Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "readimag".
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2009 Jul 10
Problem loading ReadImages package (and RGooglemaps)
Hello All
I have just tried to install the ReadImages packge in R but am getting an error message stating:
"This application has failedt to start because jpeg62.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
and at the R prompt this error message gets returned:
> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(al...
2009 Oct 20
Problem/anomalous behavior with image() function (and ReadImages?)
...malous white line running across the picture (either
horizontally or vertically). The line can
be removed by simply stretching the image frame a little in the
direction perpendicular to the anomalous line, or by maximizing the
image frame (tested under Fedora 10; Windows could not be
tested because ReadImages package does not load properly under
Windows/Vista, and rimage is not available for Windows).
It does not help to use x11(width=10,hight=10) before the call to
image() with the hope that the frame will already be
large enough: image() just draws a larger image with an
anomalous white line (which...
2013 Feb 21
package ReadImages
Dear all
I prepared some image processing routine which depended on package ReadImages. Basically I imported image to R, changed rgb to grayscale, normalised an image made some selections and changed to image by imagematrix.
Recently I learned that this package was removed from CRAN and can not be used in R 3.0.0.
What options I have now to import image to R, change it to graysca...
2009 Jun 15
display SVG, PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PPM in new plot frame
...# ---------------------------------
# package 'EBImage' is an image processing toolkit
# -- the package requires ImageMagick 6.2.4 or
# better
g <- system.file("images", "my.gif", package = "EBImage")
gif <- readImage(g)
# similarly for "my.png", "my.jpg", "my.ppm", and
# "my.tiff", depending on the capabilities of the
# 'ImageMagick' installation you have
# ---------------------------------
# package ...
2012 May 30
Automatically install package dependencies
...y. When I try to install I receive this message:
> install.packages("./RT4Bio_1.0.tar.gz",dependencies=TRUE)
Installing package(s) into '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
inferring 'repos = NULL' from the file name
ERROR: dependency 'ReadImages' is not available for package 'RT4Bio'
* removing '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/RT4Bio'
Mensagens de aviso perdidas:
In install.packages("./RT4Bio_1.0.tar.gz", dependencies = TRUE) :
installation of package './RT4Bio_1.0.tar.gz' had non-zero exit status...
2009 Jul 08
Análisis de imágenes en R
...ber si alguien tiene experiencia con el procesamiento de imágenes
(en formatos JPEG o PNG) en R y la búsqueda de similitudes / diferencias
entre ellas.
La idea de lo que me gustaría hacer es: tomar una imagen, cargarla en R y
luego analizar su estructura. Para las dos primeras tareas, la
libreria ReadImages en CRAN me ha sido útil, pero para la segunda, hasta
ahora no he encontrado ninguna aplicación. Este es un ejemplo tomado de la
libreria que menciono:
# install.packages("ReadImages")
par(mfrow = c(1,2) )
plot(logo, main = ''R-logo, formato origi...
2010 Sep 25
Help required
Is it possible to read jpeg files into R?
If yes please guide, Thanks.. I tried to search many time but failed to do.
Thankis in advance..
with Best Regards,
Malik Shahzad
Visiting Researcher
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Tokyo, Japan
Doctoral Student
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Bangkok, Thailand
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2011 Nov 23
REad bitmap files
Dear all,
I am looking for a function that can read a simple bmp file and return me a matrix with their corresponding values.
I have already looked in the packages
and also did apropos("image")
but I could not find something that can do something like that.
I have also tried the read.ftable but it also failed.
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2009 Jul 28
reading jpeg images?
...and Windows PCs. But while setting up a new
Windows machine yesterday, I see that rimage is regarded as orphaned, and no
Windows binary is available. I eventually found an old zip file for the
package, so I am not stuck, but I wonder what the right way is to go
forward. I did find the readimages package, but it also seemed problematic
to install on both Windows on Mac, requiring extra software that it was
itself unclear how to install.
Is there some simpler solution I should be looking at?
Are jpeg files so probematic I should be converting them to some other
format and...
2011 Oct 12
NOTE: unstated dependencies in examples
...files in this package, and AFAICS, every example uses
library or require for the
functions used; the DESCRIPTION file has the long list of Suggests,
which previously was sufficient
for packages used in examples.
Suggests: gtools, KernSmooth, maps, ggplot2, proto, grid, reshape, plyr,
lattice, ReadImages, car
But I have no way to find the .Rd file(s) that triggered this note.
