Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1108 matches for "reaction".
2009 Dec 01
LMER: How to specify Random Effects
I saw different specifications for Random Effects and I'm confused about
the use of "/" and the use of "(0+...|)" .
Let say we have a nested structure where some countries have some
several plants in different states and we measure the reaction to a drug.
The list of Countries = USA, France, Italy
The States for USA = Michigan, Florida, California
The States for France = Paris, Orleans
The States for Italy = Venezia, Sienna, Florence, Rome, Napoli , Sicilia
Plants were classified as High and Low
is this the way to specify a possible...
2006 Nov 22
consider p as random effect with 5 levels, what is difference between these
two models?
> p5.random.p <- lmer(Y
> p5.random.p1 <- lmer(Y
Aimin Yan
2006 Oct 18
lmer- why do AIC, BIC, loglik change?
Hi all,
I am having issues comparing models with lmer. As an example, when
I run the code below the model summaries (AIC, BIC, loglik) differ between
the summary() and anova() commands. Can anyone clear up what's wrong?
Thank you!
Darren Ward
fm1<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy)
fm2<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
anova(fm1, fm2)
Sample output:
> summary(fm1)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject)
Data: sleepstudy
AIC BIC logLik MLdevian...
2013 Apr 25
Regarding Modeling - Please! QUICK HELP
I'm a student currently working with the *sleepstudy* dataset in
matrix.pkg. It deals with the reaction times of sleep deprived students
over a period of days.
I am trying to model reaction times in order to describe the variation
between students by days they havent slept.
This is what I'm running in R, but unfortunately I'm missing something:
> logmod11 <- lmer(log(Reaction) ~ (Su...
2010 Feb 20
Contingency Table - output to odfWeave not working for matrix
...but it seems to get stuck for no obvious reason! I am trying to set a report up in odfWeave so that we can re-run the same analysis at 3 time points as the data matures and provide an 'instant' report.
To simplify the situation we have two pieces of data: site_id (numerical value 1-9) and reaction (categorical Y or N).
mydata$site_id = rep(1:9, 15)
mydata$reaction = rep(c("Y","N","N","Y","N"),27)
until now I've simply used the command:
with (mydata, table (site_id, reaction))
to give me a 'table' that looks...
2007 Jul 22
using R for a reaction-time experiment
I want to use R to run a reaction-time experiment: Something appears on the
screen, I respond by typing something (one keystroke), the system measures
the speed of my response. R would be great for this if only I didn't have to
hit Enter to enter that keystroke. I am doing such experiments now but they
require two actions per t...
2008 Mar 07
Re action Time and Time Series Analysis
I need to analyse reaction time.
The general idea might be described as this: There are 8x8 circles. My
program light a circle at one time. The subject then click the lighted
circled as fast as possible. After the correct circle is clicked, then the
next circle will be lighted for the subject to click on, and so on.
My que...
2008 Mar 26
generating a paired t-test with multiple levels of a factor
I have been trying to run this analysis and finally want to ask for help.
I am trying to run a paired t-test in which I have 19 subjects who have
reaction times for 5 different conditions. The data frame has 114 rows
total (6 rows for each subject representing six average reaction times by
condition). Is there a way to run all paired t-tests where a paired t-test
is run for every possible combination?
103cou 778 498.6250
104 nyc...
2008 Aug 20
bug in lme4?
Dear all,
I found a problem with 'lme4'. Basically, once you load the package 'aod' (Analysis of Overdispersed Data), the functions 'lmer' and 'glmer' don't work anymore:
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
(gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
family = binomial, data = cbpp))
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
(gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incide...
2013 Aug 28
named lmer.models in do.call(anova,models)
For some reason do.call on anova fails if the models are named lmer objects.
Consider the following example:
models <- list(
lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1| Subject), sleepstudy),
lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy))
# models is an unnamed list, do.call works (although with warning):
do.call(anova, models)
# after labeling the models, do.call gives an error:
names(models) <- c("randomIC", "randomS...
2012 Jul 08
Extracting arithmetic mean for specific values from multiple .txt-files
I'm coming straight to the point:
I have 65 .txt-Files named "XYZ_1.txt" to "XYZ_65.txt" (each number
represents a test subject).
I have to open them in Microsoft Excel to see the exact structure.
