search for: ratness

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 551 matches for "ratness".

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2006 Aug 30
lmer applied to a wellknown (?) example
Dear all, During my pre-R era I tried (yes, tried) to understand mixed models by working through the 'rat example' in Sokal and Rohlfs Biometry (2000) 3ed p 288-292. The same example was later used by Crawley (2002) in his Statistical Computing p 363-373 and I have seen the same data being used elsewhere in the litterature. Because this example is so thoroughly described, I thought
2008 Apr 04
lme4: How to specify nested factors, meaning of : and %in%
Hello list, I'm trying to figure out how exactly the specification of nested random effects works in the lmer function of lme4. To give a concrete example, consider the rat-liver dataset from the R book (rats.txt from: ). Crawley suggests to analyze this data in the following way: library(lme4) attach(rats) Treatment <-
2003 Mar 21
Trying to make a nested lme analysis
Hi, I''m trying to understand the lme output and procedure. I''m using the Crawley''s book. I''m try to analyse the rats example take from Sokal and Rohlf (1995). I make a nested analysis using aov following the book. > summary(rats) Glycogen Treatment Rat Liver Min. :125.0 Min. :1 Min. :1.0 Min. :1 1st Qu.:135.8
2005 Sep 07
FW: Re: Doubt about nested aov output
Ronaldo, Further to my previous posting on your Glycogen nested aov model. Having read Douglas Bates' response and Reflected on his lmer analysis output of your aov nested model example as given.The Glycogen treatment has to be a Fixed Effect.If a 'treatment' isn't a Fixed Effect what is ? If Douglas Bates' lmer model is modified to treat Glycogen Treatment as a purely
2005 Feb 10
rats in survival package
Dear R-listers, Does anybody know what is the correct source of "rats" dataset in survival package? The help gives the following information: Rat data from survival5 Description: 48 rats were injected with a carcinogen, and then randomized to either drug or placebo. The number of tumors ranges from 0 to 13; all rats were censored at 6 months after randomization.
2003 Feb 13
fixed and random effects in lme
Hi All, I would like to ask a question on fixed and random effecti in lme. I am fiddlying around Mick Crawley dataset "rats" : The advantage is that most work is already done in Crawley's book (page 361 onwards) so I can check what I am doing. I am tryg to reproduce the nested analysis on page 368:
2010 Aug 22
coxme AIC score and p-value mismatch??
Hi, I am new to R and AIC scores but what I get from coxme seems wrong. The AIC score increases as p-values decrease. Since lower AIC scores mean better models and lower p-values mean stronger effects or differences then shouldn't they change in the same direction? I found this happens with the data set rats as well as my own data. Below is the output for two models constructed with the rats
2005 Sep 08
FW: Re: Doubt about nested aov output
Your response nicely clarifies a question that I've had for a long time, but which I've dealt with by giving each subject a unique label. Unless I'm missing something, both techniques should work as the toy example below gives exactly the same output in all 3 cases below (forgetting about the convergence problem). Would there be a reason to prefer labeling the levels one way or
2010 Apr 18
plotting pca of samples in different colors
Hi! All, I am working on a dataset 'rat' with dimension 20500x363. I have calculated pca of samples (columns). Now I am trying to plot first two principle components with specified columns in different color. I have done following so far: > dim(rat) [1] 20500 363 >#specifying columns to be colored in red >
2007 Dec 20
hierarchical linear models, mixed models and lme
Dear R-users, I am trying to analyse the data of the box 10.5 in the Biometry from Sokal and Rohlf (2001) using R. This is a three-level nested anova with equal sample size : 3 different treatments are compared ; 2 rats (coded 1 or 2) / treatment are studied ; 3 preparations (coded 1, 2 or 3) / rats are available ; 2 readings of the glycogen content / preparations are realised. Treatment is
2010 Oct 04
Plot for Binomial GLM
Hi i would like to use some graphs or tables to explore the data and make some sensible guesses of what to expect to see in a glm model to assess if toxin concentration and sex have a relationship with the kill rate of rats. But i cant seem to work it out as i have two predictor variables~help?Thanks.:) Here's my data. >
2008 Jul 31
Identifying common prefixes from a vector of words, and delete those prefixes
For example, c("", "", ""). How can I identify the common prefix is "" and delete it to give c("dog", "cat", "rat") ? Thanks _________________________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 20
Bayesian mixing model
Fellow R users, I'm using the BCE {BCE} function to run a Bayesian sediment mixing model. The aim is to find the optimum % contribution from each of the 4 source areas that can yield the target geochemistry. I have geochemistry for 4 source areas called Rat: Rat<-read.table(text="CaO MgO Na2O Al2O3 Topsoils 2.511250 0.7445500 0.7085500 14.10375 ChannelBanks
2012 May 19
Loading the stupid dataset--help!!!
I am using the following: library(RODBC) chan = odbcConnectExcel("rats-lda") rats.lda = sqlFetch(chan, "data") close(chan) And getting the following error message: > library(RODBC) Error in library(RODBC) : there is no package called ?RODBC? > chan = odbcConnectExcel("rats-lda") Error: could not find function "odbcConnectExcel" > rats.lda =
2006 Aug 02
Finding the position of a variable in a data.frame
Simple problem but I don't see the answer. I'm trying to clean up some data I have 120 columns in a data.frame. I have one value in a column named "blaw" that I want to change. How do I find the coordinates. I can find the row by doing a subset on the data.frame but how do I find out here "blaw " is in columns without manually counting them or converting names(Df) to a
2010 Jul 08
Hi, I have taken one microarray experiment and trying to implement same statistical measures what they have done.I have taken datasets from GEO platform with accession number GSE1557. In the experiment,about half of double transgenic rats (dTGR) over-expressing the human renin and angiotensinogen genes die by age 7 weeks of terminal heart failure (THF); the other (preterminal) half develops
2009 Mar 09
bug of *switch* function
Hi, When I call the *switch* function first time, it works. but when I call it at the second time, it does nothing. The version I use is R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-02-21 r47969) here is the output: > organism="human" > species <- switch(organism, human <- "Hs", fly <- "Dm", mouse <-
2007 Jan 26
[BioC] problem with biomaRt getHomolog function
Steffen, When the new biomaRt tries to load it errors out because I do not have RMySQL installed. There is not a Windows binary for RMySQL and it does contain C code that I do not know how to build. I do not use the MySQL option in biomaRt. Does RMySQL need to be a required dependency? Below is my screen output and sessionINfo. require(biomaRt) Loading required package: biomaRt Loading required
2006 Mar 13
Error Message from Variogram.lme Example
When I try to run the example from Variogram with an lme object, I get an error (although summary works): R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812) ISBN 3-900051-07-0 ... > fm1 <- lme(weight ~ Time * Diet, BodyWeight, ~ Time | Rat) Error: couldn't find function "lme" > Variogram(fm1, form = ~ Time | Rat, nint =
2006 Mar 06
P-values from survreg (survival package) using a clusterterm
Hi all. Belove is the example from the cluster-help page wtih the output. I simply cannot figure out how to relate the estimate and robust Std. Err to the p-value. I am aware this a marginal model applying the sandwich estimator using (here I guess) an emperical (unstructered/exchangeable?) ICC. Shouldent it be, at least to some extend, comparable to the robust z-test, for rx :