What is the tool used in R CMD check to make this diagnosis? It would
be better
if this reported the .Rd file(s) that triggered this note.
Is it possible that this note could be specious?
Michael Friendl...
2010 Mar 24
help in matlab - r code
Dear list members,
I need to translate 3 lines of matlab code to R (a loop, to be specific),
and I don't know what would be the results in matlab or how to do it in R--
I don't realise if they are doing to the col, vector or what. if the results
are a vector or a value or a matrix :-(
Anyone with matlab, can run it and give me the result? Any ideias what am I
doing wrong?
The code is
2010 Apr 02
compare two fingerprint images
I wanted to compare two fingerprint images. How do you do with R?.
Is there a role for cross-correlation of images?
Juan Antonio Gil Pascual
Prof. Titular de M?todos de Investigaci?n en Educaci?n
correo: jgil at edu.uned.es
web: www.uned.es/personal/jgil
Fac. de Educaci?n
Dpto. MIDE I
P? Senda del Rey,7 desp.
2012 Apr 30
New package for morphology and smoothing in any number of dimensions: mmand
..."reportr" (also on CRAN), which is used for message reporting.
Owing to its more general, dimensionality-independent implementation,
mmand is a little slower than EBImage; but due to various performance
optimisations, run time is still very reasonable. For example:
> x <- EBImage::readImage(system.file("images", "shapes.png", package="EBImage"))
> k <- matrix(1,3,3)
> y1 <- EBImage::erode(x,k)
> y2 <- mmand::erode(x,k)
> identical(EBImage::imageData(y1),y2)
[1] TRUE
> system.time(for(i in 1:100) EBImage::closing(x,k))...
2012 Apr 30
New package for morphology and smoothing in any number of dimensions: mmand
..."reportr" (also on CRAN), which is used for message reporting.
Owing to its more general, dimensionality-independent implementation,
mmand is a little slower than EBImage; but due to various performance
optimisations, run time is still very reasonable. For example:
> x <- EBImage::readImage(system.file("images", "shapes.png", package="EBImage"))
> k <- matrix(1,3,3)
> y1 <- EBImage::erode(x,k)
> y2 <- mmand::erode(x,k)
> identical(EBImage::imageData(y1),y2)
[1] TRUE
> system.time(for(i in 1:100) EBImage::closing(x,k))...
2012 Nov 27
Plot from a jpeg
Hi all,
I know that I can for instance draw to plots in one using
Imagine I have 3 files:
Anyone knows if I can read them and put on one colum and three rows reading
directly from the jpeg file?
Many Thanks
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2012 Dec 07
inserting jpg
I?m trying to insert 8 jpg files with the main moon phases in a plot using read.image. My code:
## Images
c1 = read.jpeg( '1c.jpg' )
c2 = read.jpeg( '2c.jpg' )
c3 = read.jpeg( '3c.jpg' )
d1 = read.jpeg( '1d.jpg' )
d2 = read.jpeg( '2d.jpg' )
d3 = read.jpeg( '3d.jpg' )
f = read.jpeg( 'f.jpg')
n = read.jpeg( 'n.jpg' )
## Conditions:...
2009 Aug 17
Paperclip: processor proc not firing
I''m mimicking an actual upload to stay as close to the real web
interaction as possible.
It bombs with (making the test fail):
identify: no decode delegate for this image format `/var/folders/uQ/
uQCnby5GHUOu0O+CzWEVmk+++TI/-Tmp-/stream.6150.4'' @ constitute.c/
So for some reason it''s still using ImageMagick to process the
attachment, even though I even explicitely set the "video?" instance
method to always return true (which should make it fail for normal
image files, but even that it doesn''t).
Inspecting the ass...
2009 Feb 17
Problems in Compiling MFC
warning: In non-MFC projects, winemaker replaces the MFC specific header 'afxres.h' with 'winres.h'
warning: the above warning is issued only once
Generating project files...
2) when the "make" command is given, this is how the ou...
2008 Dec 10
read.*: How to read from a URL?
The question is how to use a URL in place of a file= argument for
read.*.functions that do
not support this internally.
e.g., utils::read.table() and her family all support a file= argument
that can take a URL
equally well as a local file. So, if I have a file on the web, I can
equally well do
> langren <- read.csv("langrens.csv", header=TRUE)
> langren <-
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* disclapmix (0.1)
Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen
Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen
License: GPL-2
disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace
distributions using the EM algorithm.
* EstSimPDMP (1.1)
Maintainer: Unknown