Displaying 20 results from an estimated 51 matches for "re2".
Did you mean:
2012 Nov 16
Split data frame and create a new column
I need to split a data frame into 3 columns. The column I want to split
contains indices of lag (prefix L1 or L2 and suffix 01, 03, 04), station
name (shown in the sample data as capitalized G, P and S) and pollutant
name. Names with no ?L? prefix or 01/04 suffix are lag 0. Lag 01 is average
of lag 0 and 1, and 04 is average of 0 to 4 days. How can one do that in R?
I will ignore the other
2008 Oct 01
xpred.rpart() in library(mvpart)
...t;- c(1,8,2,7,4,3,1,2,2,8)
data1 <- data.frame(x1=xx1, x2=xx2, x3=xx3, y=yy)
rpart.out1 <- rpart(y~., data=data1)
re1 <- rpart.out1$cptable[,"rel error"]
xmat <- xpred.rpart(rpart.out1)
xerr <- (xmat - yy)^2
re2 <- apply(xerr, 2, sum)/var(yy)
The result is:
1 2 3
1.00000000 0.08891993 0.03258845
0.72777002 0.16019126 0.02373425
11.11111 14.32524 13.12762
Apparently, "re1" is not close to...
2007 Feb 13
RE2: Suddenly "Subscript out of bounds"
If you tell me how to update R itself automatically, I will go for your
I am not aware of any method to do it...
2012 Feb 13
MCMCglmm with cross-classified random effects
Dear R-users,
I would like to fit a glmm with cross-classified random effects with
the function MCMCglmm. Something along the lines:
model1<-MCMCglmm(response~pred1, random=~re1+re2, data=data)
where re1 and re2 should be crossed random effects. I was wondering
whether you could tell me specifying cross-classified random effects
in MCMCglmm requires a particular syntax? Are there any examples
somewhere? I have had a look at the manual and the package vignette,
but I have not...
2005 Aug 04
Where the error message comes from?
...COST #
ac2 <- anova(lm(c~g,d2))
rc2 <- (ac2[1,3]-ac2[2,3])/(ac2[1,3]+(m-1)*ac2[2,3])
if (rc2 < 0) rc2 <- 0
vc2 <- var(d2[,2])
mc2 <- as.vector(by(d2[,2],as.numeric(d2[,1]),mean))
vc2m <- vc2*(1+(m-1)*rc2)/(k*m)
ae2 <- anova(lm(e~g,d2))
re2 <- (ae2[1,3]-ae2[2,3])/(ae2[1,3]+(m-1)*ae2[2,3])
if (re2 < 0) re2 <- 0
ve2 <- var(d2[,3])
me2 <- as.vector(by(d2[,3],as.numeric(d2[,1]),mean))
re2p <- 1- m*sum(me2*(1-me2))/(k*(m-1)*mean(me2)*(1-mean(me2)))
ve2m <- ve2*(1+(m-1)*re2)/(k*m)
## Combining and...
2003 Aug 08
Re2: Problem -ATA-711-723-Oh323-Asterisk(BACKTRACK INFO]
Hello Michael,
Here is the BackTrace of the program which i forgot
to attach
BACKTRACE OF Asterisk -vvc
#0 0x42074d60 in _int_realloc () from
#1 0x420738c4 in realloc () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#2 0x47c7da89 in PAbstractArray::SetSize(int) () from
#3 0x47c7cf4d in PContainer::SetMinSize(int) () from
2006 Feb 11
Spammers on the mailing list?
Support Staff
full headers
>From Brian Trudeau Wed Feb 8 12:59:24 2006
X-Apparently-To: jim_smith2006 at yahoo.com via; Wed, 08
Feb 2006 12:59:25 -0800
X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: <brian.trudeau at eastek-intl.com>
Authentication-Results: mta225.mail.re2.yahoo.com
from=eastek-intl.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO mail.eastek-intl.com)
( by mta225.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Wed, 08 Feb
2006 12:59:25 -0800
Received: (qmail 5479 invoked by uid 89); 8 Feb 2006 21:00:18 -0000
Received: by simscan 1.1.0 p...
2006 Aug 31
Postfix won't relay after update to CentOS 4.4
.../us/mail/pop/pop-11.html (in reply to MAIL
FROM command))
Just in case the ISP had done something, I manually tested
authenticating to the ISP's mail server, and it worked just fine:
Connected to smtp.broadband.rogers.com (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 smtp105.rog.mail.re2.yahoo.com ESMTP
ehlo krs
AUTH PLAIN blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah
235 ok, go ahead (#2.0.0)
So, the problem is on the Postfix end. I must assume something in the
Postfix update broke my setup, but...
2017 Sep 20
[PATCH 0/4] Replace some uses of the Str module with PCRE.
Str is a pretty ugly regexp module. Let's try to replace it with
PCRE. This series of commits goes some small way towards that
eventual goal.
- - -
I wonder if there was a deep reason why we had this?
let unix2dos s =
String.concat "\r\n" (Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string "\n") s)
I replaced it with what I think should be (nearly) equivalent:
let unix2dos s =
2017 Sep 22
[PATCH v3 02/22] common/mlpcre: Add PCRE.subi to return indexes instead of the substring.