In each of those .txt-files there are reaction time values (in milliseconds)
from line 15, column H to line 166, column H for each test subject (and a
couple of other data in the other colums of course).
My problem is, that I only need the arithmetic mean for all of these
reaction times per test subject.
--> Again: I have 65 test subjects...
2018 Jun 18
Bug-closing protocol
Hi all,
First of all, I'm sorry to create a separate thread on the mailing list, I
have disabled all mails from it.
I just read the thread about the bug closing protocol thanks to LLVMWeekly.
I've noticed a lot of reactions from people involved with the solving part
of the bugs. So I'm putting out the loggers point of view. (Or at least
I'm totally in favor of getting relevant information when a bug gets
closed. Over the last couple of years, I've logged several bugs, of which a
couple of clang-cl...
2016 Sep 05
11.0 stuck on high network load
On 09/05/16 at 12:57P, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
> I am try using 11.0 on Dual E5-2620 (no X2APIC).
> Under high network load and may be addtional conditional system go to
> unresponsible state -- no reaction to network and console (USB IPMI
> emulation). INVARIANTS give to high overhad. Is this exist some way to
> debug this?
Can you panic it from console to get to db> to get backtrace and other
info when it goes unresponsive?
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text...
2010 Jul 16
Creating symbolic expressions in R
...h aren't really important) to structure a vector
of rate equation which will be passed into an ODE function and solved
with associated functions from 'deSolve.' Roughly what this entails
is scanning through a very large stoichiometric matrix containing
integers which map metabolites to reactions and then assembling a
series of monomials that describe the rates of the reactions. I'm
running into trouble because R does not like doing numerical
operations on characters, but I need the rate to be in symbolic form.
Below I've described an example.
The input is a matrix like this one,...
2006 Sep 07
Conservative "ANOVA tables" in lmer
Dear lmer-ers,
My thanks for all of you who are sharing your trials and tribulations
I was hoping to elicit some feedback on my thoughts on denominator
degrees of freedom for F ratios in mixed models. These thoughts and
practices result from my reading of previous postings by Doug Bates
and others.
- I start by assuming that the appropriate denominator degrees lies
between n
2010 Nov 01
Mean and individual growth curve trajectories
...stand how to plot individual growth curve trajectories,
with the overall mean trajectory superimposed (preferably in a slightly
thicker line, maybe in black) over the individual trajectories. Using the
sleepstudy data in lme4, here is the code I have so far:
xyplot(Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy, group = Subject, type = 'l')
This plot produces the individual growth curves nicely, but I'd like to be
able to plot the mean for each day (averaged over subjects) on top of this
Many thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
View this me...
2010 Feb 08
question about multi ups monitoring and reactions with nut
Hash: SHA1
Hello everybody,
I have a Debian network server doing monitoring for three UPS devices.
> MONITOR r3000xr at localhost 1 monuser xxxxxxxxxx master
> MONITOR apcups01 at localhost 1 monuser xxxxxxxxx monitor-only
> MONITOR apcups02 at localhost 1 monuser xxxxxxxxx monitor-only
I want nut to send an email to root for every changes nut
2011 Nov 29
Single Variable mlogit formatting
...'m trying to run a mlogit regression on my data, and have been unsuccessful
so far. The data I am working with consist of many observations of how
people react when given a certain number. I have just 2 data points per
observation: a number (there are ~300 different possible numbers) and then a
reaction (either 0, 1, or 2). The reactions are mutually exclusive and
I am trying to devise models that can estimate the probability of the
reactions given the number. However, I don't seem to be able to run the
mlogit command on my data (mlogit.data() works fine). I've read through mu...
2003 Oct 29
Different SAMBA reaction about file permissions
How come am I not able to delete this "aquila_test/toto2" file from our
"data" (see smb.conf below) directory but can delete it (different copy but
same permissions and owners/groups) from our "home" (see smb.conf below)
directory from a "Windows 2000" PC using samba ( we don`t have this
problem when doing unix commands)
File is on a SUN SunOS 5.8 server
2007 Jan 30
No reaction from memcached
I''ve been following the instructions here http://nubyonrails.com/
articles/read/716 on how to get started with memcached.
Starting up ./script/console production I get at couple of deprecation
./script/console production
Loading production environment.
DEPRECATION WARNING: model is deprecated and will be removed from
Rails 2.0 See