("Z:/Stat
2017 Jul 30
How export data set (available in the package) from R?
"Data set flchain available in the survival? package". ?How can?I get?it (from R)? as Excel file? Thanks!
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2011 Oct 11
help to ... import the data from Excel
Hi every one ,,,,
i have problem in R program to import the data from excel ,
I have done the following:
1. install.packages("xlsReadWrite")
2. library(xlsReadWrite)
3. z<- read.xls("ReadXls",LTS,colNames=FALSE,sheet,type,form,rowNames=FALSE)
and i got on the result:
Error in read.xls("ReadXls", LTS, colNames = FALSE, rowNames = FALSE) :
object 'LTS' not found
also i tried to done < data(LTS, package = "xlsReadWrite")
and we got on : Warning...
2017 Sep 21
Keep on getting message errors when trying to install and load packages
Dear Paul,
Maybe some of the packages were installed by a user with admin rights
and you are installing them with a user how has no admin rights. Thus
you have no rights to remove the files created by the admin user.
We made clear to our IT departement that they only may install R and
not additional packages. We also tell them to set the environment
variable R_LIBS_USER to C:/R/library and make
2017 Sep 21
Keep on getting message errors when trying to install and load packages
Hi Paul,
I recently ran into file path conflicts and found the following useful
(looks like you already know the answer to 1.):
1. Use .libPaths() to find where packages are being stored.
2. To change this path: Control Panel > search ?View advanced system
settings? > Environment Variables *button *>
a. *Edit* current R_LIBS_USER to new file path
b. *New*
2017 Sep 21
Keep on getting message errors when trying to install and load packages
Dear Leslie and Thierry,
Thank you so much for your kind and extremely valuable replies. Only one
doubt remains, which path do you think is the best option to store
downloaded packages? Should I set it up so that all installed packages are
in the same folder (path) that I installed R? Or can I simply set it up so
that all installed packages are stored in a different path?
Again, thank you guys
2023 Mar 31
Extraer texto de una columna en Excel
Muchas gracias Carlos, lo que quiero hacer es lo siguiente: extraer el
texto que hay entre textura/s hasta el punto final.
*Moderadamente profundos, bien drenados, de textura franco arenosa a franco
arcillo arenosa. Fertilidad natural media*
Lo que quiero extraer sería: *franco arenosa a franco arcillo arenosa *
Al final lo pude realizar de la siguiente manera:
df <-