...eprintf " %s\n%!" r;
+let subi i =
+ eprintf "PCRE.subi %d ->%!" i;
+ let i1, i2 = PCRE.subi i in
+ eprintf " (%d, %d)\n%!" i1 i2;
+ (i1, i2)
let () =
let re0 = compile "a+b" in
@@ -62,19 +68,26 @@ let () =
assert (matches re2 "ccac" = true);
assert (sub 1 = "a");
assert (sub 2 = "");
- assert (sub 0 = "a")
+ assert (sub 0 = "a");
+ assert (subi 0 = (2, 3));
+ assert (subi 1 = (2, 3));
+ assert (subi 2 = (3, 3))
| Not_found ->...
2007 Sep 18
hi all,
I want to move some routing tasks out of the router and into the
controller. The goal is to make Merb feel less like mod_rewrite and
give the user more control at the controller. The new Router is
simple: it takes the path_info (not the whole request) then outputs a
controller class and some parameters from the path matching. The rest
of the routing would be done at the controller level.
2008 Jan 02
Invalid extensions
Hi all
First I want to wish for everone a happy new year...
I have run asterisk in a server.
I have this IVR, in extensions.conf:
;exten => s, 1, Wait,1
exten => s, 1, Answer()
exten => s, n, Noop()
exten => s, n(debug),DumpChan()
exten => s, n, Set(LANGUAGE()=pt_BR)
exten => s, n,
exten => s,
2017 Sep 22
[PATCH v3 01/22] common/mlpcre: Raise Invalid_argument if PCRE.sub n parameter is negative.
+++ b/common/mlpcre/pcre_tests.ml
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ let () =
| PCRE.Error (msg, code) ->
failwith (sprintf "PCRE error: %s (PCRE error code %d)" msg code)
+(* Run some out of range [sub] calls to ensure an exception is thrown. *)
+let () =
+ let re2 = compile "(a+)(b*)" in
+ ignore (matches re2 "ccac");
+ (try ignore (sub 3) with Not_found -> ());
+ (try ignore (sub (-1)) with Invalid_argument _ -> ())
(* Compile some bad regexps and check that an exception is thrown.
* It would be nice to check the error mess...
2007 Apr 04
sun x2100 gmirror problem
...T_FOUND> LBA=612960533
Apr 1 02:12:05 x2100 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Request failed (error=5).
ad6[WRITE(offset=313835792896, length=4096)]
Apr 1 02:12:05 x2100 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: provider ad6
Normally it looks like a disk error, but I think our half year old disks
(WD RE2) shouldn't fail after this short time. Of course they have moving
parts so they MAY fail. :( Yesterday I tried to reinit the sata channel
and insert the disk back into the mirror. I got this:
Apr 3 23:00:32 x2100 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: provider ad6 detected.
Apr 3 23:00:32 x2100 ke...
2008 Aug 05
Dovecot sieve plugin reject not working
Aug 5 08:46:09 mail2.engr.colostate.edu postfix/smtpd[11000]: [ID
197553 mail.i
nfo] CBD4059982: client=pace.acns.colostate.edu[]
Aug 5 08:46:09 mail2.engr.colostate.edu postfix/cleanup[11016]: [ID
197553 mail
.info] CBD4059982: message-id=<609785.52970.qm at web52402.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Aug 5 08:46:09 mail2.engr.colostate.edu postfix/smtpd[11000]: [ID
197553 mail.i
nfo] disconnect from pace.acns.colostate.edu[]
Aug 5 08:46:09 mail2.engr.colostate.edu postfix/qmgr[23653]: [ID 197553
fo] CBD4059982: from=<someaccount at yahoo.com>, size=17...
2017 Sep 21
[PATCH v2 00/18] Replace many more uses of the Str module with PCRE.
v1 was here:
This is a more complete evolution of the earlier patch. It replaces
most important uses of Str with PCRE throughout the code. It also
extends the bindings with some useful features like case-insensitive
The main places I *didn't* touch are the generator (GObject uses Str
extensively); and
2010 Jun 29
ZFS on Caviar Blue (Hard Drive Recommendations)
Hi list,
I googled around but couldn''t find anything on whether someone has
good or bad experiences with the Caviar *Blue* drives? I saw in the
archives Caviar Blacks are *not* recommended for ZFS arrays (excluding
apparently RE3 and RE4?). Specifically I''m looking to buy Western
Digital Caviar Blue WD10EALS 1TB drives [1]. Does anyone have any
experience with these drives?
2009 Jun 03
CentOS 5.3 SuperMicro x7sbi AHCI
drive does not blink,
but all others do including spares. These boards use the Intel ICH9R
chipset. AHCI is enabled.
When AHCI is disabled, drives stop blinking, but drives are then
detected as hda,hdb,etc. and
server takes a huge performance hit.
All Servers have Western Digital SATAII 320G RE2 Drives.
So far:
I have reloaded Kernels
Tried CentOS plus Kernels
Flashed the Bios
Replaced Backplane
The funny thing is, not all servers are affected. If anyone has any
ideas or could just point me in the right
direction, it would be extremely appreciated. It's an annoyance more
than anyth...
2009 Aug 04
Yum - which repo did a package come from
i have installed mailscanner, spamassassin, etc on my machine. This was done sometime ago. Some of these rpms i got not frm centos repos.
What command ( or yum command ) can i use to find out which repo did this installled package come from.
yum info packagename just says;
repo : installed
i was hoping for something like repo:rpmforge or something similiar. i have these 3 rpms
2017 Sep 22
[PATCH v3 00/22] Replace almost all uses of the Str module with PCRE.
v3 is almost identical to v2, but I have added 4 extra commits to
almost finish the job of replacing Str everywhere possible (note it's
not possible to replace Str in common/mlstdutils or the generator
because those are pure OCaml).